
Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife

[LMD Status: Completed] [LMD 2: The Taste of Love Status: Ongoing] “You’re not taking me to bed. Ever.” “Who said it had to be on the bed?” “What?! You wouldn’t dare kick me off the bed, and I will not share it with you!” “The only reason I would force you out is so I can have you on the floor.” She gritted her teeth and glared at her grinning husband. “Go fuck yourself!” she hissed. “Only if you show me how,” he winked back. Once the tabloids released an article claiming business tycoon Shen Yi was gay, his family forced him to date and seek a relationship to stave off the false accusations. After many failed encounters, Shen Yi came upon Lu Xinyi. Orphaned since childhood, Lu Xinyi had no safe haven left the moment her boyfriend and her best friend betrayed her. Losing her only treasures left, she felt like dying inside as soon as she boarded that ship. However, after a week-long cruise with Shen Yi, she struck a deal with him. Now the Young Madam of the most powerful Shen family, Lu Xinyi turned into a better version of herself. She would not only fight back against those who had hurt her, but she had also taken a shot at accomplishing her father's broken dream. Attending the country's most prestigious culinary school, Silver Leaf Academy, Lu Xinyi was compelled to compete not only for herself but also for her husband’s pride. Through Shen Yi's love and support, she dreamed to emerge victorious one assault after another from a family that she had long abandoned. Oh, but love for food can be a dangerous thing! As Lu Xinyi and her friends struggle to survive the competition and schemes, more and greater challenges await her, putting her love (for food and Shen Yi) to the test. Little Miss Devil 2: The Taste of Love Despite inheriting the same absolute tongue her mother and maternal grandfather possessed, Shen Lingqing had chosen a different path and followed her father’s footsteps into the business world. “Such a waste of talent!” Chef He grumbled to himself and sulked in a corner, failing to convince the Shen princess to become his apprentice. “Cooking and preparing food is too tiresome. I would rather sit down and eat all the delicious food in the world.” She said in defense. On the other hand, the once prince of the Liu Empire, Liu Jinfei, lost everything when his uncle plotted against his family to overtake their family business. Manipulated by his wicked uncle, making him believe that he was the one responsible for his father’s death, young Liu Jinfei fled into exile. Living quietly as a commoner, Liu Jinfei pursued his dream to become the best chef in his generation. Several years later, the exiled young prince and the Shen demon princess crossed paths. In order for Shen Lingqing to win the final challenge her father set for her before she could qualify to inherit their family business, she made a deal with Liu Jinfei. What’s this deal? Why did she need it? Find out how these two unlikely characters got together and embark on a deliciously delectable adventure! --------------------- Little Miss Series (1) Little Miss Devil: The President's Mischievous Wife (completed) (1.2) Little Miss Devil 2: The Taste of Love (2) Little Miss Witch: Revenge of the Tainted Angel (completed) (3) Little Miss Sunshine: Conquer the Emperor's Heart (4) Little Miss Trouble: The Emperor's Rebellious Consort (5) Little Miss Heiress: The 30 Days Free Trial Lover (6) Little Miss Fae: Banshee in the Modern World (7) Little Miss Immortal: The Nine-Tailed Imperial Consort Official Website: https://www.anjeeriku.com/ Join our discussion on discord: https://discord.gg/DjFUwGK Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/anjeeriku Donations: paypal.me/anjeeriku Follow me: facebook.com/anjeeriku instagram.com/anjeeriku Little Miss Devil Book Cover by Bizzybiin/ copyright 2019 anjeeriku

anjeeriku · 都市
734 Chs

Into the Doghouse, You Go

She was already drunk, and Shen Yi didn't know how to deal with her. Ever since they made a deal, they both agreed that she will stay with him until their vacation ends, but that didn't mean they had to share his suite. They decided to start being familiar with each other so people wouldn't doubt their sudden marriage.

Shen Yi turned his head, looked at her, and frowned. Fortunately, he wasn't as drunk as she was, or else they would have a hard time tonight.

"You're drunk. Let's call it a night."

"Noooooooo." Lu Xinyi sobbed, "tell me, Shen Yi, am I not pretty? Am I really that ugly? Why did he toy with my feelings?"

He groaned. This was why he refused to associate himself with women. They tend to be an emotional wreck at any given time, but he couldn't just leave her here, right?

"No, who said you're ugly? It's not your fault that he found someone else. The only mistake you did wasn't loving him too much, but staying too long with someone who never saw your worth."

"Then he's the real stupid!" She burped again, putting a hand over her mouth, and Shen Yi prayed to all deities that she wouldn't vomit on him. He squinted his eyes on her.

"That was so sad."


"He was my first boyfriend, and she was my best friend, you know."


Her tears gushed again, and Shen Yi was almost at his limit. She looked like an abandoned kitten crying for help.

Shen Yi handed her a napkin. She loudly blew her nose before resuming her crying. She put her face against her elbow and cried harder.

"Hey," the bartender came over and took their drinks away from Lu Xinyi. "Your girlfriend had enough alcohol for tonight. Take her somewhere else."

"He's not my boyfriend, you idiot! He's my husband…" she paused as she realized they haven't gotten married yet, "and I'm sad and lonely, you jerk!"

The bartender gaped at her. Then why the hell was she crying about her ex-boyfriend in front of her husband? He stared at Shen Yi in disbelief.

"Too much alcohol, remember?"

Shen Yi stood up and pulled Lu Xinyi to her feet.

"It would be best if we went back to our suite, my love."

He got her to her feet, and together, they stumbled out of the bar. Luckily, the stairs were near the bar so they only needed to take it to arrive at his private suite. Shen Yi was one step ahead of her as he helped her with each of their steps. He suddenly jolted up when he felt a hand on his ass.

"Did you just grope me?" he blinked.

"Hmmm…." she nodded.

"What's that for?"

"It's a silent rule for girlfriends to grope their boyfriend's ass when they're climbing the stairs ahead of us."

"...." He would never understand her logic while under the influence of alcohol.

"But I'm not your boyfriend," he reminded her.

"Doesn't matter. I'm tireeeeed."

They arrived at his front door, and he blindly searched for his keys in his coat. He inserted the key and unlocked the door. Lu Xinyi came in before him and stumbled on his carpeted floor.


Shen Yi extended a hand to help her up, but instead, she grabbed it and pulled him down with her. He grunted as he fell on top of her before rolling on her side. He was tired and exhausted.

"You're not allowed to drink or taste alcohol ever again," he told her.

Lu Xinyi hummed in agreement. She shouldn't have drunk too much, but she was very lonely and she needed to let out her frustrations. If Shen Yi wasn't with her, she would never let her guard down. She turned on her side to face him and combed his hair with her fingers, surprising him.

"Husband, why so handsome?" She then poked his ribs, and he flinched on her touch.


"You're toned, and your shoulders are so wideeeee…." and then patted his left shoulder.

"You don't like it?" He touched her arm.

Lu Xinyi closed her eyes. She felt so sleepy and exhausted, but she fought hard to stay awake so she could move on the bed. Forcing herself to get up with Shen Yi's help, she went to his bedroom and started removing her shoes.

"I'm taking the bed. You sleep somewhere else," she said.

"What?" Shen Yi stared at her. She's kicking him out of his own bed? "Where am I going to sleep then? Can't we share the bed?"

"Naa-ahh," she shook a finger at him. "You got a nice couch over there. That will suit you." Lu Xinyi said before throwing herself on his comfy bed. Ah, this was so much better than her own bed. She opened an eye and noticed that he was still standing beside the bed.

"Off you go, hubby. Into the doghouse, you go." she murmured before letting herself succumb into her sleep.

Shen Yi was frozen on his spot. He couldn't believe what she said to him. Was this her way to get back on him? They're not yet married, and she was already sending him to the doghouse?

Hello, my dear readers. As a reward for your votes to make this novel break into top 50, there would be a mass release of 10 chapters tomorrow for this novel and PS I'm (not) Over You.

If you want another set of mass release, you know what you need to do. ;) Break that top 20 next week.

PS: After tomorrow's release, I'll go into seclusion this weekend to write more chapters so don't expect an update for my novels. Thank you.

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