

Isbella pov

The leaves crunched begind me.

Shit, was the only thing running through my mind. I pushed off the tree and took off running again dodging trees.

But the footsteps behind me only grew louder.

Suddenly my book bag was ripped off my back but I kept running.

A hard surface cause me to stop as I fell on my back terrified…

"My my, longs ways from home missy." I hear a voice say.

"How long you been out here?!" A female says crouching in front of me.

"Hours." I breathed as she pushed my hair back taking in my features.

"You hungry child?" She asked I nodded.

She smiles and offers me her hand. I waited a second before looking around to see who took my book bag….

"Looking for something?" He smirks. With a smirk of my own I walked over to the jerk, kicked his shin ass hard as could. Catching my book bag before it could hit the ground.

The group of adults laughed and the female took my hand again leading us to a huge house.

I stopped in fear.I crossed the borders.

"Don't be afraid little one." She encourages me. She leans down and looks me in the eyes

"If you can take down our big alpha this shouldn't scare you." I gasped and turned around.

"No harm little one. I promise I'm ok." He says taking a step but I step back. Tears brimmed my eyes.

I had disobeyed. I would be punished. I felt like I couldn't breathe and before I could make a run for it darkness consumed me.

When I woke up there were people whispering. I groaned as I sat up.

"Easy little one. You hit your head pretty hard." The alpha says sitting in front me.

"What happened?"

"We were hoping you could tell us. We just got word of one of our Allie's pack being burned to the ground. Who are you?" He asked. I sighed I couldn't hide forever.

"Is my backpack near?" He gets up to grab it…. I unzipped it and dump everything in front of him… spreading out papers and documents that my mother had me learn.

"Little one,"

"Isabella." I cut him off. "Isabella Clark of Red Moon Pack." I heard some gasps around the room.

"How are you alive right now?!" A familiar female voice asked.

"Mum, she told me to run and never look back. Her and dad would catch up." I realized they weren't coming just as I said the last few words.

"They aren't coming are they?" I asked

No one said a word.

"Alpha?" Pain evident in my voice…

"Isabella, I think you should rest." He says after gathering his thoughts. It was like something in my snapped.

I picked up the glass of water and chucked it.

Hearing it shatter gave me satisfaction.

"Isabella." Alpha says but I continued throwing the papers off the table, throwing my book bag, anything within reach….

"Henry stop her."

"I can't. We have to let her Sarah." He says. I finally broke down trying to catch my breath.

"They will burn in hell!" I screamed. My heart had felt like it was going to pop out my chest at any moment.

I had to calm down.

Mum warned me if I lost control it could be deadly.

"Isabella?" He took a step and I stayed this time.

"What happened?" He grabbed my hands and sat down…

"It was normal. Like everyday." I breathed "I went to bed but mum came in to wake me up. She wasn't herself." I tried to remember "she had me dressed before bed and we packed the bag after my shower." I took a breath and clenched my hands, I couldn't shift not now….

"She took me to the woods out the back door. Dad was already in wolf form he licked my face as mum hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and my cheek." I say holding my cheek

"Run was the last thing she said." I breathed my anger had taken control I was now shifting.

A heard more gasp around the room.

The alpha stepped back.

"We have to hide you." Was all said as he picked up the papers and stuffed them back in my bag.

"Hide her?!"

"What the hell is going on Henry?!" Sarah demands.

"There's no time. We move now."