
Chapter 14

Christian's POV


I was in my home office when the doors slammed in rather loudly, disturbing me from the task at hand. I looked up and saw my 'beloved fiancee' with a nasty scowl on her face.

"What is it this time?" I asked, turning my eyes back to my computer but turning a listening ear to her.

"I cannot believe you would stoop that low, Christian!" She yelled. I looked at her for a quick second, just before she walked back out of the room.

'What the hell! Does she actually know about what I've been doing with Sacha? No, it can't be. There's no way she could find out so soon.'

Then I heard the mellow greeting of my mother's voice, calling from downstairs. I got up and met her in the foyer.

"Hello mother, so you've finally decided to come." I greeted her back.

"Oh Christian, I'm here for one reason and one reason only. Audrey told me that you're moving up the wedding, so I'm here to help my future daughter-in-law plan for it."

"Wait, Audrey told you..."