
Chapter 6

After saying these words, Lin Han casually walked towards the emergency exit, preparing to use the stairs for some exercise. After all, it's only the fifth floor, not too high, and he quickly descended.

Han Ya, on the other hand, was somewhat surprised as she stood at the elevator entrance. This young director didn't seem as decadent as he appeared, and his words were quite philosophical.

"Walk your own path and let others talk. How interesting," Han Ya muttered silently, as if she had never heard this overused phrase before.

Meanwhile, Lin Han, who had just walked out of the staircase, was panting heavily. The slight exercise caused a thin layer of sweat to form on his forehead. It seemed that his body was a bit weak. After all, he had been decadent for a long time. Now he needed to take care of his health. Young people shouldn't be like this.

After eating a steamed bun and a cup of soy milk, Lin Han finally felt full, but he felt a bit painful when paying the bill. Breakfast cost him more than ten yuan, adding insult to injury.

Looking at his phone, he muttered to himself, "I wonder if the magazine has received my submission. If it's too slow, it's really starving."

Submitting a manuscript couldn't be rushed. Who knows how many people in China are submitting manuscripts to Science Fiction World? Even if only one in a hundred thousand or one in a million people submit their work, it would still be a gigantic workload.

Living in two different worlds, Lin Han surprisingly didn't feel too urgent. He firmly believed that where there's a will, there's a way. The most important thing now was to integrate into this society.

In the original owner's memories, the location of the Beijing Library was not mentioned at all. This place was simply the most confusing place for those with poor academic performance, and they didn't even know which direction the entrance faced.

Using his phone's navigation, Lin Han was immediately drawn to the massive building when he arrived at the library. It occupied a large area, and the main building of the library was a double-tower high-rise with a dual eaves design. The peacock-blue glazed tile roof accompanied by a light gray ceramic tile exterior wall created a perfect blend of traditional architecture and modern technology.

Walking on the granite steps, Lin Han touched the white jade railing. He felt like he came to the right place—a library this large must have tens of thousands of books!

If one day, his own books could be included here, it would undoubtedly be the ultimate honor.

After passing the security check at the entrance, everyone involuntarily lowered their footsteps. Even the sound of conversation was barely noticeable, only the rustling sound of flipping through books could be heard.

Finding the catalog query area according to the map, Lin Han made way for others. His goal was to promote Earth's science fiction works in this parallel world, so he needed to know the books and authors here.

He checked what books were popular here and which topics had already been covered. If he were to bring those classics here, would it be the same as crashing into a wall?

The vast array of books made Lin Han's eyes shine. He was originally a bookworm, and now there were so many science fiction masterpieces he hadn't read yet. Just thinking about it made him excited, as he could devour many nights with these books.

These intellectual nourishments were irreplaceable. After selecting an American novel called "Battle on Planet R" and a Chinese science fiction novel called "The Third World War" written by a local author, Lin Han found an available seat and began reading them in detail.


At the same time, the Rongcheng Science Fiction World magazine's editorial department was in a frenzy. They were currently having a meeting to discuss the themes for the next issue, and everyone in the editorial department needed to participate in order to determine the content for the next edition.

The editors needed to screen and edit the collected articles, and then hand over the manuscripts to the layout design department. Only after the designers provided the finalized PDF document for the editor-in-chief's approval could it be sent to the printing factory for printing and binding.

Wang Yifan was a recent intern at the magazine. He had loved reading science fiction stories since he was young, especially Jules Verne's novels. As he grew up, he became obsessed with Hollywood science fiction movies and Western science fiction novels.

Being able to enter the editorial department of Science Fiction World as an intern was the result of fierce competition. His current job was simple: assisting the senior editors, managing the submission mailbox, and conducting basic screening.

Usually, well-known science fiction authors would be actively invited by the magazine to submit their works, rather than through the official submission mailbox.

Only newcomers without any connections would submit their manuscripts through the mailbox, but most of the time, the quality was not up to par.

Taking a sip of water, Wang Yifan opened the official mailbox. He muttered to himself, "There have been too many submissions recently. The Galaxy Award is really attracting a lot of attention. But can't we get some high-quality manuscripts? These low-quality science fiction stories are simply torture, or rather, they're murders!"

With a bored expression, Wang Yifan casually started browsing the submissions. Titles like "Goddess of Revenge," "Interstellar Cowboys," and "Time-Traveling Cat" hardly sparked his interest.

At this moment, an article titled "The Rural Teacher" caught his attention. It was a science fiction essay, not a realistic fiction.

After downloading it, he read it with a curious mind. He couldn't stop reading, and within a few minutes, he had finished reading the twenty thousand-word article.

Speed-reading was like swallowing dates whole, except for a rough impression, everything else was scarce. But Wang Yifan was extremely excited. He had finally found a gem among piles of rubbish!

The clever fusion of two storylines, the gripping sense of time spanning, and excellent humanistic care made Wang Yifan feel as though he was being touched by a shower of rain. After reading it, he felt a strange sense of emotion and helplessness.

A poor mountain village saved the Earth, the ideological inheritance of generations of rural teachers... It seemed to have no extra words, yet it captivated people and left them wanting more.

Moving the mouse back to the top, Wang Yifan began to read word by word, experiencing the author's thoughts and the extraordinary science fiction baptism.

After finishing the short twenty-thousand-word story, he immediately marked the article, and sent it to his mentor, the senior editor Chen Chuhe, saying, "Master, I've sent you a document. I think it's quite good, at least an 8.5 out of 10. Please take a look."

Coincidentally, Chen Chuhe was idle at the moment. He casually clicked to receive the document, read it line by line, and was greatly surprised. A manuscript of this quality could not be written by an ordinary person. He asked, "Is this a submission for the Galaxy Award? Judging from its style and structure, it doesn't seem like the work of a newcomer. This short science fiction story can make people shed tears; it is not an achievement that an ordinary author can achieve. It's not an 8.5 but a 9.5 out of 10."

"I don't think it's written by a newcomer either. It's too good. This is a masterpiece-level plot. Could it be that a famous science fiction master is playing under an alias?" Wang Yifan wholeheartedly agreed. Amongst the waves, he had finally found a piece of gold.

"Many contemporary science fiction works are actually dressed as science fiction but are actually romantic novels without much humanistic depth. After reading them, they are quickly forgotten. But this article is memorable and shows that we should never give up hope. This is the underlying theme of the story," Chen Chuhe summarized. "I think we can use this article for the next issue. If the judges of the Galaxy Award like it, it might even have a chance to compete for the award."