
Chapter 20

In fact, magazine distribution can never be completed nationwide at the same time. The distribution on the 20th only covers most cities, and the remaining areas will continue to be supplied in the next few days. However, by the 25th, people from all over the country will be able to buy the magazine.

In the tightly protected copyright environment today, the trend of reading is particularly fierce. Selling 800,000 copies is not enough to rank in the top three, and even the top ten is very difficult. Some magazines can even sell millions of copies.

It is still too early to calculate the sales figures, so the magazine companies are more concerned about evaluating the content. They draw conclusions from reader feedback, looking at whether the content arrangement for the next issue needs improvement, which types of articles have better responses, and which authors can continue to be commissioned.

As a magazine targeting students and young people, the readership of "Science Fiction World" tends to be younger. Compared to readers of other magazines such as "Reader's Digest," "Yilin," and "Zhiyin," the overlap rate of readers is not very high.

Chen Yang is a high school sophomore at Dongyang City No.2 Middle School. His greatest hobby is reading during his free time. He never misses an issue of "Science Fiction Magazine," and he also contributes to the box office of Hollywood science fiction movies every year. He is unaware of the online arguments about Lin Han.

With so much homework every day, and seeing that he is about to enter the third year of high school, he has no leisure time to browse Weibo. Being able to enjoy science fiction novels in his spare time is the greatest joy for him.

There are many magazine stalls at the school gate. After receiving the magazine from the familiar owner, Chen Yang couldn't wait to open it and read it on the way. He even bumped into a utility pole because of this, but he never thought of changing his habit.

Opening the table of contents, all the contents of this issue appeared above. "Signal of the Centaur," it looks interesting, but it's only a few pages and seems short.

Finally, the 8th chapter of "Interstellar Cruiser" is out. However, even after being serialized until now, it's a bit mediocre and can't capture his attention.

However, when he shifted his gaze to the back, he was surprised. "Country Teacher," an article like this actually appeared in "Science Fiction World" magazine, and it even takes up nine pages. This is simply a miracle!

"Extraterrestrial? Whose pen name is this? To receive the same treatment as a science fiction guru, I must take a good look later."

After entering the classroom, Chen Yang opened his school bag and took out a book to put on the table as a cover. At the same time, he placed "Science Fiction World" under the desk and pretended to be reading a biology book, secretly flipping through the magazine.

He has been perfecting this set of actions for several years and has never been caught. His ability to multitask is quite strong.

Sure enough, as the teacher lectured from the front, he quickly finished reading several short stories. Now, he finally turned to the section of "Country Teacher."

"He knew that the last lesson had to be taught early.

Another intense pain struck him from his liver, almost making him faint. He had no strength to get out of bed and could only move with difficulty toward the window by the bedside.


After reading a passage, Chen Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This character is just going to die as soon as he appears. Is this still science fiction? A miserable country teacher, about to die, and the students have already started burning paper for him, while the sick teacher is reminiscing about the past.

After reading more than a page, Chen Yang's patience was almost gone. This isn't science fiction at all. It's clearly a realistic novel. It should be given to the older generation to read rather than being placed in "Science Fiction World."

"What is this?" Chen Yang muttered softly. He casually flipped through the back pages and saw that there were many pages left. Should he endure it a little longer?

As he continued reading, the novel finally transitioned from the country teacher's memories to the vast universe, and this made Chen Yang feel relieved.

"In a faraway place 50,000 light-years from Earth, at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, a star war that has been going on for thousands of years is nearing its end.

The interstellar fleet of the Carbon-Based Alliance in the Milky Way galaxy has completed the first temporal leap of this patrol."

It turns out that the Carbon-Based Alliance and the Silicon-Based Empire were engaged in a battle, and the Carbon-Based Alliance emerged victorious. The description is grand, with a war that ignited thousands of supernovae, various chaotic temporal structures, and Chen Yang was completely engrossed.

Humans are also a type of carbon-based life form, but they don't have the qualification to participate in the interstellar war of the Carbon-Based Alliance. However, a new crisis is quietly approaching, as under the command of the highest ruler of the Carbon-Based Alliance in the parliament, star civilizations in the isolation zone are being evaluated.

To sacrifice the lesser lifeforms around the stars in the isolation zone, to prevent the Silicon-Based Empire from using the stars for interstellar jumps. What kind of civilization is considered a lesser one? It is anything below the 3C standard.

Unfortunately, the Earth is within the isolation zone of the Carbon-Based Alliance. If the civilization evaluation does not pass, then all life on Earth will be annihilated!

At this point, Chen Yang's heart was in turmoil. Will the Earth be able to pass the civilization evaluation by these extraterrestrials?

"Chen Yang, Chen Yang!"

A loud voice suddenly sounded, and Chen Yang was reminded by his classmate sitting next to him. He anxiously threw the magazine on his lap into the desk, then quickly raised his head and looked attentively at the biology teacher on the podium.

This young biology teacher slowly walked down from the podium and knocked on Chen Yang's desk. "To be honest, I can see all your little actions clearly from the podium: playing with phones, chatting, daydreaming, looking in the mirror. I just chose not to mention it. Chen Yang, give me the book you were reading."

"Teacher Han, I won't do it again. Can you not take it away? I haven't finished reading it yet," Chen Yang said pitifully. Appealing to young teachers is more effective, as there isn't a large generation gap between them.

However, his next sentence made the whole classroom burst into laughter. Not finished reading yet? What kind of nonsense was that!

"Hahaha, Chen Yang, you can go to Teacher Han's office after class!"

"Or how about you give it to him when you finish reading next time?"

The young Teacher Han turned his head and looked at the mischievous students, "I'll keep it for now and see how it goes. I'll return it to you if things turn out well."

Reluctantly, Chen Yang took out "Science Fiction World" and reluctantly handed it to Han Fei. It felt like cutting a piece of his own flesh. He had just reached the most important part where the planets that had undergone the civilization evaluation had already been destroyed by singularity bombs. Now, Earth has been found, but the fate of Earth is still unknown, and the magazine was taken away by Han Fei.

After class, Chen Yang drooped his head dispiritedly. "Sigh, if I could just read a few more minutes, the climax is coming. I feel terrible right now."

"Meh, is that magazine of yours really that good?"

"Yeah, you were so engrossed during class. I kicked your chair several times, but you didn't react at all. You're digging your own grave."

"Old Han has given you several chances, but even with so many reminders from people around you, you didn't notice. If the class teacher invites you for a talk, we'll be waiting to collect your body."

"Tell us, what are you really reading?"

Chen Yang raised his head and quickly went into selling mode. "I'm reading 'Science Fiction World.' There's a story in it called 'Country Teacher.' It's super interesting, I'm not kidding. I'm considering quickly sneaking away during lunch to steal the magazine back and finish reading it. I'm completely not in the mood for class right now!"

"'Science Fiction World'? I've bought it too, but I planned to read it quietly during nap time." Another boy in the classroom spoke up, quickly taking out an identical magazine from his school bag. This instantly rekindled Chen Yang's spirits.

"Hao Ge, can you lend it to me? I promise to be the class monitor next time, or the one after that!"

"I want to read it too. What's so great about it? Let me see."

"Don't rush, Li Yi, you're behind Chen Yang. Let me read it first!"

Chen Yang lifted his head and went into recommendation mode. "I'm reading 'Science Fiction World.' There's a story in it called 'Country Teacher.' It's really good. I'm not kidding. Come on! During lunch break, should I secretly get it and pass it on to you? We science students don't take politics class seriously anyway."

"'Science Fiction World'? I bought it too. I was planning to read it quietly during nap time." Another boy in the classroom spoke up, quickly taking out an identical magazine from his school bag. This instantly rekindled Chen Yang's spirits.

"Hao Ge, can you lend it to me? I promise to be the class monitor next time, or the time after that!"

"I want to read it too. What's so great about it? Let me see."

"Don't rush, Li Yi, you're behind Chen Yang. Let me read it first!"