
Chapter 18

  Wang Pengfei quickly uploaded the novel he had already read to the group file, and when he went to the fridge to get an ice cream, he found that the download count of the group file had become 48!

  There were only about a hundred people in the Science Fiction Nebula group, and only about one-fifth or even less of them were active participants in the group chat. Many people were lurkers. However, the shared document of "Country Teacher" had become a depth charge, exploding all these long-time lurkers, showing just how attractive it was.

  As someone who had read countless online novels, these people read books very quickly. For them, 20,000 words would only take about five minutes, so those who read a bit faster had already started chatting in the group.

  "No wonder the official Weibo said that the editing department gave it a perfect score. This is so well written! I have to go back and take another look. I read it too quickly earlier and didn't fully understand the real meaning."

  "You're absolutely right. When I saw the first chapter, I thought I was reading a non-fiction literary work, but then in the second chapter, there was an interstellar war between the Carbon-Based Federation and the Silicon-Based Empire. The description of the science fiction is really good. I wouldn't be able to write something like this."

  "Tsk tsk, it's very creative. Using Newton's laws of motion as a tool to save the world, carbon-based life forms using life-level protection screening to decide whether to destroy the Earth or not, and the setting of the habitable zone and star frog jump is very interesting."

  "Have you noticed that his control is too strong? The two plotlines are interwoven, but it doesn't seem chaotic at all. Put it on an ordinary new author, they wouldn't be able to handle this structure at all."

  "Not only is the conception clever, but the writing style is also good. It even makes people think deeply. It's hard to believe that such a work was written by Lin Han. It's really amazing."

  "Could it be that someone else was hired as a ghostwriter? There aren't many people in China who can write science fiction of this caliber. Can you recognize the writing style?"

  "Are you kidding? This kind of novel would be popular no matter where it's published. Do we really need someone to ghostwrite for him? No wonder he has such confidence in saying that the truth will be revealed on the 20th. He's too powerful."

  "I also made it to the final round of the Galaxy Award this time, but honestly, I don't think I can compare to this novel. "Country Teacher" can at least win second place."

  "I don't believe he can write such an article. This mosquito guy is too cunning. I'm going to delete my Weibo so I don't get embarrassed."

  "I'm going too. He writes much better than me. Let's see the Weibo posts we made earlier. I feel so embarrassed."

  "Yeah, now we've hit a brick wall."

  The science fiction writers in the group were discussing, and after reading "Country Teacher," they felt a burning sensation on their faces. It was difficult to find ten stories of this level in a year. If a writer had written such quality novels in their career, they would definitely become gods.

  If the 20th comes and "Science Fiction World" is released, these authors would have no place to hide their faces. As long as it hadn't been saved as a screenshot yet, they quickly deleted it.

  So, the certified users who had originally reposted started deleting their Weibo one after another, pretending as if nothing had happened.

  After deleting their Weibo, the group of authors had a different impression of Lin Han. Although some people still didn't accept it, there was no evidence, so they could only curse silently in their hearts.

  Writers are generally more straightforward and unafraid to express their opinions. They didn't care about Lin Han's previous identity as a director in the entertainment industry and had already started cursing him in the group. But now that they were captivated by his talent, they began to sincerely appreciate and analyze the excellence of "Rural Teacher."

  They liked what they liked and disliked what they disliked. They were straightforward people who didn't often mingle in society, so there were only a few who had complicated thoughts.

  Some science fiction fans who followed these writers were preparing to watch the show, only to find that their Weibo posts had mysteriously disappeared!

  The novel fans who had initially just wanted to watch the excitement immediately protested. Conspiracy theories emerged one after another, without considering that the authors themselves had quietly deleted the posts.

  "What the hell?! Lin Han's PR skills are too strong. I saw so many people reposting Science Fiction World's Weibo to criticize him before, but now they're all gone?"

  "Elementary, my dear Watson, there must be a conspiracy behind this!"

  "This is amazing. People in the literary circle are not like those in the entertainment industry. Even a trash director like Lin Han can easily handle so many authors. Who is supporting him from behind?"

  "Does Lin Han really have such great ability? If he knew PR, his Weibo wouldn't be constantly attacked and the interview wouldn't have turned into memes that are still flying around."

  "I guess it's Science Fiction World doing something behind the scenes. These authors collectively boycotted Lin Han for fear of affecting the magazine's sales, so they hurriedly deleted their posts."

  "Sigh, why isn't it the 20th yet? I'm going crazy waiting. What is "Country Teacher" actually about?"

  "That's right, he's just teasing us. Can't he just release it online? Can't I subscribe to the electronic version?"

  "Am I the only one who thinks this is a marketing tactic? They deliberately make us curious and increase sales."

  "Upstairs, please wake up. Each issue of "Science Fiction World" sells hundreds of thousands of copies. Is it necessary to use such an underhanded tactic?"

  Poor Lin Han didn't do anything, but he was being suspected by this group of conspiracy theorists. He was basically a walking target for mockery. Whenever something bad happened, it was always linked to him.

  As for the authors who deleted their Weibo, they endured it and didn't speak out, letting these netizens speculate wildly. After all, no one explained the situation, and did they really need to say that they had read the novel and felt embarrassed, so they deleted their posts?

  After all, they were famous science fiction writers. This type of thing was known secretly and didn't need to be told to others. They still had their reputation to consider.

  Lin Han had no idea what was happening on this side. He was heading towards becoming a full-fledged encyclopedist. Since answering questions for others every day, people had been mentioning his name and asking him questions about animals and plants. This often led him to search his memory, especially when some people asked using drawings. These talented artists were truly testing his visual acuity.

  "I want to flip a card. @Lin Han @Animal Encyclopedia, I want to ask what these things are. I found them on the beach in the United States. The whole beach is covered with them, and they have a very, very fishy smell, but the seabirds don't eat them, and they're still alive! [photos][photos]"

  After seeing this Weibo post, Lin Han casually retweeted it. "This is a by-the-wind sailor. It has a small sail on its back and is usually very lazy, too lazy even to swim. It just floats on the surface of the sea, letting the wind carry it. But since the storm, they've all been washed ashore and died. This story teaches us a lesson: laziness doesn't lead to a good ending. They are actually quite beautiful when alive. Go search for pictures yourself."