
Chapter 11

Almost all of these 1.2 million fans are authentic. Lin Han has never spent a penny on them, so the user activity is quite high. As soon as Lin Han retweeted a Weibo post, it immediately caused a frenzy among the haters.

  "Oh, isn't this the director Lin Han who has been dead drunk for years? Now he's playing the role of a science popularizer on Weibo, how interesting."

  "You still dare to show your face? Why didn't you drink yourself to death?"


  "We, the fans of Hua, will forever resist all of Lin Han's works! You have caused a significant decline in Hua Ge's popularity, and yet you dare to come out."

  "Hua fans have arrived on the battlefield. Let's take down Lin Han."

  "Agreed, Hua fans never compromise."

  "I'm not a fan of anyone, I am just a reader. You have ruined my favorite novel, and you dare to turn 'Escape from the Solar System' into that piece of crap. I will be your eternal hater."

  "Lin Han's version of indifference.jpg. Why don't you stay at home and come out to cause trouble?"

  "Qian fans express that they are incompatible with Lin Han. Please get out of the entertainment industry."

  "You have ruined my oppa, and then you casually come back. Things are never so easy. Sisters, let's spread the word and not let him whitewash himself."

  "Am I the only one paying attention to the content of this Weibo? Such a big glowing bug looks a bit creepy in the wild."

  "Don't derail the topic, upstairs. Resist Lin Han. Hehe, the master filmmaker is back to help you make headlines."

  "Lin dog, go away. The vast number of netizens will never forget your stains."


  Although Lin Han only has 1.2 million fans, the level of excitement on his Weibo is much higher than that of other stars with tens of millions of zombie fans. However, he would rather not have this kind of excitement. Almost no one speaks up for him, and they all engage in personal attacks. These insults are still mild; in the past, there were more attacks on his person or involving his family.

  In a short period of time, there have been nearly 7,000 replies to this Weibo post. The vast majority of people don't care about the content of the Weibo post, which is about explaining a type of insect. They just want to vent their anger.

  Having such a platform to vent, everyone is cursing, and it's not a bad thing to let it out, even though it has been a year. This nightmarish science fiction film still lingers in people's memories and cannot be erased.

  Among these haters, the majority are not fans of science fiction or fans of the original novel. They hate Lin Han because he ruined their idols and goddesses, so they have been holding onto it.

  "Escape from the Solar System" is a blockbuster with a budget of 300 million yuan, with top-notch actors from both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The male lead, Fang Zhenhua, is hailed as a top male star in the entertainment industry. He has starred in many blockbuster films and is known for his acting and good looks, making him very popular.

  The female lead, Zhao Qianqian, was also a first-tier actress at the time. She had a beautiful appearance and solid acting skills. She even won an award at an international film festival and appeared in the national TV drama "Love Has Another Life," so she has many fans.

  This sci-fi film, which brought together top stars from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, did not become a box office hit. Instead, it ruined the careers of these actors. Their careers not only failed to rise but also declined significantly.

  Fang Zhenhua's portrayal of the male lead became the biggest stain on his acting career. He, who was once a top male star, was questioned by the investors about his box office appeal. Over a year has passed, and he still hasn't appeared in any major films. He can only take on medium-budget movies, which is not commensurate with his status.

  Zhao Qianqian didn't fare any better. When she joined the film "Escape from the Solar System," her studio released numerous press releases and bought numerous headlines. Even the Weibo marketing accounts were reposting, making her seem to be at the pinnacle among her peers.

  Just when everyone thought she had firmly secured her place as one of the top actresses, the film's box office performance and word of mouth plummeted. The investors filed for bankruptcy, and she became a box office poison. She became the target of ridicule by the media and was overtaken by other actresses, missing out on the title of one of the Four Beauties and stagnating in her career.

  Although Lin Han took the blame for the film's failure, the other actors were also greatly affected. In other words, Lin Han not only ruined a film investment company, but also ruined a top male actor and a leading actress in the Chinese entertainment industry.

  The fans of these actors hate him, insult him because of this reason.

  Lin Han has been blackened so badly, and the management companies of these two stars might have also secretly caused some trouble for him. However, now that he has no intention of staying in the entertainment industry, he doesn't care about these insults.

  He is just a novelist now, probably more famous than those novel authors, but this fame is negative. It seems like the whole world is against him.

  After closing Weibo, Lin Han stood up from his chair. He glanced at the continuously increasing number of messages in the bottom right corner of his desktop. Are those science fiction authors still cursing him?

  To avoid trouble, he decided to check those messages tomorrow. It's not something important anyway. If it weren't for Li Wenyuan's persistent invitation, he wouldn't have joined in.

  After taking a shower and feeling refreshed all over, Lin Han wrapped himself in a bathrobe and sat on the sofa, starting to browse the two science fiction novels he borrowed from the library today. Knowing oneself and the enemy can ensure a hundred battles with no defeat.

  Under the dim light shining on the book, experiencing the quiet feeling brought by the night, with no one to disturb and no one to talk to, only the dialogue between his soul and inner self, as if each square character on the paper has come to life. This is a kind of enjoyment, a relaxation of the mind.

  But a phone call interrupted this tranquility. Lin Han put the bookmark in place and answered the call from Chen Jiaxuan. "Jiaxuan, why are you calling me so late?"

  "I want to ask if your Weibo account has been hacked. Xiao Yang just told me that you made it to the trending Weibo list." Chen Jiaxuan's tone sounded tired, and she didn't think being in the spotlight for good or bad was a good thing.

  Lin Han walked to his computer and shook the mouse. Looking at his Weibo page, everything seemed normal, so he replied, "My Weibo is fine, it hasn't been hacked."

  Chen Jiaxuan patted her forehead and sighed, "Then why did you do something crazy like updating a Weibo post explaining insects? So many people are retweeting and insulting you, and now people are suspecting that you want to make a comeback."

  "I saw that person needed help, and no one else paid attention to her. I just commented and retweeted casually, just doing a good deed." Lin Han really didn't think there was anything wrong. Those haters would insult him regardless of what he posted, so let them vent.

  "But now you are back in the public eye. Your Weibo post made it to the last place on the trending Weibo list, and you even managed to bring the topic 'Get out of the entertainment industry' to the fifth place. Other people's scandals don't even get this much attention."

  Lin Han helplessly said, "Okay, okay, I got it. I'll be low-key in the future. I'll only comment without retweeting, is that okay?"


  "Alright then, sleep early and don't stay up too late. Staying up late is the biggest killer for women's skin."

  Chen Jiaxuan didn't know where he got this conclusion or why he always wanted to comment on others' Weibo posts. It wasn't until after hanging up the phone that she realized she forgot to ask Lin Han where he learned all this information about insects. It seemed a bit obscure.