
Disagree to Agree


General Julius stepped out of the room with a scream, "Nobody else is here!" The Crown Prince Zhang Wei whispered that he would like to remove Julius' mouth at the moment, "You shall see how fearless I am with your threat." Julius did not bother taking Zhang Wei's words seriously because he could tell that their friendship was gaining more symbols of getting denser. Julius shakes his head and couldn't care less to let Zhang Wei, as the Crown Prince, hurt him again. Glancing far away, Zhang Wei smacked Julius's back with his dominant hand. Their gazes almost meet, which can cause difficulties if people see it in the lobby.

"I will not just let somebody stain our plans, Julius." Zhang Wei said uncaringly after they passed by three open doors and vacant rooms. "I plan this. You have done nothing wrong."

"Crown Prince, you said we are done with our conversation, so what with this cold vibe you are giving me? It is pointless," Julius said. "There are many things to ponder as a choice."

Julius knew that there were no choices left for Zhang Wei to pick from; his uncertain face was visible in Zhang Wei's sight. With them working together, there was only one vibrant spot to spread in the whole condition.

"The investigators have nothing else to do but understand the misconduct scene. Are you ready to go to the next guy?"

Julius slightly moved his face to the other side of where Zhang Wei was walking, then crossed his arms. It was not the first time Zhang Wei saw Julius act like that; for many rare days—blue moons—Zhang Wei lit a candle to the Gods, praying that Julius was not near. However, Zhang Wei was impractical about the deceased General Tan. He was Julius' former teacher and also a longtime comrade. General Tan would have advised Zhang Wei to behave correctly because he was the Crown Prince and how he should handle this killing situation. Julius and Zhang Wei had always been close, but in terms of putting the task to work, their view was highly different, and it was not almost agreeable that both of them would ignore the words stuck in their head so much.

"Crown Prince, I have to remind you that we are in an open area. Hired ninjas might be listening to us now."

There might be a ninja somewhere and General Julius to contemplate. Still, what type of ninja would be listening to their conversation about the other guys they are supposed to execute next? A wise move from the hidden enemies could not directly mess up Crown Prince Zhang Wei.

"I only wanted to hear your answer, General." Zhang Wei said the tone of his voice shows how serious he was in waiting to know Julius' response, and his eyes were set in the direction of being narrow. Julius could not justly make Zhang Wei take responsibility for his question. Yet, it was a lesson in the essential nature of being the General; he did control himself a long time ago. The more active he is in searching for the pigs, the less notable he turns out to be on the side of being guiltless. Because so far, Julius had not thoroughly impressed his other people on the team, even if he was sincere.

He keeps up the pace. It made Julius unable to arrange his hidden sword properly in case an attacker blocked their path. The hallway was not a non-violent area; it was where problems were interrupted, the witnesses may care a little, but no one was allowed to hinder whatever transpired between the people fighting. That mainly was their safety rules.

Julius rescanned the ongoing area of the pathway they were entering, "Yes, I am always ready to make a move in terminating the destroyers. I cannot just watch them take countless lives. And why are you even letting them in?" Julius had to ask Zhang Wei even if he knew he would not get any reply.

A moment had passed before Julius grasped what he overlooked in stillness. In the physician's room, the future Crown Princess Zina Foster had been left alone as the evening went on with no one to keep an eye on proceeding her state. Julius became accustomed to unusual non-giving behavior to anyone who did not want his help. Because even after getting transferred to a new port and with only Zhang Wei as his supporter and only friend in the place, he still found himself drowning in desolation. Or perhaps he just was not concerned about Zina since he becomes a person who does not force himself to serve somebody who shows no interest in requiring service after all the wounds she got.

"General Julius, are you still with me?" Zhang Wei reminded that he was still beside Julius.

"Ha? Pardon me for spacing out, Crown Prince. But I have kinds of stuff to attend."

"Well, I will come along with you. Besides, you provided me with your answer. So, let's hope everything will go as smoothly as I planned."

There was a little confusion printed out on Julius' face, and that was when Zhang Wei said, 'everything will go smoothly, ' and he continued it with, 'As I planned.' Without knowing it, Julius stood in front of the physician's room with Zhang Wei, waiting for his next move beside him. Almost as if Zina had magnetized Julius and had not once tried his best to mind others.

"Crown Prince!"

Zina was lying in her bed when General Julius pushed the door. She heard a shout but did not see the Crown Prince's face, and if she does saw him, what would she do? And there she was, holding herself from saying a word only to notice that one person had entered the room.