
dinner time

So as Haru was making her way to find Louis she realized that she actually didn't know where he could be. there was about 10 minuets before lunch was over so she had to think quick. ' ah i got it! Louis dedicates any of his free time to the play' she quickly made her way to the club room before he had time to leave for class. Running to where the club room was she was glad that there was no teachers in the hall to reprimand her. she made it to the club and quite out of breath at that, she fixed her clothes and caught her breath before slowly walking in.

There was thankfully non of the other students in the room at the time so she walked to Louis office and knocked on the door. " who is it? come in" she opened the door and there louis was, standing in the middle of the floor with papers in his hands, her guess is that he was doing some practicing for the upcoming play. "oh Haru what a surprise to see you here, I'm assuming you have something important to talk to me about?" Louis walked over to take a seat at his desk and gestured for haru to take a seat to which she did. She started to get nervous realizing that Louis might not take what shes going to say well. fiddling with her skirt a bit haru said what she needed to say " so I meet y/n today, she was pretty nice and helped me out, and me and her are going to dinner tonight". she looked up at louis trying to see his reaction " ok haru i already told you to be careful around her so i don't see why you had to come all the way here to tell me you and her are going to sit together in the cafeteria" he got up and ushered her our the door and then out the club room stating they should hurry or they would be late to their respective classes . haru quickly stopped louis "wait that not what i mean, I'm saying me and her are going off campus to go eat at a restaurant."

he stopped and turned to haru and looked at her as if she said the most craziest thing in the wold. " Haru why would you accept a invitation to go off campus with a person you barely know, let alone a carnivore? I told you that there could be a possibility that she could be dangerous" before Louis burst a blood vesicle haru stopped him from talking " look i already kinda owe her for helping me and she wanted to celebrate her going the club, I think you are overthinking things. plus we will be back before curfew so nothing will go wrong" seeming to think it over Louis quickly shook his head " no as future beastar i cant allow for you to go alone, since you already told her you will go ill simply just join you two'' knowing that she wouldn't be able to get though to him haru told him where you where going to be meeting and went to class

your p.o.v

I was waiting outside the girls dorm waiting on Haru to come down so we could leave. i mean she can take her time, the restaurant opens in 30 minuets but i like to get there a Little early to make sure no one take my spot. Just as I was getting bored i smelled the scent of a familiar deer coming my way, and would you know it. there was louis somehow looking formal yet casual at the same time sporting a black button up shirt and matching black slacks and Loafers to top it off.

" oh Louis i didn't expect to see you at this time. Got a date?" he did an almost inaudible scoff and started to speak " Actually I'm here because i meet haru earlier and she mentioned you two going out for dinner and invited me" I narrowed my eyes slightly, there was definitely something off about what he said but i wont focus on it too much I'm honestly just ready to eat. " ok that's cool the more the merrier, we are going to this ramen place i go to often theres plenty to eat"

just then haru ran out the door " I'm sorry for being late i was having some trouble finding a shirt i wanted to wear" looking at her outfit it was entirely casual, just some jeans and a pink shirt with a flower in the middle " don't worry about it lets just get going I'm starving lol" haru looked up at me and smiled I started to head to the front gate with them in tow until haru asked a question " how are we getting there? Aren't all the trains done for today?" i turned to haru and whipped out my keys twirling them around my finger " yea that's why we are taking my car" haru seemed to be shocked but didn't say anything and continued to walk, i mean technically I'm not allowed to have a car but i have my ways of getting what i want.

the walk to my car was short, i mean it was just parked across the street. we got in and i reminded them to put their seat belts on. i started my car and my Bluetooth automatically came on and started playing buttercup. " whoa y/n you like this song?" haru asked, i pulled off in the direction of the restaurant " hell yea i love all the artist music i believe his playlist is on so we listening him for the ride" haru nodded her head then started bobbing it to the music and louis said nothing the ride was quite the entaire time but i was ok with that.

We got to the restaurant and I parked the car and we all got out. " Here it is my favorite place to get food, now lets go" i started to walk but not too fast allowing haru to catch up with you, louis was still silently observing everything and i didn't like that, he cant hid his hate for carnivores well but i guess to most people he can. ill confront him later about it but not now, he still sees me as a threat to haru i guess. entering the restaurant i was immediately greeted with my name. "y/n how are you i haven't seen you in a while! oh and you brought some friends too? come sit sit" the owner of the restaurant was a scruffy looking deer, he was a little taller than louis and had a darker coat, his eyes where also a darker brown as well. we took a seat at the bar and the owner came up to us. he rubbed the top of my head and laughed " i thought you where never coming back this is the longest you've been away, let me guess the usual?" I nodded my head and turned to haru and louis " guys this is the owner hiro hes literally the best chef " hiro looked at the two and spoke " its nice to meet you ! y/n doesn't bring people with her often so its nice to meet you, not what would you like? we have a wide variety specialized for all diets" haru answered first saying to surprised her and louis followed haru with letting hiro choose something.

the ramen got to everyone and we started eating. " wow y/n you where right this is amazing" haru said " yes i have to agree the food is quite good" i gave them a nod and smile happy knowing they where enjoying my favorite restaurant.. we ate and had small talk, haru going over all the things we would have to to tomorrow for club and louis telling us about the play, he for once didn't look like there was a stick shoved up his ass. you all finished your meal and you paid for everything with a little arguing from louis and haru saying they could pay. we walked out and got back in the car heading on the way back to the school, that was until you got a phone call.