
дружелюбные близнецы и затхлый старый носок

title translation: friendly twins and musty old sock

It's been about a month, the zoo wrote a note to the county about the lions and Bailey had gotten their hair cut, it was July 31st, the twins birthday. "Happy birthday Har."

"Happy birthday Bailey."

They smile at each other and head to the kitchen, "Hey aunt tuni."

"Good morning, how are the cubs doing today?" she responds.

"Oh, their doing good, sleeping right now, im going up in an hour to feed them." Petunia nods and leads them to the table that had the cake.

"You guys sit here while i go get the mail." they nod.

"Har do you realize what today is?" Bailey asks.

"Our birthday?" he ask.

"Not just that silly, we get our letters today." they say laughing. Harry makes a face of realization. Petunia comes back with her hands behind her back and when she gets to the table she takes out the letters giving it to the respective twins. Both twins look at the letters in pure joy and open them carefully.

"Dear Miss Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizzardry. Please find enclosed a list of all the necessary books and equipment. Term begins september 1st, we accept your owl no later than july 31st.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall " Bailey read.

"Can we go?" Harry asks after looking up from his letter.

"Of course, i will be teaching you and giving you little things so you don't forget math and stuff like that from over here of course, you two go write a response." the two nod and within five minutes the twins come out of their respective rooms and give Petunia the letters and she reads over both.

Baileys said,

"Dear Professor McGonagall,

I would gladly join Hogwarts, but before i say yes i would like to ask what you do for kids of the LGBTQ community, i myself use They/Them pronouns and go by Bailey. If you accept my name and pronouns then i will gladly join, there are other things i would like to discuss but i would rather those be done in person if you don't mind.


Bailey Potter

Petunia smiled at how her nibbling was bold enough to tell others their pronouns and name without fear.

Harrys read:

Dear Proffesor McGonagall,

I will gladly accept going to hogwarts if my sibling is allowed to go using their correct name and pronouns that they would like.

Yours sincerely,

Harry Potter

Once again petunia smiled at the fact that Harry would always be with his sibling even if it costed him his wizzarding school, they give the letters to the owl and it went off on it's way to hogwarts while the twins went up to wake up vernon and dudley.

Bailey went up to check on the cubs and seen that they were now awake and playing with each other. They pick the two cubs up and head downstairs to make their formula.

Time skip 3 hours later

We were in london looking for some place called the leaky cauldron, i guess non magic people cant see it. I walk around and figure the first thing were going to do is going to the bank.

"C'mon harry, were going there first i have the key to the vault." i grab the necklace and when we get to the bank i seen a sign, it said: Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed for those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware of finding more than treasure there.

"Oh thats awesome, i wonder what they have? Maybe dragons or something." i say to myself, thinking.

"C'mon little ones, and be on your best behavior." i tell them.

"Okay mum, lets go!" Львица says. I giggle and start walking with each cub walking at my sides.I find a desk with no one in front of it and knock on it. "Excuse me sir, we would like to withdrawal from our vault."

"And you are?"

"The potter twins."

"And do you have your key?"

I take my necklace off and put it on the desk.

He eventually gets down and leads us to a cart that looks as if it will fall apart any second.

"Cubs stay here. And sit still." they nod and so we go to get our money.

Time skip to when they are out of the bank.

"Okay so whats first?" i ask harry.

"Three sets of plain work robes." he reads. I nod and we look for the store eventually finding the store.

I go up to the counter, "Hogwarts please." i say when she asks.

"Of course deary, boy or girl?"

"I- um, uhh." i look over to harry for help. "What do i say?" i whisper.

"I don't know." he whispers back.

"I am neither?" i say.

"Ah, so would you like both?" i nod smiling.

She heads to the back to get some tape mesurers i guess after telling us to step on the platform.

"Hello, hogwarts too?" the blonde boy asks.

"Yep." me and harry respond.

"My father's next door buying my books and mother's up the street looking at wands," he said "Then I'm going to drag them off to took at racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow."

"Don't take your family for granted you snobby prick." i tell him rolling my eyes, "and your family should really teach you some manners, it would be pretty sad to see a kid realizing that you don't always get what you want even if your rich."

"Whatever, do you have a broom?"

"Nu uh."

"Play quidditch?"

"Don't even know what that is." i laugh.

"What are you a mudblood?"

"I don't know what that is either but based off of the tone of your voice it was in insult, my pride doesnt exactly like bullies." i glare.

"Are both your parents muggles?"

"Nope, but we grew up around muggles."

"So your stupid?"

"Nope, you are." i tell him getting annoyed. "Now go run to you mummy and daddy why don't you." i hop off the stool when i notice лев scratching at my foot.

"Ma'am, you can do my brother first. These two are tired."

"Sorry, pets arent allowed here." she says finally noticing them.

"Right, sorry ma'am but i cant let them out of my sight, see my familiar, she passed a month ago, their hers and im their mum now."

"They are still pets, they have to wait outside."

"You don't understand, their only 1 month, they barely learned to run, their my kids, you wouldnt leave your year old kid outside alone would you?" i ask, "they were my familiars kids and i adopted them, they are my familiars too."

"Very well, they need to stay by the wall behind you then."

"Of course, лев, львица, go wait by that wall you can sleep there while i finish this up yeah?"

"Kay mum." they say heading to the wall.

She starts on me first and finishes up right as the blond snob is finished and lets me go.

I head to the cubs seeing them still awake so i pick them up and get the carriers out of my bag.

"Hey blondie, as much as i despise you i need help, put львица the white one in back facing me please."

"Figure it out yourself loser."

"No problem затхлый старый носок."

He looked confused so i snicker a bit before telling harry that id be outside waiting. He nods and so i head out seeing a nice looking family of gingers.

I head over while carrying львица like a baby and tap the first one on the shoulder. "Scuse me, could you put львица in the back facing me please, the blondy that just came out was being a затхлый старый носок."

"Sure, whats that mean anyway?" he asks.

"It means musty old sock, it's russain." he bursts out laughing.

"You have got to teach me and george some russain." he says.

"Why not, im Bailey, a non-binary first year at hogwarts." i say smiling.

"Well im Fred, a male third year at hogwarts." he says as his look-a-like turns around.

"Whose this georgie?"

"Well Freddie, this here is Bailey, an non-binary first year at hogwarts."

"Nice try, your fred and your george." i tell them.

"And how do you know this?"

"Well, when Fred asked me to teach you guys a bit of russain he said you have got to teach me and george some russain."

"Yeah, they called Malfoy a musty old sock in russain, how did you say it?"

"затхлый старый носок." i reply.

"Thats awesome."

"Hey Bailey, whos this?" Harry asked when he left the store.

"These two are Fred and George, they helped with львица." i tell him.

"Im Harry, Harry Potter." he says introducing himself.

"Are you really?" Fred asked.

"You never told us that you knew Harry Potter."

"I'm his twin."

"Well were friends now right?"

"Sure why not, though can we talk about this some other time?" i ask "we need the rest of our supplies."

"Why don't we come with you?" Fred asks.

"If your family is okay with it sure." i say.

"Hey mum, can me and Fred go with Harry and Bailey Potter to go shop for their supplies?"

"I thought it was Rose Potter."

"No mum, their non-binary."

"Oh well of course you can, would you like to come to our house afterwards?"

"No thanks ma'am, these two little things need to eat."

"Please, call me molly, now we really must be going, have fun sweeties." i nod and wave goodbye walking away.

"So, what have you gotten so far?"

"Just robes, i wanna go to the bookstore last so i guess we should..."

"Why don't we get your wands?" Fred says.

"Yeah," George says popping up on my left side. "There is a process so it takes longer so why don't we get that out of the way first?"

"Sure." harry says smiling.

Fred and George start running so we run after the two, me almost running into Fred when he stops and Harry almost running into me. We go into the shop but it was empty.


"Ah, Rose and Harry Potter, i was wondering when you'd come in, it is your birthday correct?"

"It's Bailey now and aren't you five tons of creepy," i respond staring at him in a fighting stance, getting in front of Harry.

"No need, why don't we start with you?" he says, "which is your wand arm?"

"I'm left-handed," I responded, still tense.

"Very well." the strange man left to shelf getting some boxes and stuff while a tape measure was measuring my arm and stuff. When he came back he basically told it to stop and it fell.

"Right then, Mx. Potter, try this one, balsa and phoenix feather." i hold it not feeling anything.

"It feels like im holding a random stick." i state.

"Try waving it." i do so and nothing happened so he snatches it and hands me another. After a few more wands he hands me one which is dark brown with a skull at the handle part which had a blue eye on it's left and a red eye on it's right, reminding me of, "Королева?"

"What?" they all ask but Harry.

"My familiar, Королева, she passed a month ago, she was a lion that was half white half black, and her eyes, the eyes on the skull remind me of hers," i explain. "The two sleeping are hers, she died after giving birth and asked me to take care of them." i wave it and blue light fills the room, i seen a lion roar. It looks like her.

"Королева?" Harry whispered.

"This, is no ordinary lion Bailey, this is an elemental lion, the last one died a month ago, was it,?"

"So these two, are elemental as well?" he nods.

"Amazing." Fred says next to me.

"Well, that wand, it's made of her fur and lignum vitae wood, strongest type of wood, it's free, as it was made of her fur." i nod and go towards Harry.

"If you need something you know what to do." i tell him, he nods so i step out of the shop sitting on the steps while the twins follow.

"So, your familiar, what was she like?"

"She was amazing, she was there for me when i needed and the pride, they didnt like her but they tolerated her because she was strong, she was funny, kind, and we stuck up for eachother, she protected me and i protected her, she was a prankster, tackling me every chance she had, i seen her when i was around five years old, she was five too, it was as if we both felt an immediate pull towards each other so i snuck in the enclosure and started petting her, my aunt was freaking out and i wasn't sure why." i laugh at the memory. "I speak to them, i can understand them, even the others, they enjoyed my company but i left the pride when they declined the cubs."

"She sounds amazing." i nod.

"Say Bailey, do you like pranks?"

"Yeah." harry says walking out. "They woke me up a different way for a week, it wasnt pleasant.

"Oh you have to tell us about it." George states.

"Please don't, come on." harry says. I wink at harry and start explaining everything thats happened.

After Bailey explained harry put his hands up and sighed letting them fall dramatically "i have been betrayed by the shortest person i know."

"Wha- thats just mean, wait until we get to hogwarts i bet theres plenty of people my height." i glare. We head to the rest of the shops and head to an ice cream shop before we head to the bookstore.

"Hello dearies, what would you like?" the woman asks.

"Can i get the triple chocolate brownie?" i ask smiling.

"Of course, and you?" she asks Harry.

"Um, chocolate and raspberry with chopped nuts please." she nods and stares at the twins.

"The usual please." she nods and heads off after i pay.

We go to a table close to a window and continue talking until the waitress gives us our ice cream, george takes a look at what i have giving me a weird look.

"What?" i ask.

"Why so much chocolate?"

"Because chocolate is the best thing on the planet." i state as if it's obvious. I check on the cubs seeing that they are now awake and take them out of the carrier(the place is an outdoor eating thing)

"Yeah okay that my friend is a lie."

"Oh yeah, then what did you get?"

"Strawberry jam." he says.

"Ew." i say.

"Oh yeah try it," Fred says holding it out with his spoon.

"Fine." i say, try it and it tastes disgusting, "i hate strawberries"

Fred takes my spoon taking a bite of mine and scrunches his face, "and that is too much chocolate, george try some." george does and has a similar reaction to Freds.

"Lies." i say. I finish mine and once harry is done we head to the book store and get books plus the few books that I grabbed that were about animals and pranks.

Afterwards harry starts walking to an owl shop and stops infront of a snowy owl. "Hey Har whose this?"

"She says her name is hedwig."

"Shes your familiar." i tell him, harry grins and sticks his finger through the cage having hedwig nibble his finger affectionately. "Shes so pretty."

I start walking and get a workers attention. "Excuse me, my brother, he found his familiar, how much is she?" i ask.

"Oh thats amazing, could you show me where?" i nod leading her to where Harry was.

"Shes free, no one is able to get close because shes aggressive, if shes really his familiar then he can have her for free."

"Are you sure?" she nods.

"Okay well we really must be going."

"Wait, whos that?" she asks pointing to the cubs.

"Лев and львица."

"Which one is you familiar?"

"None, it was their mum, shes passed and im taking care of the cubs." i answer.

"Oh, thats horrible, have a nice day dears." i nod and we leave and i ask the manager to contact our aunt so they could pick us up.

Once were home and the twins were home i feed the cubs and head to my room to read about the elemental Lion.

The queen of elemental lions is the last know elemental lion and it's most distinctive trait is it's multi colored fur and eyes, and was born on the same day as the Potter twins, the two different colored eyes represent fire and water, the fur represents light and dark, her children are thought to be the most powerful wizarding creatures even above dragons.

"Thats something." i say to myself.

"Whats something?" petunia asks.

"You know Королева was actually a magical creature?" she shakes her head. "Well she was an elemental lion, this book says that her kids would turn out to be the most powerful creatures even above dragons."

"Really?" she asks star struck.

"Yeah, look right here." i say showing her,

"Your going to have to train them to control it you know."

"I know." i say, she leaves and i continue flipping through the pages.

What if the Queen elemental lioness gets a familiar?

Studies show that by the age of sixteen the lions familiar will gain the power of all elements being able to not just control fire, air, water, and earth, but wood, lightning, metal, vox, shadow, light and dark as well making them the most powerful being of all.

I gasp my hands shaking a bit and i flip through the chapters checking for more information only finding more info on the elements it said:


Fire Element allows the user to perform Pyrokinesis, the ability to manipulate and create fire. Fire Element tends to be the most destructive of all elements, with very few defensive properties. It can be affected by the weather. When it's sunny and arid, the potency of Fire is enhanced while when it's raining, humid, or underwater, Fire Magic becomes difficult/impossible to use.


Water Element allows the user to perform Hydrokinesis, the ability to manipulate water at will. It can be considered to be the most adaptable of all element. Having the ability to transform into various states, like Ice and Vapor. It can also be affected by environment, mostly depending on the humidity and weather.


Wind Element allows the user to perform Aerokinesis, the ability to manipulate air and create wind at will. Unlike other elements, Wind is invisible, and can be considered the deadliest element. Wind Magic make up for the lack of physical defense capability with deflective and evasive moves. Wind can also be destructive depending on the user's potential. And unlike other elements, Wind Magic can directly affect weather, creating hurricanes or other wind based phenomenon.


Earth Element allows the user to perform Geokinesis, the ability to manipulate earth at will. While it's not necessarily earth, it allows the user to manipulate most earthen minerals or any form of earth, such as rocks, sands, minerals like gemstones and crystals, and even Mud. Boasting raw physical power and great mass, Earth is strong in both defensive and offensive capability, as well as pure destructive potential at the cost of the users mobility, because Earth Magic is often accompanied with sturdy strong movement to be accomplished.


Wood Element allows the user to perform Chlorokinesis, the ability to manipulate plants and greenery to their will and sometimes accelerating plant(s) growth and fertility. Wood can also boost the growth of a plant and manipulate various parts of the plant(s). This includes leaves, seeds, roots, even dead leaves or fallen tree. This causes the element to depend heavily on the environment. The wood element becomes near impossible to use in the absence of any greenery.


Lightning Element allows the user to perform Fulgurkinesis, the ability to manipulate electricity at will and the ability to absorb and store electricity in their body. Lightning is also destructive, as it has similar nature with Fire. But, unlike Fire. Lightning is much faster, and has almost no defensive properties. Lightning can be considered to be the most dangerous to Human, as they can injure other people easily and cause multiple injuries. Lightning Magic can also affect the weather, causing a Storm and Thunder strikes. That is however, considered to be an advanced level of Lightning.


Metal Element allows the user to perform Ferrokinesis, the ability to manipulate metal at will. Metal can be considered versatile, boasting the strongest physical durability and malleability. Although unlike other elements, Metal is not an element you can always find and not in a big number, thus limiting the versatility of this element. This element shines the most against Metal-based weapons.


The most mysterious of the elements. There's no defined definition or explanation of what Vox can actually do, except that it focuses on the usage of the user's voice.


A Shadow user is capable of performing a certain ability with their Shadow Magic, from binding people to their shadow, traveling through shadow, materializing shadows, etc.

The drawback is that this magic causes the current user to be drawn to drink blood(like vampires). the Shadow are both solid and ethereal, meaning it can't be blocked through physical means, one thing that can extinguish the shadow magic is a really bright light source.

"So i can do all of this in five years?" i ask myself. "And what about the blood part, what happened then?" many questions go through my mind as i think of the future. I guess Harry came in and started talking.

"Hey whats going on" i go on a rant about everything explaining what the book said and why im freaking out. "Well Bailey, i wont hate you if you have to drink blood if anyhting it's for one kinda cool and i could always offer and if you meet really good friends they can help too."

"Are you sure?" i ask.

"Positive, now lets go eat, Tuni made our favorite." i nod smiling and head down with Harry and eat before feeding the cubs and heading to sleep after they do their business and i pick it up.

i nod smiling and head down with Harry and eat before feeding the cubs and heading to sleep after they do their business and i pick it up.

the cubs look basically the same.

3828 words

hey, its your fellow author here reminding you that you are all valid and if you ever need someone to talk to im here for you, whether its advice for your story or advice for real life im here for anything you might need i accept everyone as long as what you do doesnt hurt anyone so yea, have a nice day my guys gals and non bianary pals.

Question of the day, what is your comfort item?

Mine is my phone/computer/tablet, basically anything i can write/read/draw and listen to music on is something i need with me at all times.

K4rm4creators' thoughts