
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Warmth of a Heart

Within the depths of the mysterious void, an unsettling symphony resonates, the melodic notes of battle cries cutting through the thick air. The clash of metal reverberates, echoing throughout the surroundings, as the dense mist gradually dissipates. Emerging from the dissipating darkness are two figures, Karra, a young woman with gray hair, and Light, a slightly older boy with black hair. In a room bathed in white light, the air heavy with the scent of sweat and the sight of blood, the two engage in a fierce confrontation. Light wields his Metalink sword with precision, while Karra wields two daggers, their blades flashing in the intense struggle.

"Hah!" Karra's exclamation reverberates through the air, infused with a potent blend of determination and anticipation. With an agile grace, she unleashes her opening strike, channeling her emotions into each swift movement, aiming to make her mark with unwavering precision.

Light, a youthful smirk gracing his face, swiftly reacts to Karra's attack, expertly positioning his Metalink sword to intercept her strike. The clash of their weapons resounds throughout the room, a symphony of metal meeting metal. Tiny sparks dance through the air, illuminating the intensity of their clash as they exchange blows.

Undeterred, Karra launches a relentless barrage of swift slashes, her daggers a blur of motion. But Light's skill proves formidable as he deftly parries each slash, his sword moving with practiced precision. The room echoes with the sound of their clash, the rhythmic clang of metal meeting metal creating an electrifying tension in the air.

Light's reflexes move with an almost instinctive grace, his body guided by years of training and a force of habit. With unwavering precision, he expertly blocks Karra's relentless attacks, his sword becoming an extension of himself. Each strike is met with a swift parry, his movements flowing seamlessly as if driven by an innate understanding of the blade's path.

The clash of steel fills the room, echoing in a mesmerizing rhythm. Light's focused expression remains unyielding as he anticipates and intercepts each of Karra's slashes, his sword becoming an impenetrable barrier. It is as if he moves on instinct, his body effortlessly adapting to the flow of the battle, creating a harmonious dance between offense and defense.

Having exchanged a flurry of strikes, Karra and Light find themselves momentarily separated, their backs resting against the pristine white walls of the mysterious room. The air around them is charged with a mixture of exhaustion and determination. Beads of sweat trickle down their brows, evidence of the intense exertion they have endured.

As they catch their breath, their gazes meet, acknowledging the unspoken respect between them. The room is filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and the echo of training from the other children, all striving to become members of the esteemed Black Cross Faction. Despite their fatigue, a flicker of determination ignites in their eyes, a testament to their unwavering dedication to their shared goal.

In this moment of respite, they gather their strength, drawing upon their indomitable wills. The room pulses with the energy of youthful ambition, as each child, including Karra and Light, pushes themselves further, their desire to excel driving them forward.

Exhaustion weighs heavily on Light as he leans against the wall, his forehead glistening with perspiration. Weary from the intense training session, he allows his eyes to flutter closed, seeking a moment of respite amidst the echoing sounds of metal ringing in his ears. Gradually, he drifts into a gentle doze, his body relaxing in the embrace of rest.

However, his brief slumber is interrupted by a soft punch on his shoulder, delivered by Karra with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Light's eyes snap open, his drowsiness dissipating as he turns to face her. The sight of her bright smile brings a warmth to his weary soul, momentarily pushing aside the fatigue that had enveloped him.

Light's own lips curl into a faint smile in response to Karra's playful gesture, their camaraderie and shared experiences forging a bond that transcends the rigorous training they undergo. In that fleeting moment, fatigue momentarily forgotten, they find solace in each other's presence, drawing strength from their enduring friendship.

Karra's vibrant energy is palpable, radiating from her as she stands beside Light. Her gray hair cascades in tousled waves, framing her lively eyes that hold a spark of determination. Despite standing slightly shorter than Light, her presence exudes an infectious enthusiasm that complements his more reserved nature.

Dressed in a worn-out gray suit, Karra's attire bears the signs of countless training sessions and fierce battles. The fabric clings to her form, a testament to her constant movement and agility. Her two trusty daggers, always within reach, hang at her sides, their polished blades reflecting the ambient light in a gleaming display of her prowess.

Beside her, Light dons a similar worn-out suit, but in a striking shade of black. Together, their matching outfits symbolize their shared commitment and dedication to their cause. Their worn attire speaks of the trials they have faced and the resilience that drives them forward.

As partners in training and companions on their journey, Karra and Light share a unique bond. Their contrasting qualities—Karra's vibrant energy and Light's composed demeanor—complement one another, making them a formidable duo on the path to becoming members of the esteemed Black Cross Faction.

Within the depths of Light's troubled mind, a tiny flicker of light persists, a memory of Karra that serves as a beacon of hope amidst the overwhelming darkness. Her vivacious presence, the echo of her laughter, and the unwavering support she offered remain etched in his consciousness, sustaining him through the darkest of times.

In the midst of his internal battles and personal struggles, that cherished memory acts as a lifeline, reminding Light of the strength and resilience he possesses. The memory of Karra's unwavering belief in him serves as a source of motivation, urging him to persevere in the face of adversity.

Though surrounded by shadows, Light clings to that fleeting but invaluable memory, allowing it to guide him forward. It is a reminder of the enduring connections forged in the crucible of their shared experiences, and it fuels his determination to overcome the internal demons that threaten to consume him.

Karra, seated next to Light against the white walls of the mysterious room, wraps her arms around her legs, pulling them close to her chest. Her expression shifts from a bright smile to one of sincere contemplation, her gaze fixed on the distance.

In that moment, her presence radiates a sense of quiet understanding and empathy. Although she may not fully comprehend the depths of Light's struggles, her unwavering support remains steadfast. Her eyes, filled with compassion and genuine concern, convey a silent message of reassurance.

As they sit side by side, a silent camaraderie forms between them, transcending the need for words. The weight of their shared experiences, battles fought side by side, and the mutual understanding forged through hardships, lingers in the air.

Karra's quiet presence serves as a reminder that Light is not alone in his journey. Despite the darkness that engulfs his mind, her unwavering support and the memory of their shared moments provide a glimmer of hope. In her sincere gaze, Light finds solace, knowing that even amidst the darkest of times, a genuine connection can light the way.

"Light..." Karra's voice breaks through the air, carrying with it an unexpected sincerity and vulnerability.

"Mmm?" Light responds, his voice slightly higher than his usual calm demeanor, betraying a hint of curiosity. He turns his gaze towards Karra, his eyes searching her face for any signs of what she might say next.

Tears well up in Karra's eyes as she struggles to find the right words, her voice choked with emotion. Her heart races, torn between the vulnerability of her request and the fear of potential rejection.

"Promise me..." Karra's voice quivers, the weight of her unspoken desire hanging in the air. Her gaze locks with Light's, pleading for understanding, as she tries to gather the courage to voice her deepest longing.

"Promise you what?" confusion clouds Light's expression, his brows furrowing as he searches Karra's eyes for clarity. His own emotions dance on a delicate precipice, teetering between anticipation and apprehension. He waits, his heart pounding, eager to know what lies behind Karra's unfinished plea.

"Promise me... That if I suddenly die, right here and now... You'd go on and live..." responds Karra in a sincere tone before smiling once again, Karra's voice trembles with a mixture of vulnerability and urgency as she makes her heartfelt plea. Her sincere tone and hopeful expression reveal the depth of her concern, as she seeks reassurance and comfort from Light.

"Weird topic to suddenly dump on me, I mean, look... That will never happen... Come on, Karra..." says Light with his voice carrying a touch of amusement, attempting to lighten the weight of the conversation. However, a subtle undercurrent of genuine care and affection can be sensed in his words, as he tries to dismiss the notion of such a tragic event happening. His lighthearted tone serves as a shield, masking his own fears and worries, as he playfully encourages Karra to let go of her concerns.

These words now hold a haunting significance, as they foreshadow the impending horrors that Light will soon face alone. The weight of regret consumes him as he dwells on the hurtful words he uttered to Karra. In the present, a somber tone resonates in his thoughts, as he deeply regrets the impact of his hurtful remarks and longs for the chance to amend his past mistakes.

"That words, I still regret saying those shit I said... Karra..." thoughts Light as the weight of those words still lingers heavily in Light's heart, as he reflects on the regret of uttering such hurtful remarks to Karra. In the present time, a sorrowful tone fills his thoughts, as he acknowledges the gravity of his words and the pain they caused.

Visions of raging infernos and crimson rivers flood Light's thoughts, engulfing him in a maddening whirlpool of fire and blood. The flickering flames dance with a sinister allure, whispering secrets of chaos and destruction. As the haunting images consume his mind, Light feels himself being pulled deeper into the clutches of madness, the line between reality and delusion becoming increasingly blurred.

January 13 4005 12:20 PM

Light abruptly shakes off the lingering remnants of his dark thoughts, his expression returning to its usual stoic facade. Despite the horrors he had witnessed and the turmoil brewing within him, he remains outwardly emotionless, a mask he wears to shield himself from the pain and brokenness that resides deep within his soul. Perhaps it is this very brokenness that has led him to embrace his stoic nature, as a way to protect himself from further emotional turmoil.

Light takes a moment to survey his lifeless room, the minimalistic decor Claire had added as a small attempt to inject some life into the otherwise dreary space. He settles into his chair, his gaze fixated on the brightly illuminated lights emanating from his laptop screen. The movie that had played on a loop through the night comes to an end, prompting Light to shut down his laptop and close the screen.

Just as he does so, a series of faint knocks resonate from the other side of his door, interrupting the quiet solitude of his room.

With a mixture of curiosity and hesitation, Light makes his way towards the door, the faint creaking sound adding to the eerie ambiance. As he opens the door, his eyes meet with Claire, who stands before him. Despite the evident signs of exhaustion on her face, the faint eye bags and small bruises, her smile remains a beacon of warmth and resilience.

"Hey there, Light!" exclaims Claire with a burst of energy in her voice.

Her vibrant yellow hair dances in the wind as a sudden gust blows from behind her. Light, running his fingers through his own black hair, responds to her with his usual emotionless demeanor intact.

"What's up?" Light asks, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Nothing much, been alright since..." Claire responds energetically, her voice carrying a hint of weakness and a slight stutter.

"Well, if it's not that big of a deal, why did you come here to see me of all people?" Light asks, his tone still emotionless.

Claire gently sways on her feet, her hands finding a comfortable resting place on her lower back. Her vibrant smile remains fixed in place as she stands before the stoic and unyielding figure of Light.

Within the confines of his dorm, Light remains unchanged, his expression void of emotion as he stands motionless. The weight of Claire's anticipation is palpable in the air, contrasting with his own calm and composed demeanor.

"Wanna go out? It's Sunday, and tomorrow we'll be back to our classes... So, it would be nice to take a walk on our last day of the weekend," Claire suggests with a warm smile on her face.

"I'd prefer if we stayed here. Bandit might ambush us again," Light insists, his gaze remaining blank. "I can't argue with that," Claire responds, acknowledging the validity of Light's concern.

Claire entered the room, taking in the familiar sight of Light's typically barren and lifeless surroundings. However, she noticed a subtle change—a touch of decorations she had placed around the room, adding a hint of warmth and color.

Finding her way to the chair beside Light's table, she settled down, her gaze drawn to his laptop, its screen now shut. Light, seated with his back against the side of his bed, exuded his usual air of detachment.

"So, how has it been? After, you know, yesterday..." Claire asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Light maintains his stoic demeanor and replies, "Well, I wouldn't say I had a terrible day, but it certainly won't come close to being amazing." His voice lacks any trace of amusement.

Claire observes the tranquil scene outside the window, the gentle sway of leaves and the calming presence of nature. It contrasts with the emotionless facade that Light consistently maintains, even in the face of such serene moments. It's as if he remains unaffected by the world around him, never breaking his usual demeanor. Claire can't help but wonder what lies beneath that seemingly impenetrable facade.

Claire chooses to accept Light for who he is, recognizing that delving into his emotions might be a delicate territory. She realizes that understanding him may require navigating delicate territory. If she doesn't make an effort to comprehend him, who else will? She imagines that there might be hidden layers of brokenness within Light, depths that she has yet to explore. The enigmatic nature of his persona only deepens her curiosity about what shapes his character.

"You should consider getting a haircut, Light. Your hair is getting quite long," Claire suggests, her tone filled with gentle concern.

Light scoffs in response, his emotionless facade remaining unbroken. ""If I feel like it, I'll do it. Right now, I feel nothing," he retorts sarcastically.

Claire chuckles softly, her amusement shining through. "Always so defensive," she remarks, a playful glimmer in her eyes.

As the seconds ticked by, Claire's smile gradually fades, replaced by a subtle hint of sadness that she tries to conceal from Light. Despite his perceptive nature, Light remains silent, refraining from addressing the change in her demeanor. He understands that sometimes people have their own battles to fight, their own emotions to grapple with. For now, he chooses to respect her unspoken wish to keep it to herself, allowing her the space she needs.

Claire lets out a soft sigh, her internal turmoil evident in the way she carries herself. Determined to bridge the emotional gap between them, she rises from the chair and moves to sit closer to Light. Despite his slight shift away from her, Claire persists, inching closer to him. As their proximity increases, a faint blush colors her cheeks, a reflection of the mix of nerves and affection she feels in that moment.

"Light, can I be completely honest with you, just this once?" Claire asks, her face a canvas of mixed emotions, ranging from apprehension to vulnerability.

Light maintained his stoic demeanor, observing Claire as she took a seat beside him. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she clung to his sleeve, seeking solace. Although he typically displayed a lack of emotion, he respected her vulnerability and chose to remain silent, providing a calm and supportive presence. It was a side of Claire he had never witnessed before, her usual cheerful smile replaced by tears of fragility. In that moment, Light's stillness spoke volumes, offering a silent reassurance and comfort to Claire in her time of need.

"It was my fault, wasn't it..." Claire's voice trembled with sorrow as tears welled up in her eyes. She clutched onto Light's sleeve tightly, her tears slowly cascading down onto his sleeve and the floor below. Each droplet seemed to carry the weight of the sadness she had concealed behind her smile for so long.

"It was my fault... It is... Rose wouldn't have disappeared if it wasn't for me..." Claire's voice cracked with despair as tears streamed down her face, her cries filled with guilt and self-blame.

"Claire..." Light's voice remained stoic, but his eyes showed a glimmer of understanding and empathy.

Light's expression softened as he observed the depth of Claire's sorrow. While he was not accustomed to openly displaying his emotions, he felt a genuine desire to alleviate her pain. In the silence that enveloped them, he pondered how he could bring solace to her in this time of sadness.

"These past days, I can't keep her out of my mind. She's been haunting me, and the thought of her being dead terrifies me. What will I do then? Her face, it haunts my mind, even in my dreams..." Claire cries, her voice filled with anguish and desperation.

Light remained a steadfast and composed presence beside Claire, providing a sense of stability in the midst of her emotional turmoil. He allowed her tears to cascade onto his shoulder, offering a wordless solace in his silent support. Eventually, breaking the silence, Light's voice emerged, its tone devoid of emotion.

"It's not, Claire... It's not your fault..." says Light in his usual emotionless tone, his words carrying a slight stutter.

"Really? You think so?" asks Claire, her voice trembling with a mixture of relief and uncertainty, her tears slowly subsiding.

"Yeah... Besides, if you were in the opposite situation, I doubt Rose wouldn't feel the same..." Light points out, his expression remaining stoic, yet a flicker of empathy shines through his eyes.

Claire's tears gradually subside, and a sense of calm washes over her. Light's words have brought her solace and reassurance in her moment of vulnerability. She gazes into his gray eyes, searching for any trace of emotion that lies beneath his usual stoic facade. To her surprise, she catches a fleeting glimmer of sincerity and empathy, a glimpse into the depths of his true self. It is in that moment that she realizes there is more to Light than meets the eye, and she feels a deeper connection with him than ever before.

"Thanks, that made me... Feel a little better..." Claire says in a soft tone, her voice carrying small sniffs of lingering emotion.

Light's gaze shifts from Claire to his own memories, reflecting on the first time they met and the warmth she brought into his life. The contrast between her current sadness and the joyful smile she used to wear tugs at his heart. As Claire rests her head on his lap, Light feels a slight invasion of his personal space, but he chooses to remain silent, offering her the comfort of his presence.

"You wouldn't mind if I rest my head on your lap, would you?" Claire asks in a gentle voice.

Light nods slowly, allowing her to find solace in that position. He watches as she closes her eyes, her trust in him evident in that vulnerable moment.

"You know, Light, you always manage to be a kind person, even when you try your hardest not to be," Claire says, her cheeks tinted with a slight blush.

"That's a good way to describe me in a nutshell..." Light responds sarcastically, maintaining his stoic demeanor.

Claire's giggles fill the air as she closes her eyes once again, finding comfort and peace in the presence of Light. Within a few minutes, the gentle rhythm of her breathing indicates that she has fallen into a deep slumber, her head resting peacefully on his lap. Light remains still, watching over her with his usual emotionless expression, a silent guardian in the tranquil moment.

"I-I l-l-love... I l-love you... Li-Light," murmurs Claire in her sleep, her words reaching Light's ears.

He feels a slight shock at hearing her confess her feelings, but he quickly dismisses it, attributing it to her subconscious thoughts in her dream state. Light reasons that she may not truly mean it or be fully aware of what she is saying in her sleep. Despite this revelation, both of them remain in his dorm room for the rest of the afternoon, enjoying the comfort of each other's presence in their own unique ways.

Meanwhile, in a mysterious dark room, as Rose's eyes adjust to the dim lighting of the room, she takes in her surroundings with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. The sight that greets her is chilling: she finds herself bound to a chair, her hands tightly tied together. The coldness of the restraints sends a shiver down her spine, as the reality of her predicament sinks in.

Her gaze shifts to the other occupants of the room, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of white-clad bandits. Some of them are engaged in showcasing their weapons, while others emit an air of malicious amusement, their laughter echoing ominously in the confined space. The tension in the room is palpable, filling the air with a sense of impending danger.

Among the bandits, Rose's attention is drawn to a particular individual - a man with gray hair. His nervous demeanor is evident, even beneath the anonymity of his white mask. There is something about him that sparks a flicker of curiosity within Rose, as she wonders about his role in this mysterious setting.

"Sir Theseus, the assassination of the targets, Light and Claire, has failed... Our high-ranking bandits were unable to eliminate them," the bandit stammers, his voice trembling with fear.

Theseus, a man exuding authority and menace, narrows his eyes as he processes the information. The atmosphere in the room grows more tense, and the bandits around them fall silent, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"What did you just say?" Theseus repeats, his tone laced with intimidation. His question hangs in the air, demanding an explanation for the failure that has befallen their carefully planned operation. The weight of Theseus' gaze bears down on the bandit, who can only nervously await his response.

Theseus's anger boils over as he viciously strikes the bandit with his gun, causing the unfortunate man to crumble to the ground. The bandit scrambles to his feet, fear driving him to flee from the wrath of Theseus.

Rose's heart pounds in her chest as she watches the unsettling scene unfold before her eyes. The failed assassination attempt on Claire and Light fills her with dread, and witnessing Theseus's violent outburst only intensifies her fear. She becomes acutely aware of her vulnerable position, bound to the chair and at the mercy of this ominous figure.

Theseus, with a chilling smile etched across his face, advances towards Rose. His presence exudes a palpable sense of menace, sending shivers down her spine. She braces herself for whatever lies ahead, uncertain of what Theseus has in store for her.

Rose's voice trembles as she musters the courage to speak. "W-what do you want?" she asks, her voice filled with fear and uncertainty.

Theseus, maintaining his intimidating presence, smirks at Rose's question. "Nothing much, my dear," he replies, his voice dripping with menace. "Just your cooperation. You see, if you don't comply with our demands, the bullet from this fine gentleman's gun will find its way straight to your head."

Rose's eyes widen in terror as her gaze shifts to the bandit, who stands nearby with his weapon aimed at her. The threat hangs heavy in the air, leaving her with a sense of dread and the realization that her life hangs in the balance.

Theseus's words send a wave of fear coursing through Rose's veins. Helplessly, she watches him speak with an intimidating voice, her mouth agape, but no words escape her lips.

"So, you're acquainted with our primary targets, Light, the swordsman, and Claire, the archer?" Theseus continues, his voice laced with malice. "Don't you worry, my dear. They will soon meet their demise at our hands."

Rose's plea is filled with desperation and terror. "No... Please, don't..." she begs, her voice quivering with fear and the weight of impending danger.

With a cruel smile etched on his face, Theseus turns away from Rose, relishing in the power he holds over her. He walks off, his gun gripped tightly in his hand, fully aware of the impending moment when he will strike and fulfill his deadly mission to assassinate Light and Claire. Rose is left behind, trembling and filled with a sense of impending doom, as she contemplates the grim fate that awaits her friends.
