
Linking Stars (old)

In the enchanting world of Stracia, where magic and technology coexist, a group of aspiring heroes embarks on a remarkable journey to safeguard their realm. Among them are Light, an emotionless and mysterious but sarcastic swordsman who holds many secrets, Claire, a spirited archer and fencer, Marcus, a brooding scythe wielder, Liene, a swift and strategic kyoketsu shoge user, Cain, a clumsy yet powerful mage, and Rose, supportive and cheerful care-free mage. Their journey takes them to treacherous dungeons, ancient ruins, and sprawling landscapes, where they encounter powerful adversaries and forge alliances with unlikely allies. They face off against a mide varieties of enemies, including the enigmatic Derek, who delves into forbidden arts in his quest for power, or the formidable Theseus, who find himself running murderous clan and more that they will face Amidst the battles and quests, the students also grapple with personal growth and inner conflicts. They navigate complex relationships and confront their own fears and insecurities. As they face the challenges that come their way, they learn the true meaning of friendship, social issues, inner problems and sacrifice. Throughout the webnovel "Stars of Arcadia," readers are immersed in a world of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The story explores themes of resilience, destiny, and the importance of staying true to oneself. As the students of the Celestial Sword Academy, Light, Claire, Marcus, and Liene along with Cain, Rose, and Ken as well as Dylan, Karra, Kate, Rhea, Kaine, Syrra, Iris, and more as they become the heroes that Stracia and the worls of Luminora needs, forging their own paths and leaving an indelible mark on the world they seek to protect.

LightKazukiGray · ファンタジー
38 Chs

A Broken Promise

January 12 4005 9:46PM

As Cain rose to his feet in the dimly illuminated and cold hallways of the academy, his perplexity intensified by the fervent exclamation of the girl with vibrant pink hair. It became apparent that she somehow knew him, despite his complete lack of memory regarding any prior encounter with her.

"It's you, it's really you!" says the pink-haired girl in an exclamation burst forth, her voice infused with a mix of astonishment and exhilaration.

Cain's eyebrows furrowed, a cascade of curiosity sweeping over him. His mind raced, desperately seeking comprehension amid the bewildering revelation. He couldn't shake off the relentless urge to untangle the enigma, to decipher the meaning behind her fervent words.

Cain's eyes remained fixated on the girl as he posed the question, a concoction of wonder and bewilderment swirling within his gaze.

"What do you mean?" he inquired, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation and a touch of perplexity. The depths of his emotions played out across his features, revealing his genuine curiosity to unravel the mystery that lay before him.

Cain scratched his head, his perplexity escalating as time ticked by. With a hand scratching his head, he immersed himself in deep contemplation, grappling to comprehend the girl's enigmatic words. In that very moment, a soft breeze swept through the hallway, coaxing her pink locks to dance and sway to the left, exposing a glimmer of her unrestrained excitement. It became unmistakably clear that her animated disposition stemmed from the profound realization that he was the individual who had valiantly come to her aid on that fateful night, rescuing her from the clutches of ominous creatures.

"You! You were the one who saved me that evening!" The girl's voice erupted with energy and gratitude, exclaiming.

Cain's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of recognition struggling to surface amidst the depths of his memory. He strained to recollect the precise incident she spoke of, his mind grasping for elusive fragments that could bring clarity to the situation. The weight of uncertainty pressed upon him, leaving him eager to unearth the truth behind her heartfelt declaration.

"Wait, what night?" he uttered, his voice tinged with confusion, mirroring the perplexity etched upon his face.

As the wind persisted, billowing through the dimly lit hallways of the dormitory, the open windows became conduits for forceful currents of cold air. The gusts tousled their hair, molding it to the sides, a visual manifestation of the atmospheric turbulence that matched the whirlwind of emotions swirling within them.

Cain's head continued to be plagued by confusion, his brows furrowing with each perplexed scratch of his head, accentuating the whirlwind of bewilderment swirling within him. Clutching his staff tightly, he stood there, attempting to make sense of the situation unfolding before him.

In stark contrast, the girl remained entranced and brimming with enthusiasm, her captivated expression unaffected by the confusion that enveloped Cain. Her hands clenched into tight fists, pressed against her chest, providing a sense of comfort as her chin rested upon them. With unwavering energy, she maintained an unwavering gaze fixed upon Cain, her starry-eyed enthusiasm refusing to wane.

"That night, when you unleashed those powerful fireball spells against those monsters!" the girl exclaimed, her voice infused with uncontainable excitement and unwavering certainty.

Cain's gaze shifted from the girl to the empty space above him, his finger remaining poised in front of his face. As he shook his finger and head slowly, a flicker of realization started to dawn upon him. Piece by piece, he began to connect the fragments of her story, a jigsaw puzzle slowly coming together within his mind. The recollection started to take shape, painting a picture of a fateful night that had once seemed lost in the depths of his memory.

"Oh, that night... the monsters and that guy," Cain muttered, his voice carrying a subtle tone of recollection.

The girl's excitement intensified, her words flowing with unbridled fervor. "And you, with your fearless spirit, valiantly rescued me from those menacing monsters, unleashing your mighty fireballs!" she exclaimed, her admiration for his heroic act shining through every word.

Cain stammered, his confusion deepening with each passing moment. "I-I don't... I don't quite recall that last part," he confessed, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

A perplexed expression washed over the girl's face, her brows furrowing as she tried to make sense of the disparity. "Huh? I could've sworn it was you," she mumbled, a trace of doubt creeping into her voice. "You fearlessly confronted that guy, brandishing your two swords... I vividly remember how skillfully you took him down," she recounted, her certainty wavering slightly.

Cain's confusion deepened, his memories stubbornly refusing to align with the girl's vivid account of the events. Despite initially thinking he had a grasp on her story, the discrepancies left him even more bewildered than before. To his surprise, he noticed a reflection of equal perplexity in the girl's eyes. It became evident that both of them were now caught in the intricate web of uncertainty, grappling to reconcile their recollections and make sense of the perplexing puzzle that lay before them.

"Oh, I mistook you, haven't I?" the girl asked, her voice carrying a tinge of sadness, realizing the discrepancy in their recollections.

Cain responded gently, his voice filled with understanding. "No, it's not that you entirely mistook me," he explained. "While I may have been the one who saved you, I am not the person you mentioned, the one who bravely faced Derek wielding two swords. That part doesn't coincide with my own recollection." His words carried a sense of acceptance, acknowledging the disparity without diminishing the significance of their shared experience.

The girl's expression shifted, her features morphing into a combination of disappointment and realization. The initial excitement that had animated her had now dissipated, replaced by the somber understanding of a mistaken identity. The truth had settled upon her, and she was slowly coming to terms with it. It was evident in the way her gaze softened and her shoulders slumped slightly, as the weight of the realization settled upon her.

As memories of that fateful night came flooding back, Cain's mind was filled with the vivid recollection of the misfire that unintentionally led to saving the pink-haired girl. With each passing moment, Rose's excitement seemed to grow, unaware of the mix-up that had taken place. However, as Cain pieced the fragments together, a glimmer of understanding started to dawn upon him. The realization slowly took hold, and he began to grasp the true nature of the situation unfolding before them.

"Really?! So you're the one who saved me?" the pink-haired girl exclaimed, her voice brimming with astonishment, a sparkle of hope and admiration lighting up her eyes.

Cain nodded, his tone carrying a tinge of restraint. "Well, not exactly as heroic as it sounds," he confessed, his voice laced with a touch of self-deprecation. "It was more of an accidental outcome. That fireball was never meant to hit the monsters, but somehow it ended up saving you."

The girl's response echoed Cain's subdued tone, her initial astonishment giving way to a shade of disappointment. Her voice, now tinged with a hint of resignation, whispered, "Oh, that's... a bit underwhelming." Her once bright expression dimmed slightly, as the reality of the situation settled upon her, adjusting her expectations to align with the unexpected turn of events.

Awkwardness settled between them in the dimly lit hallway, as a tangible tension hung in the air. Their hair gently swayed in the breeze that drifted through the nearby open windows, adding a touch of ethereal motion to the scene. The silence lingered, stretching seconds into an uncomfortable pause. However, it was the girl who broke the stillness, mustering a smile, albeit tinged with a hint of wistfulness.

"Well, whether it was intentional or not, I still owe you my gratitude. So, thank you..." the girl expressed in a cheery tone, her appreciation shining through her words.

"You're welcome, I suppose..." Cain responded in a slow, measured tone, his reserved demeanor softening slightly in acknowledgment.

"Wait a minute... you're that new transfer student, aren't you?" the girl inquired, curiosity tugging at her.

"That would be correct, madam..." Cain replied, his voice carrying a subtle hint of sarcasm, a touch he had picked up from Light.

The girl's cheeks flushed slightly as she covered her mouth with her fist, unable to contain a slow giggle in response to Cain's feeble attempt at sarcasm. The sound of her laughter, gentle and warm, filled the air and dissolved the lingering awkwardness, bringing a moment of lightheartedness to the dimly lit hallway.

"Well, you know 'madam' isn't my name, so let me introduce myself properly. I'm Rhea," she said as her ears wiggle, her tone transitioning into a more formal and composed manner. "It's nice to meet a new student here," she added, extending a friendly greeting that contrasted with her previous energetic tone. The dimly lit hallway seemed to hold its breath for a moment as the formality settled between them, creating a subtle shift in the atmosphere.

Rhea Anna Amari, with her vibrant and lively personality, was a burst of energy that could brighten up any room she entered. Her short bob-cut pink hair perfectly matched her playful and adventurous spirit. Her big, pink eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and curiosity, always ready for the next exciting challenge accompanied with her cat-girl looks, with her pink ears and tail, being a demi-human despite not acting like most cat-girl or demi-human without any aspects of the persona of a average cat-girl, no meows in her conversation, basically making her an average human with an appearance of her race.

As a skilled berserker, Rhea possessed incredible strength and agility. The powerful uppercut she delivered to Cain showcased her impressive combat skills and raw power. Despite her fierce fighting abilities, her demeanor remained warm and friendly, radiating a genuine sense of joy and kindness.

Her attire mirrored that of her fellow comrades, Claire and Rose, wearing a uniform adorned in shades of blue. Although the colors were the same, Rhea's female uniform featured distinct design elements, tailored to fit her form and showcasing her individuality.

Rhea extended her hand for a handshake, a gesture of welcoming and camaraderie as she wiggles her tail. Cain accepted it humbly, his fingers gently clasping hers, feeling a mix of gratitude and nervousness. As their hands met, a fleeting connection was formed, embodying the beginning of a new acquaintance in the midst of the dimly lit hallway.

"Well, I suppose it's my turn... I'm Cain, the new transfer student from Dark Fire Academy, and your supposed savior..." Cain responded, his voice carrying a touch of self-doubt, unsure of how to fully embrace his newfound role.

"Holy shoot, you're from Dark Fire?" Rhea exclaimed, her eyes widening with genuine surprise, reflecting the significance of the revelation.

"Yeah, funny thing, I actually snuck onto the airship and ended up being transferred here because of my involvement in the fight against Derek," Cain admitted, his cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability, as he revealed the unconventional circumstances that brought him to their academy.

"So YOU were the one who fought against that guy with your two blades?" Rhea asked, her voice brimming with awe, her eyes shining with admiration as her ears wiggle.

"No, no, no... I WAS only at the fight. I didn't defeat him. In fact, I was unconscious for most of the fight alongside Light, the supposed solo swordsman that everyone supposedly calls him..." Cain clarified, his tone tinged with a hint of disappointment, a shadow crossing his expression as he reflected on his own limitations.

Rhea nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a subtle gesture betraying her inner turmoil. Standing before Cain, a mix of confusion and embarrassment washed over her, unsure of how to navigate the situation. Meanwhile, Cain's own discomfort was palpable, his unease evident in his posture and the subtle shifting of his weight. The atmosphere between them held a delicate tension, as both individuals grappled with their emotions in the dimly lit hallway.

"Well, that was quite a story... I must admit, I had higher expectations," Rhea expressed, her voice carrying a subtle note of disappointment, her hopes somewhat dashed.

"Sorry to disappoint," Cain replied, his tone laced with a touch of self-deprecation, acknowledging his inability to meet the lofty expectations that had been placed upon him.

"So... what about this Rose you mistook me for? Is she your girlfriend?" Rhea inquired, her curiosity evident in her voice, a subtle hint of jealousy barely concealed as her ears curls.

"No... it's just that she's been missing for the past twelve days, ever since that massive incident involving Derek..." Cain's voice trailed off, tinged with a touch of sorrow, the weight of uncertainty weighing heavily on his heart.

"Oh..." Rhea responded softly, her own voice trailing off, the realization sinking in as the awkwardness thickened between them, creating a silent space that held unspoken questions and uncharted emotions.

Cain stood before Rhea, attentively observing the telltale signs of fatigue etched upon her weary countenance. He noticed the slight trembling in her body, a visible testament to the toll that exhaustion had exacted on her, even after the unexpected punch she had delivered to him.

"You seem sleepy," Cain remarked, his voice carrying a genuine concern for Rhea's well-being. The fatigue evident in her demeanor was hard to ignore.

"No no no, I'm good," Rhea responded as he ears wiggling slightly, her voice attempting to brush off her exhaustion.

Cain's concern only deepened as he gazed at her tired face. "You're definitely not good," he insisted, his tone firm yet gentle. "Come on, let me walk you to your dorm. You shouldn't be wandering around in this state." His words carried a sense of protectiveness, a genuine desire to ensure her safety and comfort.

After a gentle persuasion, Rhea's exhaustion overpowered her initial resistance, and she finally relented, agreeing to let Cain accompany her on the walk back to her dormitory. The two of them walked side by side through the dimly lit corridors, their footsteps echoing softly in the serene stillness of the night.

"Thanks for walking me back. I hope it's not a hassle," Rhea expressed, her voice tinged with the weariness that clung to her, a faint blush gracing her fatigued face. Her gratitude was evident, and it carried a touch of vulnerability, an acknowledgment of her own tiredness and the relief she found in his presence.

Cain's eyes softened with understanding as he gazed at Rhea who wiggles her ears, a surge of empathy coursing through him for the weary girl standing before him. He extended his hand and placed it gently on her shoulder, offering a reassuring smile.

"It's no big deal," Cain reassured her, his voice imbued with genuine warmth. "I'm glad I could be there for you. You shouldn't have to walk alone in this state." His words carried a sense of genuine care and a desire to alleviate her burden, offering support in the midst of her weariness.

Rhea entered her dormitory, the weight of exhaustion evident in every step. She slowly closed the door behind her, allowing a sense of privacy to settle in. Meanwhile, Cain stood outside for a moment, his gaze lingering on the closed door, a mix of concern and relief flickering in his eyes. With a sigh, he resumed his walk, their paths diverging for now, but the memory of their encounter lingering in his thoughts.

January 13 4005 7:01AM

The next day, the sun gently peeked through the curtains of Marcus' room, casting a warm glow that danced upon the wooden floor. Marcus sat on the edge of his bed, his posture slightly slouched, lost in his own thoughts. His expression was pensive and contemplative, a reflection of the turbulent start to his day following the unexpected confrontation and yell with Liene. Uncertainty loomed over him as he pondered on how to navigate the situation and decide on the best course of action.

"Maybe I should just stay in my room today," Marcus muttered to himself, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He cast a glance around the room, his eyes scanning the familiar surroundings, searching for something to occupy his time and provide a temporary distraction from the lingering frustration.

His eyes fell upon a stack of books resting on a nearby shelf, beckoning to him like old friends. With a sigh of resignation, Marcus made his decision. He reached out and carefully selected a book, its worn cover promising a world of solace and escapism within its pages. With the book in hand, he settled into a comfortable chair near the window, basking in the soft sunlight that filtered through the glass. As he opened the book and began to read, the words transported him to a different realm, enveloping him in a world of imagination and storytelling. Within the realm of literature, Marcus sought solace and the temporary respite he longed for, immersing himself in the captivating narratives that awaited him.

The hours melted away as Marcus lost himself in the captivating stories and vibrant characters that danced across the pages. Each turn of phrase, every twist and turn of the plot, fueled his imagination and kept him spellbound. But as the day wore on, a familiar restlessness began to tug at his consciousness.

With a sigh, Marcus reluctantly closed the book and set it aside, feeling a mix of satisfaction and longing. His eyes roamed the room, seeking a new activity to occupy his restless mind. It was then that his gaze fell upon a deck of cards resting on a nearby table, as if inviting him to indulge in a game of solitaire. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as memories of countless hours spent playing the solitary game flooded his mind. Intrigued by the familiar challenge and the promise of quiet contemplation, Marcus reached for the deck of cards, ready to embark on a different kind of way to treat his boredom.

With each flick of his wrists, Marcus skillfully shuffles the deck of cards, the rhythmic sound creating a soothing melody that resonates within him. As the cards cascade through his hands, he feels a sense of tranquility enveloping his troubled thoughts. With precise movements, he places the cards on the table, forming intricate patterns and formations that capture his full attention.

Engrossed in the process, Marcus's mind becomes singularly focused on the arrangement of the cards. The worries and distractions that had plagued him earlier fade away, replaced by a serene state of mind. The repetitive motions of his hands and the meticulous placement of each card provide a grounding anchor, allowing him to immerse himself fully in the task at hand. In this simple act of organizing the cards, he discovers a refuge from the chaos of the outside world, finding solace in the tranquil rhythm and the satisfaction of creating harmonious patterns.

As the afternoon sun gradually descends, its golden rays casting long shadows across the room, Marcus's weariness becomes increasingly apparent. The strain of the day settles into his bones, leaving him feeling drained and fatigued. He rubs his temples in an attempt to alleviate the dull ache that lingers there, but the weariness proves too overpowering.

With a heavy sigh, Marcus relinquishes his battle against sleep. Surrendering to the gentle embrace of exhaustion, he rests his head on the cool surface of the table. Gradually, his eyelids grow heavy, succumbing to the irresistible pull of slumber. The tranquility of the room envelops him as he drifts into a peaceful sleep, his mind finding respite from the day's troubles in the realm of dreams.

Abruptly roused from his slumber, Marcus's eyes snap open, his drowsiness dissipating in an instant. The sharp knocks reverberate through the room, jolting him fully awake. He groggily sits up, his mind racing to comprehend the interruption.

He cracks open his eyes, peering through the sliver of the door, only to find himself uninterested in the source of the interruption. Ignoring the persistent knocking, he lets out a sigh and returns to his previous state of rest, hoping that the person behind the door will take the hint and go away.

Suddenly, a series of urgent knocks echoed through the door, growing increasingly rapid and insistent. The repeated strikes conveyed a sense of desperation, as if the person outside was determined to get his attention, regardless of his initial disregard.

Frustration boiling within him, Marcus shouted in an exasperated tone, "Damn it, Liene! Just leave me alone!" The echo of her previous angry outburst still resonated in his mind, fueling his own irritation.

From behind the door, Liene clutched her chest, her expression filled with a mix of hurt and determination. The sting of Marcus' words reached deep within her, but she knew she had to face him and make amends. Despite the pain, she stood her ground, resolved to apologize for her outburst and acknowledge that her anger had been uncalled for.

"Marcus, I just really want to apologize for last night..." Liene says, her voice filled with a gentle tone of remorse.

Marcus's response carries a subtle hint of emotional strain as his anger begins to surface. "Then you shouldn't have thought of doing it in the first place..." he replies, his voice betraying a slight crack as his anger simmers beneath the surface.

Liene's subsequent words maintain a soft and apologetic tone, reflecting her recognition of the inappropriateness of her actions. "I'm sorry, I know it was uncalled for..." she says, her voice conveying her sincere remorse.

Reluctantly, Liene finally opens the door, hoping to find the familiar humble and happy Marcus she is accustomed to seeing. However, what meets her gaze leaves her taken aback. Instead of the vibrant and composed Marcus she knows, she is greeted by a lifeless expression, reminiscent of Light's demeanor. His eyes bear the weight of heavy bags, hinting at a lack of sleep. His disheveled appearance, with unkempt hair and untidy clothes, reveals a neglect of personal care. And amidst these details, an unmistakable anger radiates from his face, etching lines of frustration on his features.

"Then why don't you do me a favor... and just leave," Marcus says through gritted teeth, his voice a mix of anger and frustration, yet spoken in a low tone that holds a hint of restraint.

He opened the door, not with the intention of accepting her apology, but to make her go away. He gripped the doorknob tightly, his hand trembling slightly as his anger grew in the presence of the apologetic and concerned Liene. She stood there speechless, unable to find the words to address the growing tension between them.

"You really want to know what my problem is?! Huh?!" Marcus yelled, his voice filled with anger and frustration. The intensity of his tone was unlike anything Liene had ever heard from Marcus before, not even during his battle against Derek.

"Before forcefully being sent to this academy, I was home schooled for several years, after being hated just because of the skill I inherited from my family! My town, my family hated me my whole life and just maybe, just maybe, you... I thought you felt different about me!" Marcus's voice reverberated with anger and hurt, his words piercing the air. The weight of a lifetime of animosity from his town and family was evident in his passionate outburst. Liene stood before him, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief, as the weight of Marcus's painful revelations settled upon her.

"I-I'm sorry... I h-had no idea..." Liene stammered, her voice filled with genuine remorse as she looked down, unable to meet Marcus's gaze.

Marcus's anger simmered, his tone laced with bitterness and frustration. "Well, I guess I was wrong, Ain't I? What's an elf like you even know about me anyway?" The words escaped his lips, a mix of accusation and disbelief, as he struggled to reconcile his expectations with the reality before him.

Liene's shock deepened as Marcus revealed his knowledge of her true identity as an elf. She instinctively reached up to touch her left ear, hidden beneath her blue hair, feeling a mixture of surprise and vulnerability.

Conflicting emotions swirled within Liene as she stood before Marcus, unsure of how to respond. Was it possible that he knew she was an elf all along, yet he harbored no hatred or prejudice towards her? Or was his anger directed at the circumstances he was currently enduring? Perhaps, like Light and the others, Marcus too was a broken individual, carrying his own burdens and pain.

In the silence that hung between them, Liene struggled to find the right words, her apologetic gaze betraying her internal turmoil.

"Like I said, Leave... Don't make me repeat myself," says Marcus, his voice laced with anger and frustration.

Before Liene could react, the door slams shut in her face, leaving her standing outside Marcus' dorm, stunned and speechless. She leans against the door, feeling the weight of the situation, and slowly slides down to sit on the ground, her back still pressed against the door.

Liene's mind races with thoughts and emotions, wanting desperately to apologize to Marcus but at a loss for words. She feels a mix of regret, guilt, and confusion, unsure of how to bridge the growing divide between them.

Inside his dorm, Marcus sinks down against the side of his bed, memories of his painful past flooding his mind. The rejection and hatred he experienced from his town, his family, and even his own siblings because of the skill he inherited from his grandfather weigh heavily on his heart.

His gaze falls upon the scythe resting nearby, a symbol of his inherited power. Mixed emotions swirl within him—anger, anguish, and a tinge of sadness. As the weight of his emotions becomes overwhelming, a single tear escapes his eye, tracing a path down his cheek, a silent manifestation of the pain he carries within.

"No one will understand me..."