
Line Between The Worlds

After discovering a box left by "The Last Adventurer", Jack has found himself in a peculiar situation. He is randomly being teleported between different worlds. Some are technologically far in the future, some have magic, and some are focused on cultivation. He is now an adventurer traveling the infinite worlds in the infinite universes. Seemingly destined to forever be stuck in the loop of finding himself in an unfamiliar situation in a new world on a new adventure, he chooses to find a way to escape it.

Ferto · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Last Adventurer

A while passed and Jack managed to calm himself down a bit.

He realized that he couldn't think of any reasonable plan to get out of this situation, and as any other man would do, Jack punched the nearest wall out of frustration.

Expecting a wall to come in contact with his fist, which didn't happen, he lost his balance, stumbled toward the wall, and fell straight through it as if nothing was even there.

Jack opened his eyes, once again finding himself on the ground and looking into the eyes of a soulless skeleton.

"AAAH!" He yelled out in terror but after realizing that it was just a skeleton, he sighed in relief.

After standing up and brushing dirt off himself he took a moment to familiarize himself with his surroundings.

In the room where he arrived was a small podium with a glowing box on it and a skeleton holding a sword beside it.

"So that's where our prince was hiding, huh," Jack went toward the podium and without any hesitation, he grabbed the box. He froze, waiting for something to happen.

"Hmm? Doesn't something usually happen in the movies when someone takes a treasure from a podium?" He shrugged it off and went on to open the little box.

The box opened and revealed a black leather wristwatch, a picture with a golden frame, and a letter.


"But how?"

"How is she in this picture?"

"Wait, didn't I just see the same watch?"

"What the fuck is going on?"

He took out the wristwatch and inspected it closer. On the backside, there were three letters "J. E. T" the three initials of Jack's full name, Jacques Emmett Time.

Being weirded out yet curious, he took the wristwatch and tried it on his hand. A sudden breeze came out of nowhere and Jack felt something enter him.

"Welcome adventurer to the Line Between The Worlds, we hope you will like your travels!"

"WHA…" without being able to finish his words, Jack disappeared from the spot.

Jack opened his eyes in a worn-out hut with a person lying in front of him

"I.. I'm sorry master! This lowly life had nothing smart to reply to the all-powerful Devil of Lyne."

'Huh? What?' Jack wanted to say but no voice came out.

"Who the fuck was that?" Devil of Lyne asked

"It.. it is ju.. just I, master"

"Shut your mouth for a god fucking second, I'm not talking about you."




Jack tried to speak out again 'erm... you hear me, mate?'

"In my head?" the Devil of Lyne questioned

"I don't think I follow, master. What's in your head?"

"A FUCKING BRAIN, not like in yours. Get the fuck out of this room, will ya?!"

The skinny guy visibly shook all over his body and ran out of the room like his life depended on it.

"Now who the fuck was talking to me? Which god do you serve?"

Being confused and not knowing the proper way to introduce himself, Jack looked in the mirror and waved at his reflection, the body he was currently habiting actually moved.

'Hi, I'm Jack, and I have absolutely no clue what in the actual hell is happening. About the god thing... I serve none.'

"YOU! What did you do to my body? Why can't I move anymore?!" the Devil said after noticing that he had no control over the movements that were just done.

'Could you just calm down for a second? As I said I don't understand either what is happening.

Just a moment ago everyone around me died in some kind of incinerator type of explosion shit and after putting this damn watch on, I just appeared here.'

"Yo, you hear me still?"


Suddenly the other personality disappeared and Jack had completely taken over the body of the Devil of Lyne.

"Am I alone?"

"Well fuck… what now?"

For he was currently completely alone with his thoughts again, he took the moment to check the room he was in.

In front of him was a mirror, he looked just like himself but just a little bit more menacing. He had a black leather jacket on him and a weird necklace that looked more like a dog's collar than anything else.

Feeling really uncomfortable having something choking him all the time, he took it off.

'It's probably not important anyway'

His face was still the same old one with a nice strong jawline, a nose a bit on the bigger side, and light blue eyes. The only difference was a scar that went over his left eye.

Jack placed his hand on the scar feeling it. With that movement came a sudden realization.

"Shit, my left eye is completely blind."

He continued his room tour with only one good eye left. On the right side of the mirror was a wooden table where happily stood the picture in a golden frame and the same letter that was inside the box.

"Liz…" he gently touched the painting.

"I hope I didn't lose you forever."

Jack's eye continued on and stopped on the letter.

"To Jacques Emmett Time"

He opened the letter and started to read


Hello mate,

you must be confused about what is currently happening.

Well long story short, if you found this Adventurer's Box then you're probably Jacques, if you're not then I'm sorry to break it to you but you most likely will die in




Let's continue on now, shall we?

So after opening this box don't put on the watch, for it might make things a bit difficult for you.


Jack facepalmed at his own idiocy, for he had already put it on and found himself in an unknown place.


If you did though, then you most likely already noticed that the watch will transport you to another world by something that we adventurers like to call 'Line Between The Worlds'

The body that you will inhabit is your own, so you don't need to feel bad for the other guy. You two are the same and after inhabiting the body you should also be able to access its memories.


And as if on queue, Jack felt a sharp pain in his head with what came the memories of the current body.


Now, whatever you do. Never remove the watch from your hand or you will be stuck in the current world forever and your adventure will end there.

After removing the watch, it will disappear and find its way to the next passenger waiting in the queue to try out the Line Between The Worlds.


There's no way of controlling the time of your transportation and the place you teleport to.

At least thus far, no one has found a way to control it.


The final item in the box is a memento of your homeworld, if that is damaged then you have absolutely no fucking way of getting back.


Also, remember to have fun, and don't fret about things in your old world. Once you get back, it SHOULD most likely be as if nothing ever happened.

Peace out,

The Last Adventurer, Mathew Scatman


Right after finishing the last words, the page ignited and instantly burnt to a crisp not even leaving ashes behind.

"Have fun you say?" Jack looked doubtful about the situation he has found himself in.

Looking as if scouring through his brain he relaxed a bit, "Well at least I don't have to worry about starting out in a new place not knowing anything"

From the corner of his one good eye, Jack noticed that there was a freaking shotgun standing against the wall.

Jack's mouth opened up and like a little boy seeing a gun for the first time, he went and picked it up.

'Have fun, huh?'

He playfully tried pointing it and acting as if he was the real Devil of Lyne.

Even though he had the memories of the real one, he still felt like himself and experienced everything for the first time.

"You talking to me? Talking to me, huh?"

"That's right mofo, you get down or get ready to lick the bullets with your brain."

From behind the door, a yelp was heard with the sound of someone jumping flat on the floor.

"Don't shoot! Please don't shoot me!"

Registering what just happened, Jack hid his face from embarrassment. Knowing that at least they didn't see him, he questioned the lady behind the door.

"Who's there?"