
Lin Jin: Trapped In The World of The Mysterious CEO

Life as it is can be cruel to some and kind to others. In a world where there is much difference between the high class( the capable) and the low class ( the incapable); the incapable only have to follow the rules a world like this had set for centuries so as not to be totally trampled upon by the capable ones. Lin Jin had chosen to believe this. She had the notion that life easily favours the rich and wealthy and makes it difficult for the poor to even breath talk less of to live due to her past experiences while growing up. The ones she had experienced from her uncle's wife and daughter, who happened to be her father's younger brother, the past experiences from her mates in high school as she had always been bashed by them simply because of her low status and her recent experiences from the Acting agencies who had refused to take her in simply because she isn't connected to any higher up. But, Lin Jin being a very determined lady vowed not to let the unjust rules the world had set stop her from achieving her goals. While hustling as a roadside store owner, she met a man whom she thought pretended to be the owner of a brand after a first meet conflict between them and later realized he was truly the CEO of a group of companies. (X-Liang group of companies). She assumed the CEO to be like every other high class who deliberately likes to show off their wealth and fame which made Lin Jin dislike him even as a CEO. Few years later, Lin Jin became an actress like she had dreamt to be and was secretly crushing on the CEO of the agency she was working with (Li acting agency) due to the good treatment the actors and actresses get from the agency courtesy of the "Mysterious CEO" even though she had never met or seen him before as the CEO had carefully kept himself well hidden from the public. Little did she know that she had actually been trapped in the world of the two CEO she thought were different.

Scarlet_Fang · ファンタジー
10 Chs

"Sue the CEO!"

Lin Ming got to where she had parked her car and smiled maliciously to herself, she had done something! and the result might be needed sooner or later.

Lin Jin should never surpass her! She thought to herself as she entered into her car and drove off on her way to meet the President of Li acting agency.

Lin Jin Knew Lin Ming was starting a war with her already, she shouldn't be too relaxed, she also won't submit to Lin Ming's oppression no matter what!

She really had to work her way into the entertainment industry and work hard to achieve her dreams.

Still, she have to apologize to this annoying CEO first, as he might want to bring trouble for her and retaliate, also, Lin Ming might use this incident to tarnish her image somehow.

'I just hope he comes back!' Lin Jin hoped in her heart.



Now back in the office, Xiang Li scrolled through some files left on his table sitting on his office chair when his phone rang.

He shifted his eyes to look at his phone's screen and sighed after seeing who was calling, then he picked.


"Xiao Li!" A soft feminine voice sounded in excitement

"Why did you call?" Xiang Li asked knowing how trouble some the caller seemed to be.

"Really Xiao Li? You did not miss me right? You just wait and see you once I get back to Country M, I will never speak to you again! Wu!..Wu!..Wu!.. Xiao Li you're wicked! Wu!... Wu!...

"He!..he! Can you really do that?" Xiang Li chuckled and replied.

"I know you can't do without me Wanwan, you're only trying to tease me" He added.

"Since you know I can't do without you, why then do you ask me my reason for calling you? Anyways, I will be coming back to Country M tommorow and you have to come pick me up at the airport ok?" Wanwan explained sounding like a toddler.

"Okay I will surely be there ma'am! Xiang Li said teasingly.

"I'm not ma'am, I'm your baby!" Sun Wanwan retorted.

"Okay baby, I'll be there!" Xiang Li laughed and they both hung up after a while.

Xiang Li rested his back on his office chair properly and smiled to himself.

Wanwan is coming back! His dearest younger cousin. Xiang Li smile deepened.

While growing up, Sun Wanwan had been the closest to him apart from Xi Luolan whom he later grew up to be friends with , Sun Wanwan is both a gist partner and a partner in crime right from when they were young.

And now, she's coming back to give him trouble again just like the previous years they had been together before she left for country K to study.

He sighed and laughed out, he was truly happy to get to see her again after five years.

"Boss! There's an issue!" Fe Yin hurried into his boss' office after seeing a shocking post on Weibo about one of their product.

Fe Yin's voice broke his thought as his smile dissipated from his face.

"What happened?" Xiang Li asked furrowing his brows.

"You need to see it Boss!" Fe Yin replied.

He passed his iPad to Xiang Li.

Xiang Li read the post and saw some videos attached to it.

It was about the bottled water produced by their company, the post states that X waters is poisonous to the society and that they should be sued.

"I thought this company really valued our health, but I've been wrong all along!"

"X-Liang should be sued immediately, including the incompetent CEO?"

"My sister drank the water today and now she had just landed in the hospital as she had been throwing up since then! I curse X waters! You all are wicked!"

"Sue the CEO!! He just a figure head!!"

"The CEO is just muddle headed, he can't even manage his own production team!"

"As from now! I no longer deal with the X brand!, They are vicious and evil, human lives are peanuts to them!"

Xiang Li went through some of the comments and saw videos of some people who had drank the water and were rushed to the hospital due to Nausea and constant throwing up.

His face darkened. Who could have done this? He knew how competent Mr fang is, he had been working in the company for twenty five years, and had been up and doing, how could such a mistake happen under his watch? Xiang Li thought to himself amidst the word war online.

He glanced at the post again and saw a new comment with a funny I.D.

Simple but bold: "You all should calm down! X waters is a trusted brand I don't think this is completely their fault, it could be a mistake of one of the workers, I'm sure the company will find a solution to this".

Xiang Li read the comment and wondered who the commenter could be.

From the comments he had read, he had sensed that, the bad ones were targeted at him mainly, someone really wants to paint him bad! But he couldn't really figure out who stood out to defend him and his company despite all of the bashing online.

He didn't see the person's picture in the profile all he saw was a masculine arm emoji.

He wondered if it was Sun Wanwan who had used another account to comment, but he decided not to think to much of it.

He needed to find a solution to this issue now! Xiang Li stepped out of his office with Fe Yin and asked him to contact all the production team members including the distribution team.

On his way to the Board room, his father called him.

"Hello Xiang Li! What nonsense post am i seeing online? How come you let such a mistake happen? Look at all of the insult we have received in just few minutes? huh?... Anyways, I'll leave it to you, I trust you enough to handle it, and if it's too much for you, you can call in your brother to help out! But! It must all be solved before today runs out!" Xiang Liang ordered.

"Yes dad!" Xiang Li replied , he knew his father would yell at him, and still leave him to solve the whole mess! He hanged up after a while.

"Old age is really telling on that man!" Xiang Li mocked stylishy and walked into the board room.