Every muscle in my body began to ache. Blood rushed up from my mouth. And the nerves in half my body go haywire. It felt like I was being electrocuted and being bashed by sledgehammers at the same time.
"I HAVE CONTROL!" my voice shouted.
Suddenly Exa forced my body to stand up. I on the other hand focused on the large ballooning thing that ate up my hand. I already felt faint, yet it still drew in souls.
"HE IS GOING TO ATTACK! KILL HIM!" Gaspar once again shouted. But instead of complying, the other Noble Vampires began to berate him.
"Do you hear yourself you old bastard? You almost died and you are still stupid." "I agree just let the Ghouls do it. Or goal is to ensure he doesn't leave." "The Reaper used {Soul Breaker}; he is going to die soon anyway."