
Limitless Potential

A genius striving to reach the greatest heights in power, but is held back due to his restricted human body, is reincarnated into the body of Sasuke Uchiha in the Naruto World. What will a wealthy psychotic genius do when in the body of someone with limitless potential? “I’ll become the strongest.”

DeadOverlord666 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Just Getting Started

Now that I already know the new world I'm reborn into and the character I was placed in, I am determined to begin my future plans for gaining more power.

If gathering more power was something I wanted to do even before being reincarnated, then now that I've been placed in a world where children are sent to war at the earliest ages of even 5 years old and on average 12 years old, that desire was magnified.

If I wanted to be able to reach the limits of my potential, then I first had to survive, so my first step in doing that was to start trying to use my chakra while still being in this malleable baby body.

Thanks in part to already being acclimated to the feelings and sensations I had while interacting with Chakra while still a fetus in my new mother, I was able to gain a better grasp on how to move it around now that I was no longer in development and now had a physical body.

Although just like how I couldn't really use Chakra while not having a body as a fetus, still only being a few weeks old limited what I could do with it even though I now had that physical body.

From what I remember from the anime, Chakra is the combination of spiritual and physical energy. This means that even though my spiritual energy must be off the charts, my physical energy is almost non-existent at this point in time.

From this gathered information, I can conclude that even though I'm manipulating energy in my body, that must be the spiritual energy rather than the minuscule physical energy that I can barely make out within myself.

So the energy that I felt within my mother must have been the combination of her physical and spiritual energies to create Chakra, causing it to give off that warm feeling I experienced when I tried to interact with it.

So for now my plan is to wait until this body grows for a year or two, then I'll be able to unlock my chakra by combining my two energies. Until that time comes I'll continue to move the spiritual energy that already seems to be easy enough to move around in my body.

---------- 2 Months later---------

After my initial introduction into this world and getting settled into the life of a baby, the first event that would send into motion the great upheaval to take place in the Naruto World occurred, the 9 Tails Attack.

I was prepared for this event to happen, after all, Sasuke, who I'm now in the body of, was older than Naruto by a few months, which meant when he was born the 9 Tails would then be released.

The first thing that happened was I felt a huge pressure prickling my body which alerted me to something happening, which was then followed by Itachi coming to pick me up and carrying me away.

I made sure to cry when he came into the room so as not to seem too suspicious. Even though the probability of being suspected as being a reincarnated baby was almost 0%, I'm not someone to take any chances.

"Sasuke it's ok don't cry." Itachi said while trying to soothe me.

I then was able to stop the act and then look around as he began to walk away with me in his arms.

There was so much mayhem going on that I was actually surprised. Many people were running around crying while trying to find out where they were supposed to go.

I thought that even though this was a horrific event that couldn't be predicted, the village should have had a more orderly evacuation protocol to adhere to during such an event.

That surprise was short-lived though since I figured those must be the civilians that hadn't fought a single day in their lives.

I was then able to see the Shinobi of the village jumping around and beginning to filter all the civilians to a secure shelter as quickly as they could.

They were going at such quick speeds that I had a hard time following some of them, and those were just the ones I was able to see with my eyes. I imagine the higher-ranked Shinobi were just going too fast and I wasn't able to see them.

Itachi brought me to shelter with the rest of the civilians and on our way to escape I was able to just make out the figure of the Nine tails for a moment before it seemed to disappear.

I guess that must have been the Fourth Hokage's Flying Raijin Jutsu. Something else that I would want to learn due to how convenient and efficient it is in all situations. I made a mental note to add the learning of Fuinjutsu to my list of attainable powers.

Once we made it to the shelters I was able to make out the faces of those gathered around me and saw terror on many of them. Although Itachi seemed to keep a straight face throughout all this madness.

He was then approached by a girl I remember being in his class once, Izumi Uchiha.

"Itachi are you ok!!" She cried out. Her eyes were red from crying.

"I'm fine, more importantly, are you doing ok." He asked somewhat worriedly after noticing her eyes.

"Yes I just don't know what is happening, no one is giving any information, all I know is that the Kyuubi suddenly appeared in the village," Izumi said.

This surprised me somewhat, I guess not everyone knew about the Jinchuriki or how it may have been released from its seal.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, Lord Forth and Lord Third are handling it," Itachi said, trying to ease her worries.

While Itachi continued to talk with Izumi, I began to wonder how it would be to actually tame a Tailed Beast and have its power sealed into me. Better yet, how would it feel to be the Jinchuriki of a beast like the Juubi.

As this thought appeared, I now had another goal added to my list. Acquire the power of the Ten Tailed beast after already training to my limit and unlocking all my Dojutsu's.

Although that's still a ways from now, for the time being, I still need to learn the basics. Because I know that this event has just sent into motion the start of the Naruto story and I'm just getting started.

Let me know of any grammar mistakes and if this story is headed in a good direction.

DeadOverlord666creators' thoughts