

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


'My name is Kim Bora...'

'This isn't the level I expected from you.'

'I have but one goal. To prove to my mother that I can be a strong hunter.'

'Be better don't be sorry. Don't you take this seriously?'

'D-rank! Seriously?! She's not going to be happy.'

'The life of a hunter isn't for you.'


A loud ringing sound resonated throughout the room of a lone white haired youth. He tiredly opened his coal black eyes to see the time on his alarm clock was 11:15 am.

"Oh crap! I'm going to be late!" Kim Bora leaped out of bed rushing to put on his favorite purple hoodie and black sweatpants.

"Damn, I can't be late those guys are offering too much money to pass up!" Kim told himself. He was already a month behind on his rent and needed the money. He could use the money from his trust fund, but he had too much pride to use that 'woman's' money.


"Excuse me! Coming through!" He shouted as he made his way through the streets of downtown Seoul, pushing past multiple people on the way to the subway station.




"Where is that kid?" Park Ji Sung grunted annoyed at the fact that they were waiting for the new rookie that would be joining them.

'Kim Bora... Supposedly he's gotten high praise from Division Captain, Hwang Hee-Chan.' He thought as a white haired youth came rushing into the construction yard that they were wait at.

"You're late," he stated simply, waiting for the panting man to catch his breath and explain himself.

"... I know that, but my alarm clock was set to the wrong time and there were so many people in the subway... Ahem, I mean I'm sorry I'm late, sir!" Kim comically saluted after realizing his excuse for being late was probably unacceptable judging by Ji Sung's unimpressed eyebrow raise.

"I don't care what your excuse is. You're on a probation period with the Hunter's guild so I decide whether or not you are good enough to join us," he lectured Kim on his position in comparison to others on the team. He was thin ice as far as he was concerned, late coming wouldn't be tolerated. "I'm sorry!" Kim clapped his hands together and bowed down lower than was necessary causing Jin Sung to become uncomfortable.

"Whatever. Just go to the others and get ready. We're about to go in," He said pointing towards the rest of the party waiting just beyond the black and yellow tape set up by the Association Guild agents.



'Today, we're raiding a C-rank Gate. My first C-rank and my first raid with the Hunter's Guild. The most prominent guild in Korea. I can't mess this up!' Kim peped himself as he stood with his other teammates in front of the azure portal with the occasional sparks flying out of it. He had a determined look on his pretty boy face.

"Alright squad! Are you ready?" Ji Sung shouted.

"Yeah!" The whole party shouted back.

"Let's go!" he ordered as he was the first one to enter the portal into the next dimension. The world of magical beasts.


Hunters are humans who possess magical powers and use them to fight and kill magic beasts. They first appeared around, 10 years ago, the same time humanity was exposed to the existence of magic. As hunters turned out to be the only ones who could kill magic beasts and close gates, a global billion-dollar industry eventually developed around them as a result.

This the profession that allowed Kim Bora's parents to build their wealth and fortune around. It was only through hunter work were they able to gain such an important standing in this new world with magic. It was also hunter work that drove him away from them because of the expectations to be a powerful hunter like his mother who was an A-rank hunter of great skill and power, and his failure to live up to that.


"Hiyaah" Kim grunted as he landed a roundhouse kick that launched a man sized insect type monster into the wall next to him.

He then jumped over another one trying to lunge at him and land on it's back. He struck with his fist right on the head causing it to eat dirt.

'There were a lot of these bugs when we started fighting but now we're almost done with them. This is easier than I thought it would be,' Kim smirked with supreme confidence. He was initially very nervous about what was to come from a C-rank Gate, but after he started fighting he realized it wasn't so bad and started to fight with his usual assured confidence from years of dedicated martial practice.

Wiping some sweat off his brow he quickly made his way to the healers of the group to get the wound on his back healed from being briefly caught off guard by on of the insects.

"Hey! You were pretty fast there and you had great moves. Did get martial arts training?" Lee Dong In, the healer asked him. He was an above average height young man with blue hair in a low ponytail. He had hazelnut brown eyes and was carrying a sword on his back.

"Oh, Uh... Yeah, actually from my parents," Kim said not really expecting praise from anyone, he didn't think he did anything to stand out.

"You normally don't see a hunter fighting with his bare hands so that's why I was impressed," he explained as he finished up his healing spell on Kim completely sealing the wound.

Weapons imbued with magic are the only things capable of killing magic beasts so it's very uncommon to find a hunter proficient in killing monsters with physical strikes since coating your fists in magical energy required fine control over the wild, uncontrollable force that was mana. However, this was something that came naturally to Kim which was deicidedly not the norm for low ranked hunters like he was.


"So why did you decide to become a hunter?" Dong In asked.

"That's out of the blue. Why do you want to know?" Kim said with a curious brow raised at the question. "I just like to know my teammates that way. I learn a lot about someone through their motivation," he explained his reasoning for asking Kim such a question.

"... There's something I've got to prove to someone," Kim said after a moment. There was a serious shift in his demeanor after he said that as he stared into the distance a focused gaze.

"I see so you're doing this for yourself then. That's good," Dong In replied, walking forward to join the rest of the group as they were called over by Raid Captain Ji Sung.

"What a weirdo," Kim muttered following up after him.

He held up a magical core he dug up from monsters corpse. It was a brightly colored luminescent crystal. One magical core from even a C-rank monster is worth thousands. It was exactly the kind of money that Kim was looking for to pay off his rent that was three months past due.

"Make sure collect as much of these as possible since we don't have a mining team coming in after us to collect these. Maximize our profits," Ji Sung ordered everyone as they set to work digging into the insect corpse for the stones. "Once you're done meet me at the double doors ahead of us," he added walking towards the giant doors.


After a few minutes


"So the dungeon boss is just beyond those doors. As soon as we enter we'll rush it with magic attacks from our mages and archers." Ji sung told everyone as soon as the party huddled up together. "Tanks, you guys protect our healer and our mages from other unforeseen allies that this monster might have in there with him. Despite how easy it's been the boss is a whole different story, so don't let your guards down."


After that Ji Sung lead the group towards the two giant, golden double doors. Only the physically strongest of the group were able to open it and that included Kim.

"Huh? It's really dark in here."

"Yeah, I can barely see a thing."

"Check over there! That's a throne!" shouted Dong In whilst pointing ahead to the only source of light in the room and that being the throne in the distance.

It was a dark spacious room with cold misty air and eerie silence that put everyone on edge. There was a huge cloaked figure in the throne its face was obscured by the hood it had on, with two uneven sized horns protruding from it. The figure was resting it's face on its right hand that was on the armrest of the throne.

'What's this feeling? I've never been this nervous before,' Kim thought nervously as sweat dripped down the side of his face. The figure titled its head slightly with two crimson eyes glistening in the darkness.

"Archers! Mages! Fire!" the raid captain ordered loudly as soon as he saw the slightest movement from the beast.




"Did it work?"

"That was our most powerful spells used on one monster."

"Yeah, there's no way it survived even if it was a boss."

Members of the party commented after a series of explosions from their spells shook the whole room and obscured the figure on the throne with a huge smoke cloud.

'Did it work?' Kim wondered. As soon as that thought entered his head four pairs of crimson eyes appeared from the smoke.

Jumping out of the smoke were 4 figures about twice as tall as the average person and thrice as massive.

"Are...those....High Orcs?!" Dong In shouted in panic at witnessing such high powered monsters appearing in a C-rank dungeon.

"And there's so many!"

"Captain! What are we going to do?!"


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