
Limitless: 10 Billion Times Power at the Start

Have you ever wonder: what could be achieved with a multiplier of tens of billions? [Ding!] You obtain various currencies, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your wealth increases 10 billion-fold. [Ding!] You acquire new techniques, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your technique evolves into a more powerful version. [Ding!] You collect various pets, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your pets multiply by 10 billion. [Ding!] You are attacked, but with your defense fully maxed out in your current realm, all attacks at the same level are completely ignored. [Ding!] You practice diligently, and with a ten billion-fold increase, your cultivation instantly reaches the highest level of your current realm. ... As Li Taixing continued his journey of cultivating immortality, he realized that the multiplier of ten billion didn't just apply to objects—it applied to himself and his pets as well. Slowly, he discovered that anything could be multiplied, from as little as one time to as much as ten billion times, all under his control.

Eternaldevourer · 都市
37 Chs

Chapter 28: Heading to Xianghua Village[Edited]

At the top of Scarlet Peak Mountain, outside the wooden house.

At a square table sat two women. On the left was Li Taixing's master, Wang Xuanwu, and on the right was a young girl in a green skirt, looking about thirteen or fourteen years old.

The girl's face was streaked with tears as she spoke to Wang Xuanwu, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Greetings, Master," Li Taixing called out as he approached, bowing respectfully.

Wang Xuanwu waved him over, a kind smile on her face. "Come here, disciple."

Li Taixing stepped closer, feeling a bit uncertain. "Master, what's happening?"

"Sit down," Wang Xuanwu instructed.

Li Taixing took a seat, watching the two of them. Wang Xuanwu's gaze lingered on her disciple, a hint of pride in her eyes. 'He's changed so much since we first met. From a mere mortal to someone who stands at the top among them,' she thought. Today, she had a test in mind for him.

"This is my disciple, Li Taixing," Wang Xuanwu said, gesturing to him. "He's the strongest of our Scarlet Peak Mountain disciples. If you need help, you can rely on him." Her tone was confident, almost too confident.

Li Taixing's eyebrow twitched as he listened. 'What is Master up to now?' he thought.

Wang Xuanwu turned back to the young girl. "This is Tang Caidie, from Xianghua Village. She's here seeking help."

"Master, she asked you for help, so why are you passing it to me?" Li Taixing's mood soured quickly.

Wang Xuanwu chuckled softly. "Oh, I believe you can handle it. Besides, someone has to take charge around here, right?"

Li Taixing could feel his face heating up in frustration. 'you are just trying to push the trouble onto me!'

"Master, what exactly is going on?" Li Taixing asked, curious now but still wary.

Wang Xuanwu sighed, folding her hands in her lap. "There's a group of bandits near Xianghua Village. They've been causing chaos, robbing homes. Recently, they kidnapped Tang Caidie's father and some other villagers. She's come to ask for help in rescuing them."

Li Taixing's face dropped. "Why not ask the government for help with something like this?"

Tang Caidie looked up, wiping her tears. "The government can't handle them," she whispered.

Li Taixing almost spat out the water he had just sipped. "Master, if the government can't handle them, how am I supposed to?"

Wang Xuanwu leaned in close, her voice low. "Because, my dear disciple, you're not an ordinary person. This is the perfect opportunity to test how far you've come."

Li Taixing frowned, lowering his voice as well. "Master, I appreciate the faith you have in me, but I think I'm still a little too young for this sort of 'test.'"

Wang Xuanwu gave him a knowing look. "Nonsense. This task is well within your abilities."

Li Taixing couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "I'd rather face some training exercises than actual bandits."

Tang Caidie, her eyes still red from crying, clasped her hands together and looked at Li Taixing with desperate hope. "Big Brother Li Taixing, please help us," she said, her voice quivering as she fought back more tears.

Li Taixing looked at her, feeling a tug of sympathy but still wanting to back out. "Well, I—"

Before he could finish, Wang Xuanwu grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him aside. She smiled at Tang Caidie. "Don't worry, Little Sister Caidie. Li Taixing will help you."

Tang Caidie's tear-streaked face lit up with relief. "Thank you, Sister Immortal!" she said gratefully.

"Good girl," Wang Xuanwu replied, her voice soothing. "My disciple will head out with you right away."

Li Taixing was nearly floored. "Master!" he groaned inwardly.

Tang Caidie's happiness was palpable. She looked at Li Taixing with a mixture of admiration and hope, wiping her face one last time.

And just like that, Li Taixing found himself roped into yet another one of his master's schemes, following Tang Caidie down the mountain.

'Is this really happening? It's only been two days since I officially became her disciple, and she's already sending me off on a suicide mission?'

As they walked, Li Taixing's mind raced with frustration. 'I swear, I'll quit the Xuantian Sect if I survive this. No, at the very least, I'll leave Scarlet Peak Mountain!'

He sighed deeply. 'Bandits. Actual bandits. What did I do to deserve this?'

Though he kept his complaints internal, his thoughts continued to spiral as they traveled. Despite his reluctance, he stayed by Tang Caidie's side, feeling the weight of his master's expectations.

As they walked, Tang Caidie, who had been quietly observing him, finally spoke up. "Big Brother Li Taixing, are you alright?"

Li Taixing glanced at her, then sighed. "I'm fine. Just thinking."

Tang Caidie studied him for a moment. Her face reddened slightly as she thought about how different he was from anyone she'd ever met—handsome, composed, and an immortal cultivator. She couldn't help but blush at the thought, and quickly lowered her gaze.

After a few minutes, Li Taixing spoke again. "Caidie, why is it that the government can't handle these bandits? Do you know?"

Tang Caidie nodded. "Yes. Their hideout is in a dangerous location. The government has tried to wipe them out several times, but they always failed. Eventually, they just gave up."

Li Taixing's brow furrowed. "Are there any immortal cultivators among the bandits?"

"I haven't heard of any," Tang Caidie replied, shaking her head. "It's mostly rumors, but no mention of cultivators."

"Good." Li Taixing exhaled in relief. Though he was a Martial Dao Grand Great Master now, he knew there was still a vast difference between a martial artist and an immortal cultivator.

'Master's right, though,' he mused. 'This will be a test of my strength.'

Still, he couldn't help but think of his own future. 'If I pull this off, I'm getting something in return from Master. No more of this for free!'

He decided to check his current status.

[Host: Li Taixing

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Realm: Martial Dao Grand Great Master

Identity: Direct Disciple of the Fifth Elder, Xuantian Sect

Skills: Tai Chi Sword Art, Seven Injuries Fist

Special Abilities: Psychokinesis, Flight, Teleportation

Other Information:

Spiritual Roots: No Attribute [The host's cultivation isn't restricted by specific attributes.]

Rank: First Rank [Can be upgraded using pills]

Evaluation: With the system's help, even a weakling can rise to greatness.]

'Five skills and some useful abilities. I've got a solid balance of offense and defense. If things go south, I can always escape,' Li Taixing thought. 'I'll scout the situation first. No need to act rashly.'

With his plan in mind, Li Taixing followed Tang Caidie to Xianghua Village. However, as they arrived, it was immediately clear that something had gone wrong. The village was in chaos.