
Limitless: 10 Billion Times Power at the Start

Have you ever wonder: what could be achieved with a multiplier of tens of billions? [Ding!] You obtain various currencies, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your wealth increases 10 billion-fold. [Ding!] You acquire new techniques, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your technique evolves into a more powerful version. [Ding!] You collect various pets, and with a multiplier of ten billion, your pets multiply by 10 billion. [Ding!] You are attacked, but with your defense fully maxed out in your current realm, all attacks at the same level are completely ignored. [Ding!] You practice diligently, and with a ten billion-fold increase, your cultivation instantly reaches the highest level of your current realm. ... As Li Taixing continued his journey of cultivating immortality, he realized that the multiplier of ten billion didn't just apply to objects—it applied to himself and his pets as well. Slowly, he discovered that anything could be multiplied, from as little as one time to as much as ten billion times, all under his control.

Eternaldevourer · 都市
37 Chs

Chapter 23: Master Is A Foodie

After flying for a while, Li Taixing landed, feeling a little dazed. He hadn't expected to learn how to fly with a sword so easily.

'Was that the effect of tens of billions of times?' he wondered.

[Yes, everything the host learns will be multiplied by tens of billions, but not all learning is worthy of being multiplied by tens of billions,] the system replied, startling Li Taixing.

"System, you're amazing," Li Taixing said, feeling pleasantly surprised by this revelation. He now understood that whatever he chose to learn in the future would be incredibly easy.

'Even if my talent is trash, I can rely on the system,' he thought to himself, feeling reassured.

[Host, your talent is not trash. It is because you have no attributes that you are not bound by any restrictions. If the host had attributes, you would need to learn the corresponding attribute techniques to benefit from the multipliers.]

[As a result, you are like a vast ocean, accepting all rivers. Tolerance is greatness.]

'Why does that sound so strange?' Li Taixing thought, feeling perplexed. The system then fell silent, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

"Xiao Xingxing, what's going on with you?" Wang Xuanwu's voice suddenly cut through his reverie. She had approached silently and waved a hand in front of his face to get his attention.

Startled, Li Taixing instinctively grabbed her hand. He felt a soft, boneless sensation—so pleasant to the touch that he hesitated to let go. When he finally realized what he was doing, he quickly released her hand and stammered, "Master, Master! I didn't mean to..."

Wang Xuanwu smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, you've already grabbed my hand and even had a good feel. Did it feel good?"

Her long, curved eyelashes fluttered as she teased him, making Li Taixing feel even more flustered. Despite being a time traveler with the mind of a middle-aged man, his face flushed, betraying his embarrassment.

"Master, it's boring to just drink. How about some meat?" he quickly changed the subject, hoping to steer the conversation away from his blunder.

At the mention of food, Wang Xuanwu's eyes lit up like a child's. She moved closer to him, nodding eagerly. "Yes, yes, meat!"

Li Taixing took a step back, feeling overwhelmed by her sudden proximity. Not only was she exuding a faint, pleasant fragrance, but her entire demeanor radiated a seductive energy, though she seemed completely unaware of it.

'Big breasts, no brains?' The thought crossed Li Taixing's mind before he quickly shook it off, feeling guilty for thinking about his master in such a way.

"Master, what kind of meat do you want?" he asked, trying to focus.

"I want mutton. Do you have any?" Wang Xuanwu replied.

"Uh, yes," Li Taixing said, taken aback by her enthusiasm.

"Good, roast a whole lamb for me!" she declared, walking toward the top of the mountain without looking back.


Li Taixing blinked in disbelief. 'Master is such a foodie,' he thought. Despite her appetite, she somehow managed to maintain a perfect figure.

"Master, do you know Samādhi fire or something?" Li Taixing asked, jogging to catch up with her.

Wang Xuanwu shot him a sideways glance and replied, "Do you think I'm an immortal? Those fires are for immortals to play with. We cultivators might know how to control fire, but without fire Spiritual Roots, you won't be able to learn it."

She went on to explain some basic cultivation knowledge. In their world, people with specific attributes could only cultivate techniques corresponding to those attributes, while those with no attributes were limited to neutral techniques.

Given this, Wang Xuanwu assumed that Li Taixing would be unable to learn any fire-based techniques.

Of course, things would be different if he became an immortal. With celestial power, one could ignore attribute limitations and practice any technique. However, that came with risks, like diminished effects or even Qi Deviation.

Listening intently, Li Taixing absorbed the information as they arrived at the top of the mountain.

"Master, have you seen the fence I made?" he asked, remembering the area he had worked on earlier.

Wang Xuanwu quickly glanced away, rolling her eyes. "Just focus on roasting the lamb, disciple. I'll prepare something for you later."

Before he could respond, she had already run off, leaving him standing alone.

'She definitely did it,' Li Taixing thought, realizing she must have been the one who messed with his fence. Still, he didn't call her out on it and got to work.

He set up a leeward spot, unpacked his tools, and began preparing the mutton. Once the firewood, table, and utensils were all ready, he started roasting the lamb.

Meanwhile, in her room, Wang Xuanwu was rummaging through various cultivation manuals she had acquired: Short Step to Inch, Breeze Duster, and Seven Injuries Boxing. She had sold the sandalwood fence she had taken from Li Taixing to get these techniques for him.

"With his talent, he should have no problem learning these," she muttered to herself.

Looking out the window, she saw Li Taixing diligently tending to the lamb. He had even used top-quality wood for the grill, which made her shake her head.

'This kid acts like a rich nouveau riche, but his family shouldn't have that much money. What's going on?'

She couldn't help but feel that Li Taixing was hiding something. But he was her long-term meal ticket, so she didn't feel inclined to dig deeper into his secrets.

'No, I have to keep him safe. If anyone finds out how special he is, they might try to steal him away,' she thought, a sense of protectiveness bubbling up within her. She even planned to go down the mountain the next day to find more folk cultivation techniques for him.

If the other Elders found out Wang Xuanwu was teaching her disciple using common folk techniques, they would surely be astonished. And if Zhao Wentian learned of it, he might kill her on the spot.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Li Taixing called out, "Master, it's ready—"

Before he could finish, Wang Xuanwu had already appeared beside him at lightning speed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"...to eat," Li Taixing finished, his mouth hanging open in disbelief at her speed.