

With her brother missing and serial killer on lose, asuna sets out to investigate what happened to all the victims. But this is not as easy as she thought it would be. Six boys get a little to attached to her and she can't seem to escape. Entering a high school which seems normal only to find out everyone has secrets. Even her family. Secrets yet to be revealed. The tale of 17 year old girl who is searching for a mass murderer. Only to end up losing herself and her freedom . Who is the serial killer and what do they want with her.? Why can't she seem to escape from grasp of six highschool seniors.? Will she survive long enough to uncover the mystery or will this be the last we see of her........

daaniya_bukhari · 若者
31 Chs

The big talk

" Haha, thanks. But I am more than capable of protecting myself " you informed the male. Getting your books out started writing notes from the lecture.

" What are you wearing to the ball "

" Hikaru is gonna make me something I hope he doesn't overdo it " you lightly chuckled. You were still angry he disrupted your sleep but at least it was for a good reason.

" Knowing him. He is sure to overdo it. Why don't you come over to our dorm this evening? I would love to have you there. You can even see Hikaru workshop plus I might teach you chess. " the white-haired male quietly whispered.

You chuckled slightly at his earnest request " well yeah I can. It will be a little late since I have some work to finish. I'll be there till 7"

Almost three hours. You were guessing it was more than enough time for you to go in and out of that institution and investigate it. You had carried some needed defense gadgets.

But they were no where near enough if or when you did happen to encounter the male factor. You would definitely be in a very big trouble hence the reason of you going for a temporary visit mid day.

You surely we're going to check it at night first you need the whole floor plan layouts of the institution and security details to plan your night information raiding mission.

The class ended very soon and the white haired male led you out leading you towards your next class.

You noticed a group of girls looking at you unpleasantly. They were not only throwing venomous looks at you but also frowning. You were assuming it was just about time you will be hoarded with toxic fans of your new friends.

"Are sure you should be leading me around like this. I have map from takumi I can always use it." you said still eyeing the group of younger girls.

The white haired male smiled. He noticed you had looped your arm in his. A slight blush creeped up on his face which was hard to hide but your gaze was more trained on the females around you who seemed more than likely to do something reckless.

" If they do come to you. I am one call away. Please inform me right away I will end their unvaried drama" the male said in his firm voice.

Reaching the physics lecture you began to head towards the door. But the male was reluctant to let you go. To him it felt like letting you slip out of his hands would be big mistake after some comtemplation he decided to let your hand go

" I believe I will be seeing you at lunch asuna. " he said hoping you would agree.

" Of course you will " you brightly smiled at Subaru bidding him farewell you headed towards your next class.

As you sat down to remove your textbook you noticed a male with blue hair eyeing you. It wasn't how guys normally look at girls. It was more with determination. After few seconds he pushed forward the pink haired female in front of you.

Aya stood there with her arm behind her back and eyes trained on ground. She kept mumbling how stupid it was. But you couldn't actually hear what she meant by that after all her grumbling. The bulennte behind her pushed her towards you again.

" I shouldn't have bullied lily or talked so rudely to you. But I had a misconception that lily spread some nasty rumors about my boyfriend " the pink eyed girl blurted out in embarrassment.

"And" the bluennte emphasized.

" I - I - Iamsoryy " she said it in a go and ran back to sit down in her seat.

You softly chuckled at the display in front you. And stared at the embarrassed pinknette. You stood up from your desk and kneeled in front of her.

" Aya you had her kicked . Repeatedly. Bullied her several times. For months. " you banged your hands on her desk jostling her back in straight position.

The female's eyes widened " No. I didn't. I only poured the milk over her. Once. All the other things were done by the girls behind me. I ignored it "

" Who was the one kicking her then" you asked softly.

The pink eyed female matched her eyes with you. Trying to find indication of anything that might happen after her telling you the name of the person kicking your friend.

" I would forgive you "

" What about your friend.?" asked the bluenette from behind " will she forgive her. It was all because of false rumors about me this escalated. "

"And you are"

" inoue " the blue eyed male said boredly as he whisked the pages of physics text book quickly as if he were reviewing all that had been done in previous lectures.

" Be honest and ask her for forgiveness she will forgive you plus cut off from those girls you mentioned before" you said patting aya's back

" Riley, Michigan " she murmured quietly

" Meet me at lunch both of you " you quietly smirked as virtual devil horns appeared upon your head. It was time they were taught a lesson. After all what goes around comes around.

You sat back in your seat with a thud. Waking the sleeping male behind you. You watched as he opened his dark brown eyes in frustration. After a couple of seconds he grunted.

" You. again. Why did you have to always wake me up " Yukio said with annoyance evident in his voice.

An irked mark appeared on your forehead. As you raised your eyebrow in annoyance. Was he even sleeping if he woke up by such a slight noise or was he just a light sleeper. You wouldn't know.

" Look ahead or I will blow your head " the brunette threatened. He yawned back trying to go back to sleep.

" That's all. I came back alive from hikaru's date. Don't you have anything else to say " you asked the sleepy male.

He lazily looked up. Opening his dark brown eyes giving you a lazed smirk " Good luck ".

Deciding not to wake up the male again you began humming a tune to a old Japanese song you had heard some time ago. Pretty soon Yukio began tapping his foot in rhythm to your humming making you realize he did know the song.

You moved back towards the male to ask the name of the song. But he caught your head gently and whispered in your ear. Making you feel his warm raspy breath.

" Keep humming "

He loved the song. It was a song that reminded him of the days of past. Someone he loved very much used to sing this to him everyday. But soon that singing had to be turned to humming due to things he loathes to remember of. Hearing the black haired girl hum the same song was making him relax as he succumbed to sleep.

Opening his eyes again he felt a loss of presence the whole class hadn't left the only place empty was the seat in front of him. The seat that belonged to a certain girl. He sighed in frustration as he woke up completely kicking the door open he left the meaningless area classroom. Heading back to his room maybe he could get some sleep there.

"Asuna, asuna. " two voices simultaneously called you out. It was none other than hayami and lily.

Running up to them you both of your arms on their shoulder pulling them into a mini hug before heading towards the private gymnasium.

You entered in seeing the laps had already started and you better get head start cause you would hate to be last. Rumor has it whoever is last has to clean the swimming pool for a week. You didn't even clean your room. Cleaning a swimming pool forget it. You rather run then clean.

The girls and boys were supposed to run in opposite direction to ensure they don't clamour and cause chaos. But you weren't sure if there wouldn't be chaos as you saw an aproaching red head male. He started to run backwards still upto your pace.

That smirk was something you wanted to be gone . So you started to accelerate in hopes he would fall and embarrass himself but he wasn't the one falling you were.

'Ugh not again' you internally groaned at the deja vu.

Before the ground could touch your face you did a front flip saving you from the similar embarrassment you had suffered on the very first day here. You stopped and glared at him. He just smirked back taking off in speed lot faster than before

'He is fast'

Pretty soon it was time the pool cleaner being declared. The pe sir announced that who ever is not selected in either of the volleyball teams shall be left with cleaning duty for a whole. Nobody wanting to do the tedious work began to pray they be selected. And that was the same thing you were hoping but your hopes were thrashed as you saw who the two team leaders were.

Riley and akira. 'Ha couldn't pair up better. Two bullies '

You internally laughed at the thought that out of all people they were the team leaders. Both being against you. Putting you in a difficult position. You were most likely going to end up cleaning the pool. Not only making it an hinderance the whole week but also making it impossible for you to focus on investigation.

You waited for your chance along with hayami and lily. The two petite girls in front of you turned to talk to you and hayami.

" Hi I am reiss and this is alina " green haired girl introduced herself and strawberry blonde haired friend. Knowing they both seemed no big of a deal you focused your eyes on riley and akira. Riley kept glancing towards lily while akira kept giving a knowing smirk.

A smirk that said ' you are gonna regret it ' . You didn't even know what it is that you would regret but you decide to pay attention to your friends.

" What dorm are you from again" alina piqued

" I live downtown near sakurajima street" you gave them a vague idea of the area you lived in.

" ahh then you must be well off " said reiss smiling in a buttery tone " what about you hayami "

Hayami was fidgeting with hem of her skirt before she looked up and clearly spoke. " dorm b"

Both of the female students smile soon turned into a frown as they looked at hayami. They aura they had before soon dispated.

" huh a bitch from b " said alina

" Get away from us "

Hayami's face turned into a shocking expression but she decided to stand up for herself seeing that you took to step forward merely observing her from side. But you hoped this rift ended soon. Cause there only three - four students ahead of you soon it would be your time.

" I earned it. I came here from all the hardworking years I am more than established to be here and you both of no right to tell me to stop or go away " she stated in a clear voice catching attention of the whole class.

"Shut up you brat from sewer. The difference - - -"

" So what's the difference between us an her. Because we are rich , our looks or the our very being" you said towering over the two girls making them back off towards the volleyball stand.

" What exactly is that belongs to us . Everything from our money to our looks every single thing belongs to our stupid family. What exactly do you have to be pride about.? At least she owns everything about herself. That is the only difference between people like her and people like us " you intended to hold back but words poured out of you like a flowing river that couldn't be contained.

You pushed the girls aside dragging your friends by their wrist moved towards the bullies. They both stood their arms folded as if watching a soap opera. Standing in front of them you waited for them to speak and if they dared to speak a single word against either of your friends you were making sure they suffered.

" we will take you not her " akira said.

" I will take lily not her " said riley.

Yet again. Hayami was being discriminated because of her being from not the same social class.

You looked straight up into the deep red eyes of akira and spoke " you would rather have people fear you then like you. So you traffic in intimiadtion. You are oh so rich so you have never been held accountable. That certainty that entitlement you wear on your head like a crown will crumble. Cause there will be someone to take you down and that some just happens to be me. "

The male was flabbergasted. He tried to smirk like he normally does but looking at those eyes his lips started to quiver. His eyes began to lose focus and he just turned his face from you.