

i_dunno123 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

chapter 1

After Lily's father died she moved into a big, gloomy house like it was a old haunted house that was in the middle of the woods. Then her mother got married again by Jared Smith with his two sons Sam and Andy Smith, soon to be step brother's. Lily never liked her step father or brothers she thought that her step father was a dark, and a dealer of some sort. That's when something happened Her step brother Andy died from a 'wolf'. That's what Mother said' But lily never believed that. She was only 3 years old. Her step brother Sam was playing tricks on her all the time, but her mother and step father started to argue about money. So the step father killed his own son Sam and make realistic scars on his chest to make it seem like a wolf killed him. But lily was watching him kill sam... It was like a blood bath but without blood"said lily. Everyone was so sad and shocked by the death of Sam, he lived a good life" said my step father. Although no one believed him when he said that...