
Lily Green

She is just a normal human living a normal life, suddenly she got to know that not only she have powers but she is from a different planet too .All of her life she was living till now was a lie. How did it happened and who is behind it? what about the memory she had lose about her past ,who was she in the past?and will she be able to stop the evil era of the other kingdoms ....Read the story and get to know about Lily's story and Adventure...

lalalahouse · ファンタジー
44 Chs


She was me but why is it looking at me with eyes of a murderer? "So this is a dream? umm..hello? why do you look so sad?" I was getting chill from her?me? it was too real to be a dream but it was a dream.she was still staring me. I got closer to her and said "hey I-" she suddenly stabbed me with a knife. I didn't felt anything but I fall down and she said "You are too naive to be this much powerful get yourself together.." and I woke up.

I woke up and start panting. for a second my breath was stopped. I drank the water from the glass of the table. I sit silently for a moment to calm myself then i ran to Salum ,he was in kitchen cleaning it with magic as well as cooking breakfast . I shouted " Salum!Salum! I got a really bad dream! in that I saw myself but she was evil!!" Salum pull off his apron and said to me " Lily lets go outside to talk about it I don't want Mom to hear it"

We went in a coffee cafe near our house. It's name was Cripton cafe. I ordered a black coffee and Salum too. After that Salum said " See Lily , I'll say it straight forward , your past self was evil.....it only thinks of killing....that past self was cruel....see but now you are very different... don't take it to heart please..." After hearing him say so I can understand why my past self tried to kill me in my dream. "But then why is she appearing in my dreams?" I asked "Because it want to get control over it again..she was not like it until dad died.. don't let her take over your mind..." Salum said "But how can I do it?" I asked and he replied"your belief. it'll help you ,if you gave up then she'll take over your mind and if not she'll just appear in your dream , she won't let your and her thoughts mix ,in other words gaining all your memories. but don't worry you can still learn your powers again without gaining back your memories"

I don't know why I'm taking it so easily? I'm not getting worried at all. "Hey girl! you are a magician witch?" A boy suddenly appear and asked. He had orange hair and green eyes he seemed like same age of mine. I said "yes why do you ask?" he said " can you do something for me?"

to the people who is reading my story, please give review or comments to give me feedbacks for improving my story?

lalalahousecreators' thoughts