
Lillian(Little Princess)

in a small but powerful kingdom, there was a king who loved his queen very much and they had four children together. A sad day came when the beloved queen died but it hit the hardest with the two youngest princesses because they were the closest to their mother. they stayed close with each other and the oldest of these two princesses was given a neckless that allowed her to tap into the magic that she had within. she used this to protect her younger sister from threats that she would find but the threat that she had to protect her from the most she never saw coming. will she be able to succeed or will the price be too great? (A book I wrote for my little sister)

Jasmine_Marvin · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 2 (Luna's POV)

Lillian is in danger. That was all I could think about she needs me and I have to run away to save her. I ran through the darkness of night, trying to get as much distance as I could. When I make it to a clearing, I see the moon glowing high in the sky, and it's reflecting on the water below. I realized at that point I don't know where I am going. I know where I need to but not the direction. I have never been this far from the castle and into the kingdom. I need a plan, and quick I can't lose my sister. She's all I have and all that matters. I end up falling asleep on the grass by accident.

When I wake up, the sun is just starting to rise. Get up and start walking in a direction that is not to the castle, and I am eating some jerky that the guard had packed for me. I wander through the woods until I run into a man cutting down a tree. So I speak, "excuse me?" the tree falls with a thud. He must not have heard me, so I speak again, "excuse me" he looks around, then sees me and says, "oh, I didn't see you there. Do you need anything?" I nod, saying, "yes, it seems I am a bit lost." I pull out my magic book turning to the page with the location where I will find the dragon I am after. The man says, "oh, no one knows where that is, but if you give me a bit, I can take you to the town, and there might be someone who can at least help." I nod. He finishes up with the tree he cut down and loads it onto a horse-drawn wagon. As we ride to the village, I say, "what is your name?" he smiles and says, "Drake Davarin" I smile and mumble, "it's the same and a great knight that served my family many years ago." He looks confused. He must have heard some of it though I did not mean for him to. And if he did, he doesn't look like he is going to pester me about it.

When we reach the village, we stop at a tavern. It's simple and has some obvious damage, but otherwise, holding up well. When we go in, there is a liveliness that I have never seen over near the castle. These people are just carefree. No worry about what my older siblings would do if they found out these people weren't celebrating them. I love it, but I still can't get distracted. Lillian needs me. I walk through the place weaving through the people, making my way to the bar to watch the people. I am unsure of what to do or how to ask for help. I have never needed to, but I don't know how to get to the dragon's lair in tagsoon volcano. I reach for my book, and it's gone alone with my magical supplies. I look around the place, but I can't see over all the people because most of them are taller than me, so I stand up on the bar and see a man in a cloak running away because he's being chased out of the building by three large men that look like retired palace guards. I decide to use a flotation spell to fly over the crowd, and when I make it to the door, I land on the ground and fall on my butt hard, but I get up and run over to the men to claim my stollen stuff.

Once I come face to face with the men, I notice something about them, the biggest being that they weren't retired they were banished for their crimes. The next is they are beating the thief up. If they continue, he will die. I walk up and say to them with my head down. "excuse me, but I am looking for the closest inn to stay in. Would you mind directing the way?" they look confused. I take the opportunity to mumble a quick spell that causes a gust of wind to come through and knocked one of the men into the other. This causes them to start arguing amongst themselves. I walk past them to the man who stole my spellbook. I grab his arm and run towards the woods dragging him behind me.

Once we get far enough, I take his bag from him. He tries to protest, but I draw a sword out of the air through my magic, stopping him from coming closer. I find my book and a series of other stolen items that aren't mine. I look at him, saying, "you realize that I could kill you for stealing from me?" he looks at me, confused, trying to figure out my status that would allow me to kill him for stealing. He starts to laugh, saying, "you can't do that without getting arrested yourself." I smile, saying, "Are you sure about that? Are you willing to bet your life on it?" he stops realizing that I might not be bluffing, which I am. I don't kill people unless I must to protect Lillian. She is the only one I would kill for. I must defend my little sister. He doesn't catch on to my bluff. He says, "I saw that you were looking at one specific page in that book. If you let me live, I'll take you there." I stand there and nod, saying, "fine, but if you lead me too far away or betray me, I will kill you." He nods, holding out his hand for his bag. I give it to him but not before taking out my book.

The next day we begin our journey together to the dragon's den and to Lillian's cure. We travel together on foot until noon when we stop at a waterfall to get some water and stop to eat some berries that we found nearby. I can tell he wants to ask all kinds of questions about why I want to go to a dragon's den. Not many would because of how powerful they are. But he doesn't know that I have fought many beasts. I never lose as long as I have Lillian that I must protect because I promised to always protect her, and I never break my promises. My mother taught me that before she died and gave me her neckless.

We walk through the woods together. We are trying to find one of his old friend's hideout. He says that his friend might have a map to the dragon's den. I don't know if I entirely believe him only because I've always been told to never trust a thief. I would like to think that thieves steal for a reason, but I will have to figure that out later. I need to focus on saving Lillian.

Once we get to this place, it's dark out, and it's hard to see the place that we are entering. Still, once we enter, I notice many of the items only because they are objects that villagers have said are missing during their meetings with my father. I look to my new ally and say, " these objects are that of poor families. You need to return them. They need these items." He looks at me and says, "no, they don't. Many of these objects were never used or even known about until they were taken." I don't believe him, and I don't want to let my guard down around him. I mean, we haven't even exchanged our names, but I don't want him to know that I'm the princess of moonhaven. When we meet with his friend, they start talking like old friends would. I'm looking around, trying to figure out how much of this stuff is stolen. They then begin bringing me into this conversation, "so why do you want to go to the dragon's den. Going there is a death wish." I look at them and say, "I'm on a mission to save someone." They just look at each other and laugh, saying, "well, you definitely have a death wish then." I'm then handed a map. I look at it, examining it, trying to read it. One of them then says, "do you not know how to read a map." I just shake my head no. They then start explaining it. We all rest there for the night though I have a hard time sleeping. I'm too worried about Lillian to sleep and whether or not I will make it in time to save her.

When morning comes, the two men and I take our leave to the dragon's den. They said that it would take about four days or so, which means that I may not make it back to Lillian in time. I will try to push them to move faster so that we can make it in two, maybe three…hopefully two. I am following the men and using a spell while allowing me to see one's true intentions. I do this because I don't want to be led astray from my mission. We keep traveling through the woods when we hear a roar but not of a dragon. It's something else I can feel it. We all stop in our tracks, looking for what made that sound. The animals all around are fleeing from the direction we were going. I stand there watching and listening to the nature that taught me my magic. I then learn what the creature is as I pull out my spellbook, hastily flipping through the pages looking for one on Ogors. I look to then men saying, "I need some time to cast this spell." They yell in unison, "Are you crazy!?" they see the page I am looking at, and I say, "I know what I am doing. I may not have casted this spell before, but I'm a fast learner. I just need time trust me." They hesitantly agree.

They run off towards the direction of the Ogor and find a stick to draw in the ground with. I begin to draw the symbol of the Ogors from my book. Next, I stand in the center. I close my eyes and begin to chant my spell. The ground where I made my markings begin to softly glow then the air around me begins to feel light around me. Then it fades the trap has been set. I run to find the Ogor. And when I do, I see the men I was traveling with on the ground injured, and they are yelling, "run, you don't stand a chance against it."

I pick up a rock and throw it at the beast, and that got its attention. It roars loudly, and the air around it smells awful, like something died. It starts coming at me, so I turn and run. The Ogor chases after me as I run. I cover my head with my hands as limbs are falling all around as it chases after me. I see my magic circle and run. I almost trip as I run, but I quickly correct it, and I keep going once I get to the other side of the circle and the ogor steps inside it. He freezes in place, unable to move. I then cast this finishing spell to send him on his way. Once the Ogor is gone, I fall to my knees, weak from using so much magic, and it can be very draining on the mind and body. The men I was traveling with then are seen into view. When they come close, they look at me. One of them says, "How did you defeat it? That thing was huge!" I smile. I have never taken down such a powerful creature before. I am improving in my magic.

After the three of us rest for a bit, we get back on the trail to the dragon's den. We walk non-stop until we reach a cave. one of the men I was traveling with say, "wait, we wish to know your name beforehand because you may not make it if the dragon is angered. I smile and say "you do not need my name for I am just a servant of princess Lillian."

I walk into the dark cave. The only light I have is that of the entrance. I keep going until I reach the dragon. He wakes up and shouts, "How dare you enter my home and disturb my sleep! You shall burn for this." I respond, "I am genuinely sorry for disturbing you, but I have travel a great distance to seek you out, for I need your help to save a child, great dragon." He calms down and starts to circle me, saying, "what is it you need or what is it you want?" I speak carefully, "Princess Lillian has been poisoned for I could not save her in time she is a kind-hearted soul who has never done any harm to anyone she is love by most who meet her.." the dragon interrupts me "WHAT IS IT YOU WANT!" I speak, "I wish for a drop of your blood to save my sister Lillian for without it, she shall die, and I know that if she does, our people will suffer at the hands of our older siblings, for they show no mercy when our father is away they have even framed me for the sickness of my sister to the whole kingdom. I only ask of this, for I know it is impossible to receive what I ask of by force." He ponders for a moment, then says, "I will do as you ask and even take you to her, for I have seen what happens when people crave power. But if I do this, you must do something for me in return when the time comes." I look at him and speak with confidence in my voice, "I will do anything to save her, for she is the only one of my siblings and I who has a pure heart to rule this kingdom."