
Lillian(Little Princess)

in a small but powerful kingdom, there was a king who loved his queen very much and they had four children together. A sad day came when the beloved queen died but it hit the hardest with the two youngest princesses because they were the closest to their mother. they stayed close with each other and the oldest of these two princesses was given a neckless that allowed her to tap into the magic that she had within. she used this to protect her younger sister from threats that she would find but the threat that she had to protect her from the most she never saw coming. will she be able to succeed or will the price be too great? (A book I wrote for my little sister)

Jasmine_Marvin · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Places change with time, and so do people. Betrayal is real; it happens even from those we are closest to. It's up to us to make the step to change us. We have no control over others. These are things that I have learned. My life is my choice, and this is my story of how the world lost hope and lost magic. And it's all my fault. "Gather around. Come come, and I will tell a story of a time of this world with magic quickly" People start to gather around me, so I continue, "Did you know that this world once had magic and was under on rule of a great king. He loved his people as much as his children? These two, he loved more than life its self. He cherished every day with his family and his people. Then one day, his queen became terribly ill and eventually left the king with their four children. Their oldest was the heir. His name was Richards, and he was demanding and thought he deserved everything and shouldn't work for anything. His life was full of luxury; only the finest thing would make him happy. The second oldest who's name was Silvia, was thought to be perfect by many. She also thought life should be just handed to her. That was how things were for the two elder siblings only liked each other's company out of the four of them. The third eldest loved her home as much as her father and was loved by many in the land; this made the older siblings jealous. The people loved her kindness. They thought she was beautiful many neighboring kingdoms would send suitors to marry one of the two older princesses. Though they only ever wanted to marry the third princess, they thought her to be as beautiful as the moon she was named after. Her name was Luna. Still, she refused every offer because none of them could share her views on things. They would just tell her that she has to be a pretty face" Some kid interrupts me, saying, "thought you said that there was magic, and what about the fourth child" I look to the child and say, I've only "just begun child now where was I" I stand there thinking then say, "oh yes, the suitors would tell her that the only role fit for her was to be a pretty face and raise their children, but that isn't what she wants at all. Now the last child was the youngest and weakest of all the children, often the joke of the kingdom no one wanted to play with this child named Lillian. Luna was the only one in the whole kingdom who would play with her little sister. She would also protect her with the magic she kept close to her heart, for not many had magic, and the passed queen their mother had this magic before her. She saw the kindness Luna had for those around her, so she passed her magic to Luna. This magic has been passed down from generation to generation, cultivating and changing to take down an unknown threat. Still, it was one that everyone in the kingdom knew was coming. Now the kingdom knew little of what was to come, but they were also scared because they didn't realize that they had a savior, so fear was common among them. They didn't know what to expect for their future, but as things never came to pass, people lost to fear, stories weren't told, and history was lost, for they didn't know it anymore. The king was one of the only ones who knew the story, but his queen was the savior. Now his daughter Luna was, and he wanted to protect her, so he kept her from the outside world. She was the only one of his children that wasn't allowed to leave the castle due to his fears. But she would still sneak out to the woods to escape for freedom from the trying life that she had come to hate so much. She would run away to the riverside, where she had many animal friends that she adored so much. Her friends taught her to be cunning. They told her about the destiny that her father tried so hard to hide from her. They taught her how to use the power gifted to her by her passed mother. And she would show it off to her little sister Lillian who would follow her around. Since not many wanted to be near the young princess, her older sister didn't mind when Lillian would follow because luna knew that her sister was lonely and sad, for she had no friends. And when luna would sneak out to the river or the village to help the people, Lillian would get picked on by her other siblings. But she would never tell luna because she knew that if she did, then her older sister would harm anyone who hurt her without a second thought. That was just protective Luna was. It sometimes scared Lillian, but she knew that Luna would never hurt her ever.

Today Luna was out by the river practicing her magic when she heard a scream, so she ran off towards the sound, towards the village. She sees a great beast when she gets there, but it is hard to tell what it is. She mumbles a quick spell, but it had no effect on this beast, so she called for the villagers to run for the castle where the knight can protect them until she can find a solution to save them all. They all run towards the castle, and the beast tried to follow, so Luna hits it with a lightning spell to get its attention. And it works a little too well by the creature stomping its foot on the ground so hard it actually sends Luna flying through the air, which only helps her come up with a plan to kill it. She used a spell to summon a sword, and she struck it down at the neck as she fell to the ground. When she did hit the ground, she hit hard but was still alive, just really sore. So she laid there until she heard trouble at the castle, so she pulled herself up and walk over to the castle to see what is going on.

When she reached the castle, she was humiliated by sight. She saw some of the villagers trying to come for protection were killed by the archers, her older siblings standing there next to the archer, disgusted that what they consider to be pests and nothing but trash would dare try to enter the palace and ask for help. She looked to them, yelling in frustration, "why would you harm those who we are to protect? If father was here and not meeting with another king, he would be disappointed at the sight of this." They both were furious that luna would stand up to them, especially in front of all the soldiers and the villagers. They always hated how luna had to be better than them and how she gained their mother's power. They also hated how luna had the whole kingdom's support, but they were working on something that would change that.

When night Luna always walked through the gardens with Lillian until her little sister was tired. Then Luna would carry her Little sister to bed this particular night. Lillian was incredibly restless. She had something on her mind, something worrying her. That was when she stopped and said to her sister, "Luna, I'm scared." Luna looked at her little sister, who she always will see as the frail little baby she was when her sister was born. Lillian continued, "I'm scared that our older siblings have too much power, and…I won't get to be around you anymore." Luna looked at her, kneeling down to her height. She spoke without hesitation, "I will never be beaten as long as I have you to protect you will never need to ask for someone to care for your worries and never have to ask for a knights protection because you have me I will always come for you because you are the only thing that matters little sister. Even if I have to leave for a bit, I will always come, and nothing can stop me." Lillian then just looked more worried, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't change luna's mind that she wasn't the frail little baby anymore. Lillian decided she wanted to do what she could to protect her older sister with a new resolve. Luna was kind, and people needed her. Lillian determined that she didn't need a knight of any kind from this day, even if it is her older sister.

When luna finally got Lillian to bed, she stayed there for a bit until she left to make sure Lillian didn't know that she left. As she made her way to her own bed, she came past a poorly lit area. She heard voices there. "Is the plan in motion to take the young princess?" another voice said, "almost we will be able to move soon, so do not worry, it will be done." Luna heard those words, and she was worried, so she turned around and went back to her little sister's room to protect her from any possible dangers to come. But little did she know that they were actually talking about her.

When the sun rose the next day, Lillian was confused as to why her sister was sleeping on the floor next to the door. She sat there for a bit on her bed until a knock on the door woke her sister up. When Lillian's nanny comes in to get her ready for the day, Luna didn't realize who was coming through the door and was started awake. So she quickly conjured up an iceball to throw at the unknown threat. When Luna saw that the person who came in was no threat to her sister, she let the ice melt. Lillian didn't understand why her sister was starting to become overprotective all of a sudden. Still, little did Lillian realize that her sister has always been this protective of her. But when Lillian realizes what day it is, she gets excited then said "luna, today is the day you give me lessons" luna didn't know that it was that day already the day she works with her sister on some basic self-defense skills. Luna wanted to give these lessons to get to her little sister in time if something ever happened. Luna smiled and said, "get ready and meet me at breakfast. I'm going to go chang really quick, then I will meet you there, but you also need to remember that father will be coming home today, so we can't take too long on the fields." Luna left her sister to get changed out of yesterday's clothes. She put on a light lavender dress that stopped at her knees in the front but reached the ground in the back and wore knee-high high heeled boots. Then braided her hair off to the side. When she was done, she left to meet up with her little sister.

When luna reached the dining hall, something was off, and Luna knew it. Lillian was there eating breakfast, but their older sibling wasn't there. They never missed breakfast or any meal. They always ate there to show off their glamorous things that they have but did not come today. Luna then said, "Lil stop eating now. Something is not right." She then walked over to the layout of food, picked up a piece, and smelled it. The food was poisoned, and Lillian just ate two plates of this poisoned food before Luna had gotten there to stop her. In place, Lillian froze, not sure what she should do since she had eaten so much of this tarnished food. She was so scared she was on the verge of tears. Luna then said, "Take the cooks to the dungeons quickly and get the doctor and or the princess.." Luna couldn't finish what she was going to say because she didn't want to lose her sister. Lillian was the only thing that kept her together and the only one that she loved more than anything. Lillian then started to feel the effects of the poison. And Luna didn't know what kind it was, so she couldn't slow it down until the doctor got there. All she could do was hold her sick sister in her arms.

While sitting there, she heard someone come in, and when she looked, it wasn't anyone that she knew. Luna was on the defensive with one hand extended with lighting crackling between her fingers and the other hand holding her sick sister. The person who came in was hiding in the shadows and spoke, "the only way to save her is to get the blood of sprite fire dragon and make her drink it for the blood will burn the poison in her system." Then the man disappeared, and the doctor came running in. the doctor looked over the young princess and takes her to her room. Luna then runs to the library to find her mother's old magic book, one that has been passed down through the generations. And when she finds it, she discovers that the mysterious man was correct. It was the only way to save her. So she calls one of her most trusted friends at the castle and asks them to discreetly get her some things packed for a long journey, for she was going to be taking it alone.

Luna spent the rest of that day devising a plan to keep her sister safe with the doctor's family until she returned and wrote her father a note because he will be there soon. She has a feeling of what will happen once she leaves that her older siblings will take this opportunity to get rid of her once and for all. Like they have been trying to do for years now, Luna was able to outsmart them every time. Once luna has everything ready, food, water, a blanket and tent, and an extra change of clothes, she goes to say her goodbyes to her sister and to tell her that she will return soon. But when she got there, Lillian was awake weak but wake. Lillian looked at her older sister, confused as to why Luna has her travel supplies with her, and said, "Lu, don't go, don't leave me. I'm scared." Luna looked at her and said, "I have to, but if you want ill sing you that song you love so much." Lillian just nod, so Luna started to sing the song

"Though I must go, I will always be there for you, even if we are miles apart, even if we can never see each other again, this is who I must be to help you, have a better life, one that you've always wanted, but if you want me if you need me, or if your in trouble all you have to do is, call my name to the moon, call my name to the moon, all you have to do is say it and shout it, call my name to the moon, though life is hard ill be there for you, all you have to is just, call my name to the moon, call my name to the moon, I know that you scared, that I have to go, that when I leav,e I may never come home, but if you look up at the sky you will know, I am still coming home, as long as you see the moon in the night sky, just like the moon must go away for a bit I must go, but just like the moon will always return so will I, just call my name to the moon, call my name, just call it call my name, call my name to the moon, I will hear it in the wind I will feel it in my soul, This is how l will know you need me, and come rushing home to save you, so just call my to the moon. And though you can't see it all the time, I know you can feel it even when the sun is out, the moon is still out there, so just, call my name out to the moon, and I will come for you though we will be miles apart, I will come for you so just call my name to the moon."

When luna finished the song, her sister had fallen asleep. Luna looked to the doctor and said, "I will be back as soon as I can, so keep her safe until I return, and in return, I will reward you well." The doctor nodded. Luna gave her little sister one last look before taking her cloak and draping on her shoulders and pulling the hood overhead and leaving her sister behind left the kingdom everything she knows. This will be the first time she is leaving a land that she knows and going somewhere new.