
Like you’ve never known

A collection of short stories, that at times can be written to be longer stories depending on what is favored! Includes angst, war, love, emotions, supernatural beings, etc.

Seos_76 · 現実
17 Chs

Upon a star

The stars were black and the sky was yellow.

When we first met that was what you told me and I thought you were crazy. It didn't make sense at the time. And years after it still didn't.

Were you just too poetic for me? Or was that what you felt? I wasn't sure and I couldn't ask you at the time.

Can I ask you now? I want to know the answer that only made sense to you.

Stars are looked upon, as bright, hopeful and beautiful. They can be a comfort to anyone, so what did you think about when you said that? When you looked at them?

A bright star that you saw as black, were you not hopeful? They didn't invoke the same emotion to you, you said

"I feel sleepy" was that another line in your poem? The stars had shooting stars and the lines of "if you wish upon a Star it may come true"

You didn't feel that anymore, you were lost, doubtful and tired. The stars to you were nothing but a nuisance because they did nothing to help you. The shooting star that you wished upon didn't grant you the wish.

The sky, it was a symbol of peace. The blue and clear shade of the sky could change someones mood and to you it always felt humid and nasty. Like an accident was upon the world. What helped others did nothing for you.

The stars were black and the sky was yellow.

If I asked you what it meant would you tell me I was right? Or did I read you wrong? It doesn't matter because I'll never know. Thank you for making me feel something, in your book nothing was nice and nothing was beautiful.

In my book, where the stars are bright and shiny and the sky is blue and clear,I find you beautiful. It invoked emotion within me , you were my stars and my sky.