
Like you’ve never known

A collection of short stories, that at times can be written to be longer stories depending on what is favored! Includes angst, war, love, emotions, supernatural beings, etc.

Seos_76 · 現実
17 Chs

Saturday night

It was a shell, an empty rotting shell that was in front of me. There was no life, scientifically speaking it was alive, but there wasn't an ounce of humanity. It was dead, rotting dead, was there a possibility to save it? I watch it and it continues to rot, what do I do? Do I take a chance or do I let it die?

I want to let it die, but my brain won't let me. A small voice tells me I'll regret it and maybe it's right but at this time I don't want to save it. The shell in front of me is dead, and it continues to rot. I look harder to see what there is I can save, it's dark inside, gloomy, hollow, it's easier to categorize as hell. A demon, a non-human. The shell is a monster with no ounce of emotions or feelings. But it makes no sense the shells thinks, cries, sympathizes, it looks like it has emotions so why can I see a monster with no feelings? What is this anomaly in front of me.

The shell continues to rot. I stare hoping that it stops rotting, I've given up hope on saving the shell. There is nothing to save it's become too late. The shell is dying, and I can't stop it.

The shell looks at me and I look at it. The shell dies and so do I.