
Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)

Follow Michael on his journey, as he goes from some kid from Pallet Town, to the very best, like no one ever w- WHAT DO YOU MEAN COPYRIGHT!?

Gtopia · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 2 - I thought I was the scary one! WTF!

Chapter 2

I lay awake in bed, unable to go to sleep. Completely understandable of course, I'm going on my very own Pokemon adventure tomorrow. I'll finally live out every persons fantasy! If anyone says going on a Pokemon adventure means nothing to them, they're a fucking liar and I'll sue. I'll sue them all!

I'd been preparing with my new partner for the past 3 months to get ready for my journey, and while I'm raring to get started, that wont make the day come any quicker. While most of the kids had already left months ago, I wasn't the last one to leave. A few were staying a little while longer just to be that extra bit more prepared.

While for the vast majority of kids, the journey isn't going to be very long. Some kid's wont have the stomach for it, the patience, or simply the desire. Which is all completely fine of course. A kids journey isn't about taking on the gym leaders, cutting down ace-trainers before taking on the league with the power of friendship and this gun they found named 'Pikachu, destroyer of worlds'.

No, It's about tradition, as well as a bit of a survival test. After all, this worlds human history doesn't go back nearly as far as my old worlds did, however all information people could find even from as far back as a few centuries, painted it as a tough world to live in. Nowadays, while life is a lot more safe, at least in regards to the wilds, It's still important for children to prove that they can handle themselves. Not to their parents or adults, but to themselves.

Nearly all adults, no matter their life's profession, or their calling, have at least 1 badge to their name. Proof that as children, when left alone, they could handle themselves and succeed, even away from their parents.

You dont see many adults without at least 1 badge, I haven't even seen any in Pallet Town honestly. It's not like they're shunned or anything, at least not from what I can tell from adults talking anyway. It's more disappointment directed, however overtly or subtle, at said person.

After all, It's not like you have to take only one journey, or that you have to go at the age of 10. If someone doesn't beat their first gym leader on their first journey, then fair enough, they can still do a rematch after a bit of training. If for whatever reason they come back from their first journey without a badge, they're simply encouraged to give it another year or two, then head out with some extra training and research under their belt. It's not like It's incredibly hard to earn the first badge of whatever area you're in.

Growing up and moving on with life without that first badge though? It tends to close some doors. After all, who wants a quitter working for them in their business? Or someone without even the slightest bit of will? While the journey is mainly a test for people to prove to themselves what kind of person they are, It doesn't change the fact that other people can see the results as well.

No, while most people do earn themselves at least one badge, with others going on to win maybe one or two more, it's usually the trainers who are serious about making it that reach past past the 4 badge stage.

As I lay up wide awake in bed, I look to my side. There, resting on his own pillow, is my partner, my starter, and hopefully one day, my flagbearer.

Teddiursa, or as we came to agree on, Major, In relation to Ursa Major. He didn't quite understand, though I managed to get across the meaning eventually, and he was pretty happy with it. After all, while He's only a baby bear today, I promised him that wouldn't be forever. One day he's stand taller than anyone else. That he'd have the strength to do whatever he wanted. Given the determined expression that overcame his face, he's as invested in his growth now as I am.

We spent the last few months mainly training him up from scratch, so that he'd have the energy and the determination to do actual training. Mainly some strength and speed training. Tying weights to him, not for too long of course, just for certain intervals in his daily training. While his little legs made running a little difficult for him, I started training him by having him slowly increases the force of his legs when running so that eventually he could lift off from the ground in an instant in the direction he was running. That kind of half jump, half run didn't have as much focus on his stride for the length of his legs, as it did on his strength.

Something which while not that impressive, has been slowly growing everyday.

Eventually we started training on his actual moves

Now as a Normal type Pokemon, he has quite the variety of moves he can learn even pre-evolution, though most people dont try to teach their Pokemon the harder type moves until they've got a good amount of experience, or have evolved, making it easier for them to learn it if they're capable of it.

Using the Pokedex I got from Prof Oak like most of the kids in town, I was able to see what moves he already knew.

Scratch, Fury Swipes, Lick, and surprisingly enough, Metal Claw.

While not the holy grail, it's certainly enough for me considering we haven't even started our journey yet.

The two moves that I wanted to train right from the get go were Scratch and Metal Claw, given these were more than likely going to be my bread and butter for my immediate start. My early game if you would.

The strength training will obviously help with the power of the moves, yet the best boon to come from my initial training regimen had to be that initial speed/jump boost move Major had already gotten the hang of. With that, paired with a move on top of it, I felt that would give us a nice easy combo move going into our journey.

I'd wanted to get started training on other moves I knew Major could learn right away, yet I knew if I wanted to actually make Major a credible threat later on, these formative days of training were going to be important. Rather than trying to teach Major a bunch of moves at the start, it would be best to increase his base stats while also getting him used to the few moves he already knew. Given the start of a persons journey would hardly see them facing monumental challenges, only knowing a few moves before heading off was hardly a big deal.

While I'd wanted a Nidoran as my starting Pokemon, after spending so much time with Teddiursa, and seeing the raw determination in him to grow stronger, I honestly feel like this is a great outcome. I'd alraedy grown rather attached to my fluffy murder machine.

Smiling at Major as he continues to doze, I think back to the corpse of that Ursaring. While it was no doubt a strong Pokemon, it had still died.

'That's not going to happen to Major, not if I can help it!'

After all, It's quite well known that a Pokemon can go further with a trainer than it ever could alone, and vice versa. Trainers grow stronger with their Pokemon as well.

'Major is no doubt going to be an absolute unit by the end of this circuit, let alone years from now after I've battled in a whole bunch of them.'

Though hopefully my next Pokemon wont be found in such a tragic scenario. A sweet battle and catch would be nice, though I have to wonder how common it was for trainers to find Pokemon weak and vulnerable, then catch them like that. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with that method mind you. If I hadn't come across Major with his mother already dead, no doubt the encounter would of ended differently... or maybe not. While Macka would of let me flop around if it came to me dealing with a Pidgey or something else, if a powerful Pokemon like Ursaring came roaring at me he no doubt would of flattened her instantly with extreme prejudice.

Maybe its a good thing over all the mother was already dead when we got there.

Thinking about Major made me recall the almost funny situation of my arriving home with my brand new partner.

When I arrived home with a Teddiursa my family were surprisingly shocked. I expected some surprise of course, a Teddiursa is hardly the usual Pidgey or Rattata that a lot of kids get. I guess a lot of the surprise came from the fact It's well known just how rare it was for an Ursaring and It's baby to be separated. When they initially started getting worried about a potential mother going on a rampage and wrecking the towns shit before being put down, I tried to relax them by explaining what had happened.

It did not in fact calm anyone down.

My brother worriedly asked if they should go see Oak right then and there even though the night sky was already closing in, but my mother, the more experienced of the two, stated it would be fine to wait till morning. There's no rush since even the truly powerful Pokemon hesitate to just randomly attack settlements since there tended to be so many high level Pokemon attached to trainers.

What had attacked the Ursaring no doubt came out of that fight with It's own wounds, since it didn't immediately gobble up the baby or try eating the corpse. The idea that it could of just been some cruel Pokemon hunting for sport no doubt lingering in the silence.

While I had in fact encountered Major just before noon, I had spent the remaining daylight hours just walking around the forest in the general direction of home. I didn't have to spend to much of my focus on keeping aware of my surroundings, since Macka was with us. Though no doubt mom would still be pissed at me anyway for letting my guard down in such dangerous territory. Ignoring the fact that with Macka besides us, we were probably the scariest things in the forest anyway. No doubt even if whatever killed the Ursaring showed up, Macka could no doubt take care of it.

I wanted the extra time to speak some more with my new Pokemon, even just walking with it no doubt would help to increase our bond. Anytime he needed to rest his little legs as well, Id make sure we sat down and rested. I even shared some of my food with him, getting the first genuinely none sad expression off him all day. His genuine befuddlement from the huge meat sandwich I halved with him, followed by his happy nomming was rather adorable. While it took a while to get back to the outskirts of town, I dont think he would be up for riding my shoulders or being carried just yet, and the atmosphere didn't really lend itself to me putting him in the poke ball just yet. Figured I'd just do a quick catch and summon when we get home.

While he was still shaken up, we did manage to get somewhere with communicating. While I'd still do the same thing again as regards to spending some time bonding with my new Pokemon, I probably should of gotten home earlier. Ah well, all's well that ends well... when it comes to horrific mother murdering anyway.

While it had taken him a bit longer than I originally guessed it would to settle in, he had come around eventually. Adam's gentle patience no doubt winning him over the quickest. While he got along with my mother fine, and Jaime-Lee after she learned she couldn't just cuddle tackle the 'Teddy!', there was still a bit of a gap there, one I hoped would close in time.

Meeting Oak the next day was a little weird. Usually seeing the older Prof was pretty chill, he'd always have something to say to the kids about the wonderful world of Pokemon. About what adventures and mysteries we'd all no doubt face on our own journeys. He was always such a happy dude, with a big ol' smile on his face. I genuinely think this was the first time I'd ever seen him with a grim look on his mug.

He explained to me that the scene I encountered was something most trainers dont see until well into their journey. After all, the Pokemon around most settlements tend to be the weaker kind, or more docile, even friendly in some instances. A fully grown and evolved Ursaring with a cub of its own? That is a powerful Pokemon that had no business being as close to a town as it was. Though Oak suspected the fight might of actually been going on for a while. Given the description of the wounds on the dead Ursaring that I described, he believed there was a high chance it could of been a flying Pokemon, in which case the Ursaring could of been hunted for days. Given just how powerful an Ursaring is, no doubt the flying Pokemon spent most of their encounter in the sky stalking it, waiting for the more opportune times to strike. Ursaring knowing it was being hunted, no doubt tried getting closer to civilisation, where it's safer for weaker Pokemon. Pokemon like her baby Teddiursa.

Of course Oak made sure to point out this was all speculation at this point, but considering it was Oak of all people speculating, I'm just gonna go ahead and take his words at face value unless I see evidence otherwise.

Oak saying that the stronger a trainer gets, the more confident they tend to feel when exploring, going further and further out into the forests and the deserts and mountains. Into areas controlled more by Pokemon than people, looking for greater challenges, and greater Pokemon to capture. It's not so much a surprise to see dead Pokemon even in little places like Pallet town, after all Pokemon hunt Pokemon. That's just nature. It is rarer though to see dead strong Pokemon this close to where people live.

Either way, Oak thanked me for coming to him (even if it was mainly my mom who pushed me into going) and told me he'd get in contact with the nearest ranger to give the forest's around Pallet Town a thorough sweep, though he hoped the other Pokemon had moved on already and suspected it might of.

While the Professor was no nurse Joy, he did give my new Pokemon a look over. He was clearly happy to be inspecting a more uncommon Pokemon, at least compared to the regular fare found in the South-West of Kanto. After giving me a general list of the food and berry typing's I'd need to buy to keep my Teddiursa in tip-top shape, he sent me on my way with orders not to be a stranger.

Nice guy that professor Oak, you wouldn't believe he'd made a mountain of corpses during the war, and was probably the most feared man in the known world, or at least in Johto.

Especially Johto.

One night when me mom and Adam were relaxing outside watching a meteor shower, curled up on cushioned chairs, she shared a funny story about our happy and kind Professor from the war. According to her, one of the funniest things she'd ever seen in the war was when a fellow Kanto trainer was being pressured on the battlefield, but no one could spare any help since the entire fight devolved into a slugfest between both sides. She watched out of the corner of her eye as said trainer, after losing 2 of his Pokemon, and knowing he was going to die soon, decided to effect a completely happy and relieved face mid battle, something that was impressive looking back since two members of his family just died in front of him mom said. While looking behind the enemy, he screamed out 'Oak! You made it!'

Looking away from a battle, especially the higher form of combat that expert trainers engage in is usually a death sentence, but not only did it work, it worked better than expected. His opponent spun around in sheer animal terror, along with a few allies and enemies close enough to hear his exclamation. When the enemy saw there was nothing there, or coming in the distance, they realised their mistake, but of course by then it was too late.

She laughed herself hoarse in the retelling.

"Make no mistake, it was a stupid thing to do. He was panicking, and yes, he thought he was going to die, but there were plenty of ways to turn defeat into victory, or even try and escape. Pulling such a childish trick, something you'd expect from kids playing on the street, just went to show how that man was still inexperienced, though that's no fault of his own. The league was sending more and more mid level trainers to the higher end fights, due to the death rates on the front lines.

Yet for all it was stupid, and childish, and downright cliche, it fucking WORKED!"

Here she took another wheezing laugh, though it was evident to both me and my brother that she was more strained now than when she was before, at the start of this story.

Mom had always been on the more stoic side of things. While she was never a touchy-feely kinda mom, it wasn't like she was a robot. You could still tell when she was happy, or sad. While she was laughing and wiping away a tear from one of her eyes, I dont think I'd seen her this sad in a while. Not since the anniversary of dad's death anyway. Though she always gets sad around that time, this was just some random family night, which is what made it more apparent I believe.

"It was a complete shot in the dark, but the reason it worked so well was Fear. With a capital F. The Johtians were so scared of a single man, that his name alone won us the battle. Can you even imagine that?

Now the man just studies in that lab of his, while teaching kids the wonders of Pokemon. It's like he's a different person. Though I suppose we're all different from how we were back then."

As my brother simply brought her an extra comforter so she could relax further into her chair, earning a soft smile from our mother, I wondered to myself what was wrong with me.

I'd just seen my mother have a mini episode, saw her sadness, maybe even a hint of regret, heard a story about a lot of people dying to what amounted to a child's prank, and the only thing I could feel was Jealousy.

Trained, veteran, expert trainers. Some of the most skilled and most powerful fuckers on the continent, and hearing a mans name caused them to collectively shit their pants so hard it lead to their deaths. I feel a tingle down my spine just thinking about it.

I'm going to have that. The fear. The awe. The respect.

One day I'm gonna have it all. I'd never felt so motivated before in my life. Id always wondered if this was it. Reborn into a new world, one from my childhood. Would I go on some generic adventure, make some friends and then lose with grace and dignity near the end and learn some lesson, before going on with the rest of my new life?

No, fuck that shit. You can have real power in this world, actual personal fucking power, and instead of a government that tried to limit you, they're basically holding the fucking doors open! Encouraging people to go out there and live and love and grow strong in this wonderful crazy fucked up world of ours.

Of course there's only one way I can answer that. By accepting the invitation to be the very best!

Suddenly I'm not so restless, I'm not tossing and turning. With the thought of power and fear rolling around in my mind, I finally settle for the first time all night, and fall off into a gentle sleep. Though that whole living a nice life with friends and loved ones didn't seem too bad either.


Standing outside the pathway to route 1 with my family, I cant help but think of the difference between this and the send off from 3 months ago.

The whole town had practically showed up to send of the children, with even Prof Oak there to give some last minute advise to those who wanted it, along with a warm send off speech.

While I'd seen a lot of kids I'd known, given there's only one school, and we all grew up together, I only really gave out a few words to some of the more extroverted kids in class, the ones who wanna be friends with everyone and will smile at you until you give in. While not necessarily alone, I was a lot more caustic than a lot of kids liked, leading me to being if not alone, then acceptably distant.

We all still talked, and they even included me in a lot of the stuff they wanted to do, but for the most part they were okay with me being by myself when I wanted to be. I'd seen them off with a bored wave, and that was that.

Now, 3 months later, It was just me and my family.

My brother was the first to say goodbye, with a quick hair ruffle, and some low words of wisdom.

"Remember, there's no shame in backing down when you know you're outmatched. Major isn't just fighting for you, he's your responsibility, so make sure you treat that bond with the consideration it needs"

While I didn't know the whole story, It wasn't too hard to put together. My brother was definitely one of the good trainers. On his first circuit he made it to the initial 256 trainers. He was no doubt going to aim for the league on a later run, but he cut his 2nd circuit short halfway through and returned home. Surprising, but not too worrying, plenty of trainers come across hurdles that take time to heal and overcome. Yet Adam only returned with one Pokemon.

He told me he released the rest of his team , but I doubt that was the whole story. While he no doubt did release everyone else, the Pokemon he returned with, his Fearow, was not his starter.

Nobody just releases their starter. No, the only thing that makes sense is that his partner died, and it broke his spirit. While he and his Fearow are still as close as ever, He hasn't taken a new Pokemon since.

Though the most confusing part of the entire thing was moms reaction, while she was initially as sad as I was to see him home in such spirits, when I'd gone to bed they got to talking. While I couldn't hear anything, I did manage to hear moms bloodthirsty screaming. It wasn't directed at Adam, but more I think at what Adam had told her. Something about his story had enraged her to the point that I'd never seen such emotion coming from mom before. Mom ended up leaving the house for the night, and wasn't back until noon the next day. She walked right into the kitchen and hugged Adam, saying she'll take it from there.

Both Adam and I were equally shocked by moms unusual showing of affection, though after locking eyes over her shoulder he just gave me a slight shake, so I ignored it.

These words of wisdom he's leaving me with now are putting a few of the puzzle pieces together. Adam fought another trainer, a trainer that I'm guessing was above Adams weight class, and his Poliwhirl died.

"Dont worry bro, given what a monster Major already is, its other people that will have to do the running I think!"


I gave a quick head scratch to my partner who was riding my shoulder while he gave a serious nod.

Looking at my brothers sad smile and calm eyes, I make sure to give him as serious a nod as I can, hopefully conveying that I heard him, loud and clear. Satisfied, my brother stands aside letting mom get my full attention, along with a sniffling Jaime-Lee.

Giving a quick smirk and messing up my sisters blonde locks, earning a scowl and helicopter arms, I ask why she's so upset.

"Because dummy" Your leaving me! Why do you have to go?"

Now gently grabbing her hand, I try to impress upon her just how important my next words are.

"Jay, I might be leaving, but I promise, I'm not leaving you. I'll ring home from every Poke centre I found, and I'll stay on the video call so long each time you get sick of me!"

Still sniffling, but not looking like I shat on the corpse of her favorite Pokemon, she asks why I cant just wait a few years then we can go on our journey together.

"When it's time for you to go on your journey, you're not gonna want you big brother there to ruin it, trust me." Giving her a smile to try and liven up her mood a bit more. It doesn't appear to be working.

Reaching out and stroking her hair, this time not earning any smacked hands for it, I try to be as honest as I can.

"This is something I have to do alone Jay, and I cant say why. Just know that I'll think of you everyday, and if you ever need me, I'll come running back so fast it'll make a Rapidash jealous!"

This time I did ear a smile. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, with some final words to be good for mom, though to try and annoy Adam into getting out the house more. This time she did laugh, and made the promise with a smile on her face, with Adam giving a fond sigh behind her.

Mom put Jaime-Lee down then moved us both a little ways away. While she had her usual face on, I could see something that looked a little uncertain in her eyes.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Giving me a long look, she let out a slight sigh before responding.

"You look a great deal like him you know".

I didn't need to ask who she was talking about. Both the tone of her voice, and the fact there were only 2 other people out there who looked like me giving me the answer. Well, one other person now.

"You're his son, but you're my son too. I'm sorry to say that also has some drawbacks." She looks away now, towards the start of route 1 while gathering her words. "Not everyone out there is going to be kind to you my son, some of them might be apathetic, others might just be assholes. However, some might hate you. Maybe because that's just the type of person they are, or maybe because of who you are. Where you come from."

Here she slowly looks back then stares at my brother, who is busy entertaining Jaime-Lee. The look on her face... I've never seen it before. I dont think I could call it anything other than guilt. Crushing guilt. Moms face wasn't made to be expressive, yet now... It's like she couldn't be closed off even if she wanted to.

"Or who your parents are".

"If you were just going to do the standard journey like most kids, I wouldn't worry. Yet your desire to be a trainer and grow strong is obvious. Your going to give it your all. Which means victory, and accomplishment, and even happiness. It also means struggle, and pain, and loss. I dont want you to suffer Michael, and I dont want you to suffer because of me."

I give my mom a raised eyebrow as I digest everything she just said. While a lot of it was too cryptic to interpret, I can still understand her general fear of her son going into the wide world, with everything that entails. Both good and bad.

After a few seconds, I walk up and give my mom a hug. I know it catches her by surprise, though after a few seconds, she tentatively wraps her own arms around me then proceeds to give me a gentle squeeze.

"I know your worried mom, but you shouldn't be. I've been waiting for this day my entire life. While I dont know everything that's heading my way, I know I can handle it. I wont be alone either, I've got Major with me."


Mom gives a gentle chuckle at that, especially because he's partly inside the impromptu hug as well, seeing as he's on my shoulder.

"I hear your warning as well mom. I know the world isn't as safe as people want it to be. While I cant say I'll never be hurt, you can trust me when I say, that if someone bleeds me first-"

I let go of mom and take a step back. Looking into her eyes, I give her a smile. Not my normal smile, the smile I've had to give out everyday. Not my bored, or amused, or even sarcastic smile. No, I give her the truest smile I've ever given.

"- Ill bleed them better."

Moms eyes widen as she takes me in, and for the first time, I think she actually see's me. I haven't lied to her, or Adam or Jaime-Lee. When I laugh and love and argue and play with them, that is me. It's who I am. It's just not all of me. Honestly, while I've always been a little dark, Ive always thought of myself as just generically dark, kinda like some goth edge-lord without the fashion sense or the need to be disagreeable all the time.

Yet when I heard that story from mom. The one where people died, and a battle that should of been a loss was instead a win, simply because a name inspired such fear into the hearts of even expert trainers? It was then I knew that's the only thing I have truly ever wanted, above everything else.

I'm going to get there as well. Yes, with the power of friendship, between me and my partner, along with the team I'll have. Maybe even with fellow trainers I meet along the way who I'll grow close to.

With training, experience, a bit of ingenuity, and a pinch of luck, I Michael Warden am going to make it to the top. It will take more than that though, it will take the willpower to do what is necessary to achieve said goal. The world isn't always kind, which means I cant be either.

Sometimes I'll need to be strong, other times smart. Yet sometimes, what will be needed isn't strength, or intelligence, but cruelty instead. Because that's just how the world works. My previous world, this world, and no doubt the next as well. I am ready to be what I need to be to stand on top. I dont know when I'll get there. If it will be this circuit, or another, but I will make it. I know I will

Moms face slowly takes on a small smile of her own, and after placing her hand on my unoccupied shoulder, she has only one thing to say to me.


After final goodbye to my siblings, along with a longer than I would of liked hug with Jaime-Lee, I finally being my adventure.

I have the standard Items most new trainers have. An expanded backpack, filled with food for both me and Major, with even some generic chow that most Pokemon can eat, for when I get a new Pokémon and dont have its preferred food on hand.

I have camping gear, wellies, torch, matches, and a first aid kit along with two health potions.

I got a new outfit for my journey, a white short sleeve top, along with a pair of blue shorts and black trainers. Given the constant heat in Kanto, tops and shorts are no doubt a mainstay of most people who are actively out and about in the region. Of course I've still got some heavier duty clothes and a coat for when necessary. It's not hot everywhere in Kanto after all, or all the time for that matter.

Further on down the road, I come across my first surprise. Is it a Pokemon? A wild biker gang member? A Zapdos perhaps?

"Professor Oak! What are you doing here?"

Michael encountered a wild Samuel Oak. He used greeting, it was super effective!

Professor Oak jusst smile at me, while putting away his Pokedex.

"I knew you were going on your journey today Michael, so I thought it only right to see you off. I did for everyone else after all" He says with a quiet chuckle.

"Heh, thanks Professor, you didn't have to but I appreciate it."

"So, how are you feeling young man, nervous? Excited? scared? All of the above?" His warm tone does as it usually does, and sets me at ease. After all I've known this man my entire life, in both lives at that. He's always been someone I've enjoyed spending time with in this life. Especially since this version is vastly more interesting than any of his predocessors, though maybe thats just because I'm actually able to interact with him. If I'd been able to talk to the Oak from the show and ask about his life, I'm sure I'd of been just as interested.

"Honestly, I just cant wait to get started. I've been waiting for this moment my entire life ya know?"

"Ah yes, I was much the same myself young man, when I was your age. No doubt many children wish the days would go by faster so they can have their own journeys, that rambunctious sister of yours as well no doubt." The big smile on his face tells me she's got him wrapped around her finger, just like the rest of the adults.

With a roll of my eyes, I cant help responding.

"It will no doubt be a dark day in Kanto history when Jay starts her first circuit, may Arceus have mercy on those fools, for she will have none".

I dont know if it's the words, the subject matter, or just the spooky tone I said it in, but professor Oak's laugh is truly gut busting.

As I walk a few steps ahead of the older man, looking out towards my oncoming adventure, I cant help but turn back and ask a simple question.

"Any final tidbits of wisdom you can share prof?"

With his lab-coat on, along with a ruffled shirt, and pants with some stains on them, he doesn't look like much more than a friendly uncle here to see a kid off.

Pfft, yh, and I'm Godzilla.

"In my time, I've seen a lot of trainers. Some good, some bad, most of them nothing special." With a whimsical sigh, and a fond look down the path, you wouldn't think the kind professor just dissed millions of people. Wow, not gonna lie that's kinda savage. Nice.

"Yet the one thing I can say without reservation that pushed trainers to be better than they were the day before, is drive. The drive to be the best pageant winner, the drive to be the best Pokemon boxing trainer, the drive to be the best Ranger. Drive Michael, is the most important factor of a trainers life. Normally I simply tell children to go out and have fun, I can say that because most of them are, like the average trainer, nothing special."

Ok, double damn. Fuck those kids I guess.

With a slow incredulous smile taking over my face, even as I feel my eyebrows climbing, I let Professor Oak carry on uninterrupted.

"They're gonna go out there, and they're going to have fun, which fills my heart up with true peace. That's what life's about, living it to your best. I'm proud of the young adults out there who have listened to me, and taken inspiration from me. The children who I taught, and who taught me in turn"

Then he slowly turned his head to look at me out the corner of his eye.

"Your best, and their best, are not the same thing."

Now fully turning to face me, he carry's on, his tone no longer calm and soothing, even though the words he's been using previously were hardly kind.

"I have been in this town for decades, and the number of trainers with actual potential in all those years can be counted on 2 hands, and still have fingers left over. Watching you Michael, seeing your responses in class. Hearing your questions on class field days. Just being able to get to know you better, has led me to believe that unlike the rest of the chaff, you might stand a chance of going the distance. Maybe."

My mouth tightening slightly at that last bit, I still keep my mouth shut. Partly because he hasn't made his point yet I feel, and partly cuz the cold look on his face makes me want to check if I wore my brown pants today. Seriously, what the fuck my dude.

The worst part is that I genuinely believe he meant every word he said before, about everyone having fun and going on adventures. He's happy for them. He loves the kids of Pallet Town the same way any older man loves those he's been able to inspire and help to teach.

Yet It's in this moment that I realise, that while Samuel Oak loves the people of Pallet Town, he does not respect them.

"You have to push harder Michael. You might of heard caution is the best way to handle your oncoming problems, but it isn't. You need to push. Against everything, against everyone. When other people are faced with a mountain in their paths, they go around it, a few go over it. You need to go through it. The moment you take a step back, the moment you let fear or caution guide your actions, you'll lose something very important, and you will never get it back. Be bold Michael, take refuge in audacity, only then will you make it to where your destined to arrive."

Sweating, knees slightly shaking I take in some calming breaths. Professor Oak turns aside and starts slowly walking away, arms behind his back.

Not being able to help myself, I call after him.

"And where is it that I'm destined to arrive Professor!?"

Oak stops in the middle of the path, then slowly his head turns.

I hit the floor so hard I'm surprised my knees dont instantly dig holes into the ground. There's a presence, a weight bearing down on my shoulders.

Major is on the ground as well, though that had more to do with surprise then anything, he's instantly on his feet and standing in front of me with a growl reverberating out the chest.

As I struggle to lift my head, I can see the side of Oaks face as he looks at me out the corner of his eye.

This isn't the face of the beloved Professor Oak of Pallet Town, adored by the people, and the children he had a hand in nurturing. It's not the face of Samuel Oak from a few moment before, one who has expectations of the world, and how he expects different people to react.

This is the Champion, the person who crushed every elite trainer who came before him on his way to the title, and brought low a country near singlehandedly.

With the lips on the side of his face reaching high, and his eyes smiling yet devoid of anything remotely human in them, Oak answers my question, with more bite than I expected.

"Why, at my feet of course."

The weight leaves almost immediately, and then Professor Oak gives me a smile, again one I can tell is sincere, then moseys on back up the path.

As I struggle to get my breath back, I cant help but wonder what the fuck just happened. Not just from the personality deviation, since I expected Oak to be a bit more, well, more, since this isn't some kids show on the TV.

What the hell was that weight he brought to bare, it felt like heavy air had settled over me.


As I look down at Major, I give his head a quick pat, with an accompanying smile.

"Dont worry buddy, I'm fine. Just gimme a sec, Ok?"

With a worried nod, Major simply settles next to me.

As I look back at the retreating form of one Samuel Oak, the only thing I feel is greed. I reach out a hand in front of me, till it aligns perfectly with the fading back of the scariest mother fucked I'd ever seen, then I close said hand into a fist.

"One day. I'll get there one day old man, just watch me."


A/N: Okay, first off all, please dont hate me. While I would love to see some feedback, I'm hoping it's not everyone screaming at me about butchering Oak's character.

I apparently decided to get pretty loose with the guy. Didn't see that coming.

I have no fucking clue where that Oak just came from. Like most people I was simply going to make him the wizened older teacher. Maybe give him a bit more character than he gets from the game or shows, but then suddenly, BAM!

Scary Oak is born!

Fucking seriously, I mapped out arc 1 and Oak wasn't a part of it at all, he wasn't even going to be in this chapter, but then I figured why the hell not have him right as the MC is going on his adventure, he can give him some sage advice then send him off.

Well, he gave him something I guess lol XD.

Now, Oak isnt a liar. He's not two faced. He's just as kind as he is in the shows, and most fics. He still loves Pokemon, and children in general. He is, at least when not at war, a solidly good person. It's just that, with the history of this world, and the war, I got the sense that there would be more to Oak then meets the eye. That instead of another Iroh type character, what if he was actually something different.

This Oak, while a good person, while still a nice person, is still a dick. He respects strength. He acknowledges people without strength, he can love and care for and like people without strength, but he will not respect you. You will not be worth as much in his eyes if you are a weak person, even if you are a good person.


Now while Michael thinks he's been handling his true thoughts and feelings pretty well, while he thinks he's been able to hide his darker thoughts and feelings, he has... for the most part. Oak sussed him out when he was even younger then he is now, and for the most part kept an eye on him out of curiosity.

His mom also knew.

While Michael thinks he's surprised her here, he didn't. She was only caught off guard that he decided to open up to her so openly. He's not as smooth as he thinks clearly XD.

His mom is obviously okay with a darker child, simply because of how she's been shaped. She fought in the war along with her husband, who died. She's killed, she's nearly been killed, she's seen the best and worse of humanity. Her conclusion? She'd take a strong but cruel child over a weak but kind one.

Now of course she isn't perfect, she's looking at it through the lens of a soldier. Someone who saw all that shit that happened, and is terrified of it happening again, but this time her children being old enough to get involved. Also like a lot of animal mothers in nature now that I think about it, who want strong kids simply because life is hard.

Now of course there's peace, having a strong or weak child doesn't matter as much. She knows this. She also knows Kanto and Johto were perfectly fine neighbours until all of a sudden they weren't.

It's not like she wouldn't love her children if they were soft, she absolutely would. She's simply be so much more scared on a general basis simply cuz she knows her kids would get hurt harder in life.

She's also got a soft spot herself as well, since she doesn't have the strength to go all 'Tiger mom' and train them, and force them to toughen up. Besides, her first 2 kids are strong, the 2nd more so than the first she suspects. Though given what happened to her first, at the part she inadvertently played in it, all she feels there is guilt and regret.

Also, Michael is an unreliable narrator. Him saying that Oak brought a country low all by himself is an exaggeration, whether he believes it or not.

... The truly scary thing, is that while an exaggeration, it's not that far off the truth either. Lets just say that many a Johto warroom screamed bloody murder about Oak.
