
King Randesh: Walk in the maze VI

Deomar breathed hard through closed mouth and exhaled sharply before saying solemnly, "Mother is sick Mair."

Mair's mood dropped from heightened to gloomy. "What happened? How...what?"

Her voice cracked and it irked Deomar's always-pleasant attitude. She stood up and walked to her. With her hands on Mair's arm consequentially, she said, "Mair, father needs you to come to town. She might not make it through the night."

The night? It was almost evening!! What night?!

Mair's eyes became blurry as tears clouded in them slowly began to flow down her face. She briskly wiped them off and inhaled​ as a way to console herself. She touched her stomach and the other hand on her mouth holding down tears and pain. "Let's go!" She ordered.

She walked fast praying that she could make it there sanely.

Her mother was always the bridge in her household. Father was old, and his strengths had weakened over the years and mother was young in some ways. Still agile and vigorous but suddenly a sickness wanted to take her to Ayuie (a place of peace and yet not so peaceful as those still alive will greatly feel the pain of the passing).

Mair would not allow it!!

She ran for the upper gate as she couldn't feel her feet anymore. Before she knew it, she fell and lost vision.


"Bring her to my chambers now!" Tabieshi ordered the two foot soldiers that stood over her and walked to the palace stairs without looking back to see if they were following.

The two foot soldiers did so and carried her, following the princess behind.


The place was lined with tall shrubs; you couldn't see the other side except the path ahead.

Shanti walked forward slowly, observing the surroundings with one hand to secure her sword.

She looked ahead with piqued interest as to where his majesty stood.

The walk wasn't long as she finally found herself at the valley of the mountain (or so she assumed), because the peak of it stood with magnificence and ever-green layout. The sun sent the greens into different shades, from lemon green to dark green to sea green; infact, all the greens you could find in the world. No wonder it was named Mount Sen; Sen standing for Hill with fertility and evergreen-age.

She enhanced with complicated thoughts, why wasn't she seeing the King? What is the meaning of this undeserved torture?

All these thoughts ran high in her head as she walked round.

And then one more thought came to her head, 'How am I to climb to the top eh?"

She folded her arms and looked at the sky. "This is so undeserving!" She yelled as if talking to the gods.

She kicked hard on the floor, then a prickling feeling poked at the back of her head, one inch behind and she was sure she would have pierced her head through whatever it was.

"One inch and you will die a painful death." A deep male voice said behind her.

Shanti smirked. "As if I didn't know that." Felt like she was bragging. "And if I were you, I would put down my weapon before things will get unpleasant"

The male behind her shook his head and dropped the sword into the sword pouch. He stood hand akimbo.

Shanti turned briskly to look at her assaulter and she sighed in relief. "Your majesty"

"You are one proud woman lady Shanti of Huie." He looked straight into her eyes as he said this.

Shanti turned away from his stare and looked at the mountain peak, "My King really has time from palace duties to personally meet with a commoner like me". She looked at him, and bowed slightly. "I am honoured."

He smiled and folded his hands against his chest. He was dressed in full armour, except the helmet. After staring at her for a while, he turned and walked easily to where Shanti was coming from.

Shanti saw this and her eyes widened. "My Lord!"

He stopped without looking back.

"Are we not going to the mountain?"

"No." With that, he turned to look at her. "Not today."

"Not today?!" Shanti asked, disbelief written on her face. The King shook his head. "Bu-but I journeyed all the way here to be at mount Sen."

"You are not the only one who journeyed. Infact, I journeyed and waited for hours just so you could come to mount Sen." He looked at her without emotions. "And you are late!"

He started walking.

Shanti followed him from a distance without even knowing.

"But you said you wanted to teach me something."

"If you are smart enough, you already have learned what you needed to learn."

What? Shanti rolled her eyes.