
It's really a fighter among the scumbag

Tang Shuyan couldn't stand such an enthusiastic Ruan Xinyu and pouted.

"Well, people who don't know, they think I have a problem with my orientation. Let's go. Let's talk as we walk." Tang Shuyan walked out of the airport with Ruan Xinyu.

Along the way, Ruan Xinyu couldn't wait to ask Tang Shuyan about the whereabouts.

Ruan Xinyu understood it after listening to it. She said indignantly.

"The man you married is the man who abandoned you. Did you agree?"

Tang Shuyan nodded and said.

"I don't know why he just doesn't remember me at all. I think he must have had difficulties six months ago, so he didn't rush to marry me."

"That's a scumbag. I used to think he was just a scumbag, but now I've expected that he is indeed a fighter among scumbags. You are really naive. How can you trust him? Listen to me and don't marry!" Ruan Xinyu advised her with righteous indignation.

Tang Shuyan smiled faintly and sadly. He took out the marriage certificate from his bag and shook it in front of Ruan Xinyu and said.

"It's too late. We have had a legal effect. He is my legal husband."

"What, you can fall into the pit once, and you can fall into the pit twice, or the same pit." Ruan Xinyu looked at the two people on the marriage certificate, and the two names, they really became a legal couple.

"Marry him, I didn't hesitate and was willing, so I can't blame anyone if I fall into this pit." Tang Shuyan will see the photos on the marriage certificate, at least on the marriage certificate, and they are still very suitable.

Ruan Xinyu knocked on her head and said.

"You are stupid!"

"I'm stupid. Please ask my bridesmaid to accompany me to pick a wedding dress!" Tang Shuyan took Ruan Xinyu arm and naturally leaned her head on her shoulder.

"What, you even have to choose your own dress. He won't accompany you. Don't marry such a man. Can't you regret the marriage?"

"Of course not. The big director will accompany me for a while. I booked a Chinese restaurant in the evening to pick you up." Tang Shuyan said coquettishly to her.

She knew that Ruan Xinyu was her best friend, the kind of knife in both sides.

After all, they grew up together, and Ruan Xinyu could understand every little move of her.

"If you will bribe me, I will be particularly grateful and play the role of the groom." Ruan Xinyu agreed.

The two came out of the airport talking and laughing, and the haze of the past few days also dissipated a lot, because of this red certificate, or because of the upcoming wedding, or Ruan Xinyu return to China, which was a good thing that happened to Tang Shuyan.

On the way back from the airport, sitting in Ji Jingshen car, Ruan Xinyu did not continue to curse Ji Jingshen in her heart.

As a result, Tang Shuyan glanced at him and said.

"Cough... This is his car, this is his assistant, so you are now..."

Ruan Xinyu was stunned. She pinched Tang Shuyan's waist and said with a smilez

"Okay, you dare to eat inside and outside!"

"I dare not, never dare again!" Tang Shuyan raised her hand and surrendered.

It can be seen from Qin Feng rearview mirror that the two young girls smiled happily and naturally.

It seemed that the future president of the Ji family was so special that even he couldn't help laughing.

Ji Jingchen is waiting to take over.

This lady will not be easy to mess with in the future.

Qin Feng sent them to the destination Qinyuan Building.

Tang Shuyan stood in front of Qin Feng and explained.

"Thank you for your hard work today. I will do the future by myself. Thank you!"

"Miss Tang, this is my business. Don't you need me to send you two home?" Qin Feng asked.

"No, we can arrange it ourselves." Tang Shuyan replied to him.

Ruan Xinyu walked to Qin Feng and said.

"Handsome man, take my luggage to this hotel by the way. Thank you. I'll treat you to dinner next time."

"Okay, it should be. Then I'll go first." Qin Feng looked at the address before leaving.

"Why are you staying in a hotel again?"

"No one has cleaned up at home yet. It's the same everywhere you live alone. It's better to stay in a hotel. You can come and go freely, and there are special services. But if you want to warm the bed for me at night, I will be even happier." Ruan Xinyu waved her hand.

Tang Shuyan hardly choked out. She twisted her arm and said.

"Hey, I have a married woman now."

"It's so stingy. There is no humanity if there is the opposite sex!" Ruan Xinyu snorted.