
I don't want to owe you

The night was very dark, and the moon was hiding. Ji Jingchen took a shower and saw such a huge bed.

He thought of the bed in Jingyuan and their 'newlywed'.

Obviously, the bed became very big, and there was room for his long hands and feet, but he shrank aside and turned off the light, and would not wake him up because of the sound of her turning over.

But when he turned around, he couldn't see her thin back or the familiar quilt.

As a result, he turned over and over again, and he was sleepless.

He think he lived in vain for the past 28 years. He and Tang Shuyan only spent a few days, but it was just more than ten days.

Did more than ten days change his habits in twenty-eight years?

Finally, he stood up from the bed and put one of the quilts in the middle, while he slept on his back to the side, trying to find the familiarity of the past few days.

The first night he moved to Yingzhou Mansion, he lost sleep.

The next day, he was never late, but he was late.

Qin Yan joked.

"The president didn't sleep well last night?

The dark circles are heavy.

Isn't it the president who recognizes the bed?

Of course, there are dark circles under his eyes.

Ji Jingchen didn't sleep well all night.

"Have you finished your work? Have the heart to stare into my eyes here!" He glanced at Qin Yan coldly.

Of course, Qin Yan stopped laughing first. He heard the office door ringing. Qin Yan went to open the door, and the front desk sent a gift box.

"It is said that it was just here for the president." Qin Yan handed it to Ji Jingchen.

Ji Jingchen opened the black gift box.

He took it out and saw that a brand-new iphone was exactly the same as his original appearance and style. He took out the broken screen of the mobile phone from his pocket.

There was also a card of the same color series in it. Ji Jingchen took it out and took it out and said.

"I bought a new one to pay you back. I don't want to owe you, so you reluctantly accept my compensation." Her name is followed by the abbreviation 'Yan'.

"President, your screen is too broken. Why didn't you say it yesterday? I'll change it for you." Qin Yan stood in front of the table and could see the comparison between the two mobile phones.

Ji Jingchen also doesn't know why he didn't go to repair it yesterday, or didn't buy a new one.

What is he waiting for, waiting for her phone or her WeChat account?

"It's nothing wrong with you. Get out!" Ji Jingchen ordered Qin Yan with cold eyes.

Qin Yan quickly evacuated.

Ji Jingchen touched the new mobile phone. He turned to the back of the mobile phone and saw that his surname 'Ji' was engraved on the black metal back cover.

He changed the mobile phone card and pulled the corners of his mouth with a smile.

Tang Shuyan, Tang Shuyan, a woman who was unwilling to apologize, really didn't know how she showed weakness in front of men.

He sent a WeChat message to Tang Shuyan with his new mobile phone.

(Some things can't be repaired, and the apology that can be bought with money is worthless.)

Ji Jingchen looked at the mobile phone screen after a while.

Tang Shuyan didn't reply to him. He also looked at it with certainty, but she still didn't.

He didn't expect that Tang Shuyan didn't take his WeChat seriously, so that he was absent-minded at the meeting.

In the afternoon, he asked Qin Yan.

"Isn't the matter of the spokesperson selected? Is there no news yet?"

"Ms Tang came to inform me today. He asked Bo Yuan to choose a spokesperson together tomorrow. I don't know what the president will arrange?" Reported by Qin Yanhui.

"I went there in person and chose the wrong one. I can't be wrong this time."

"Yes, president, I'll arrange it and reply to Tang." Qin Yan went out.

Therefore, he can go to meet Tang Shuyan righteously tomorrow.

Thinking about it, there are waves in his heart and what kind of small abacus he has made.

It is September, which is the beginning of the school season. Nanjing University is the best undergraduate college in Liancheng.

Mo Chenyu has just received Gu's sisters flying from Qingcheng from the airport.

The Gu family in Qingcheng and the Mo family are friends. Gu Xiangnian, the daughter of Gu's parents, is the same age as him this year. She is already the new president of Gu Group and belongs to the leading industry in Qingcheng Real Estate.

Gu Yinuo, the second daughter of the Gu family, is 18 years old this year and has just been admitted to the clothing design major of Nanjing University.