
The Boy

Ryker wanted to confront the men but the last thing he needed was for the Lannisters to be after him so he decided to wait silently ,after going through the stuff they had around camp they decided to leave so Ryker went back to sleep

In the morning he was woken by the sound of Tom cursing

Tom-"Dammit we've been robbed those cunts  probably took some of our food"

Ryker-"calm down Tom nothing was stolen just Lannister's men poking around at night"

Tom-"it seems like every year there is more of them roaming around "

Ryker-"we should just go home things are getting a little too active and I wanna be prepared for the madness"

Tom-"yeah that would be best for your safety milord"

Tom told the men to pack there things and they all headed home to Blackhelm which is a magnificent sight to see even though Ryker knew he just lifted the design off a castle he saw one time

his arrival caused a bit of a stir because small folk rarely actually see their lord he took the opportunity to wave and display his dashing smile for his people until he reached the doors of his castle where ruby was waiting for him

Her stomach was huge which made it hard for her to walk so Ryker jumped off his horse and ran to his wife

Ryker"wow you must be due any day now "

Ruby"i think I know that Ryker now please get me to a seat"

Ryker walked her to the drawing room and sat down next to her in the private room Tom and the other guards went off to do they're own thing so it was just ruby and Ryker alone together

Ruby-" I think they'll be boys"

Ryker-"really that would be nice"

Ruby-"maybe they'll be tall like you or maybe taller"

Ryker-"I doubt it but Robb Stark is 6'0 at 15 so who knows"

Ruby-"ooooo what are the starks like"

Ryker-"they're good people sadly their son took a bad fall"

Ruby-"maybe one day our kids will be named Stark, I should send a letter(she said with a laugh)"

Ryker-"not anytime soon we have two castles our first born takes this one and the younger one takes the other"

Ruby-"hmm but the other one is worth more"

Ryker-"but this castle is our new "ancestral home" and its walls are strong"

Ruby-"well it doesn't matter who gets what as long as they get along"

Ryker-"I couldn't have said it better myself, it's getting darker we should get some rest"

Before they could get up to leave a Tom knocked at the door

Ruby-"come in"

When he entered to his side was a small boy with him with a soft cute face,blue eyes,black hair,and tan skin

He was dressed in yellow silk and had a silver chain around his neck with a pendant that appeared to be copper

Ryker-"Tom you have a son?"

Tom-"No ,you do mylord he's a quiet fellow"

Ryker turned to look at ruby who didn't seem upset but intrigued then continued to speak to the boy

Ryker-"what's your name?"

???-"Adrian Sand (he said with the tone of a mouse)"

Upon hearing his last name Ryker knew immediately where this boy had came from meaning he had to be atleast three years old

Ryker raised from his seat and approached his son embracing him with open arms

Ryker-"We have a lot of catching up to do,but right now it's bed time"

They lit some candles and headed to the bed chamber to get some sleep after a couple hours ruby went straight to sleeping while Ryker read to Adrian till he went to sleep then slipped out of bed and headed to Tom's house which was outside the guard barracks when Ryker knocked on the door he heard dragged foot steps and was greeted by Tom who seemed to be out cold before hand

Tom-"something wrong lord Ryker?"

Ryker-"not really I just need soldiers and plenty of them trained and ready in a couple of weeks "

Tom-"I'll try my hardest hopefully it'll fall together"

Ryker-"I look forward to it have a nice night Tom"

Ryker returned to his bed chamber and went to bed