
Chapter 4: First Fight in a New World, Part I

It must be considered that a speed when John faced Alex and his speed now could not even be compared.

He was at least 10x faster than before, but even with that speed, Angelic Lion was much faster than John.

When John was in his own world, thinking about those things, Angelic Lion used that chance to closer to John.

And when he was close enough, he jumped at John.

And only then did John took Angelic Lion seriously. In his opinion, Angelic Lio. Was a much higher threat than Alex because Alex was arrogant and didn't even take John as a living being, plus it needs to be considered that he didn't see anyone living in a long time. So all needed for John to win was to irritate Alex a little, but it is different from this Angelic Lion, from the start to now, Angelic Lion didn't let his guard down, even a little bit.

And now when Angelic lion was extremely close, John was left with the two options.

He could not jump to the left or to the right because he does not have enough time to leave unscathed. If he is lucky, Angelic Lion would give him a scratch and if he is not lucky, well, he would die, and it would be a bloody death.

He also can't jump forward because he would meet in the air with Angelic Lion.

So the only two options were either to jump backward or to roll forward.

If he jump backward, he would be able to dodge but, Angelic Lion would land faster than John and considering Angelic Lions' speed, he would be before John before John could land, but if he choose second options then he would be able the dodge and Angelic Lion would need time to turn back and attack John again so John would have time to think of a new plan meanwhile.

So John choose the second option and rolled forward.

But what he did not expect was that the moment he rolled forward, the electric ring that hovered around Angelic Lions' head started to fly toward John.

But when John saw this he didn't feel scared or terrified, he felt...disgusted.

"Damn, first the name and now this feeling, what the fuck is this!?"

"Little kitten, hehehe, I swear that I will drink your blood and feast on your meat when I kill you." John said as his creepy smile changed to the smile of the maniac.

And after John said that the electric ring accelerated, it was like Angelic Lion could understand what he said and as a result, he became enraged.

John didn't expect if he don't dodge he would die so he quickly jumped backward. Even if he successfully avoided death, the electric ring still wounded John, 5cm deep in the wound was on Johns' stomach.

"Damn! I need to finish this quickly or otherwise, I will from blood loss."

And in the next moment, the terrifying aura rushed out of John. Even John seemed surprised.

Even though John used his full speed, he didn't use his full strength because there was no need, but now, he used all of his strength.

Angelic Lion seemed to tremble and in the next moment something shocking happened, Angelic Lion kneeled on the ground, but that was actually not so shocking as the next thing she did.

"I, Angelic Lion of the Prila Clan, am apologizing for offending a Holy Leader, please give me punishment!"