
Chapter 3: New World, Part II

John passed out after all the pain that he got from the fusion with the "Blank Lightning Core",

And when he woke up he wasn't in the infinite darkness anymore, he found himself in the lush forest which seemed endless, he could see many trees that are seemingly more than a 800m high, flowers with red and rose petals could be found anywhere on the ground, and there is also about 100m away a river that is so clean that someone could the bottom of the river.

The first thing that John said after waking up was.

"KEKEKEKE, it seems that I am not dead."

And the second thing John did was checking his body.

He looked at his stomach and found that the wound is no more. And after second look he found the he has twelve pack abs.

He wasn't a bodybuilder at earth and he certainly didn't have a twelve pack abs so there is only one explanation.

"That blank something core surely has to do something with my new build."

But what John didn't know is that not only his build changed.

And after wondering what happened with his body he went to the lake to drink some water but what he saw left him surprised.

"Hmm, my face seems younger than usual? When I think about it I am not as tall as before."

All maturity that was on John's face disappeared.

"My face and height seem to reverted back to my fifteens."

"If I put some plain clothes that will cover my abs I would look like scholar."

John currently has black trousers and black jacket like any mafia member.

'The problem is that I don't know how to exit this forest.' Thought John.

"Well, there is only one way, I have to keep walking until I find exit." Said John as he sighed.

And after a minute of wondering where should he go, he decided to go north.

2 months later

"Kekeke, I walked for two months straight without stopping and I still don't feel tired. This damned 'Blank Lightning Core' did something for sure." Said John as his creepy smile returned to his face for no particular reason.

"I have just one fucking question! Where the fuck are my W.I.N.G.S!? That little kitten promised me them so, WHERE the fuck are they!?" Cursed John at the sky.

Like it was said before, angel wings are one of the John's wet dreams, he always imagined himself with them.

After John shouted, one beast seemseed to heard that shout so beast jumped out of bushes and started running towards John.

John could hear the cracking of lightning as the beast started to run towards John.

Beast looked like a lion but its fit was not orange but black.

Except for the fur, the first thing John noticed was the ring made of lightning that hovered around the lions head.

For some reason, John knew the name of the lion.

"Angelic Lion?" Mumbled John.

"Is the name of that beast Angelic Lion? But how do I know this?"

John did not know what was happening but he knew that that was not time to think about it but to solve the problem ahead of him - the lion that is running at him that is running 2 times faster than John.