
Chapter 1: Request of Goddess, Part I

Infinite whiteness. That could describe where John is right now.

Infinite whiteness, one blonde beautiful angel with a good figure, and there is a man approximately in his middle-twenties with a good build and bangs that cover his eyes. He can be considered as a normal looking guy, not handsome but not ugly as well.

"Kekeke, beautiful lady, can you please tell me where am I?" Asked John as with a creepy smile and curiosity shining in his eyes as all this infinite whiteness is nothing weird.

"John Koi, 21 years old, fairly intelligent, psychopath, master manipulator, parents both killed by the debt collectors, already killed 78 people, you have many different quirks and you do everything on a whim, and you like extreme sports, I didn't leave anything noticeable out, right?" Said blonde-haired angel in a majestic voice that probably couldn't be reproduced even with the best software of this century.

"Kekeke, beautiful lady, why would you say that someone good and law-abiding as is a psychopath or even this 'master manipulator' that you mentioned?" Said John as he laughed creepily - this is one of John's quirks, he always before saying something laugh first, then say the name of the person he is talking to, and after all of that he says the content of his thoughts.

"Well, weren't you the one that woke up one morning and said: "Hmm, how would it feel if I stab my self with the knife?" and then you stabbed yourself and after that, you didn't call the ambulance as anyone normal would do but, you took the first aid kit and tried to bandage yourself because you thought that it would be a hassle to go in the other room to take your phone, and finally, after you bandaged yourself correctly after 2 minutes of practice, you asked yourself: "How much would it be painful if I just forcefully remove bandages?" and you did that, and after discovering that it is very painful you bandaged yourself again and went to fight some thugs because you were bored."

"And as for being a master manipulator, you went into the shop to buy some milk and cookies but the shop didn't have any of your favorite cookies left so you just killed the shopkeeper and everyone that was in the shop at the moment and before police arrived you left the money for the milk. When it was time to go court you didn't even take the lawyer but tried to defend yourself, and you successfully defended yourself and the judge even judged that the families of the killed need to give you money, after they sold all their properties and gave you their money they didn't have enough money for a funeral so they killed themselves." The majestic tone vibrated in the air twice before it vibrated again.

"So John please tell me are you a master manipulator or not?"

"Kekeke, beautiful lady, okay, you are right, I maybe went over the line at that one - I mean I didn't even leave the tip for the milk and the shopkeeper was such a great woman, that's one of my biggest regrets."