
Ares Punishment.(Rewrite)

Once Azrael had what he wanted, he took Kurayami and his group back to Japan with him. Once he was gone, Zeus was left mortified in front of his entire family. Azrael had not only shamed him in front of his entire family and Pantheon but he was also left in a weakened state. 

While Azrael had acted like draining the Lightning of the Master Bolt was no big deal, that was far from the case. He knew that draining the Master Bolt would weaken Zeus, but since he had no respect for Zeus he did it anyway. 

It would take Zeus no less than 15 years to get back to his peak and at the moment that was not a good thing. Poseidon instantly used the fact that Zeus was in a weakened state to start putting both political and real pressure on Zeus. 

Worst of all, Hera, and Athena alongside Poseidon once again began to plan to put more rules on Zeus. Now that he was weak, it was their chance to strike. Azrael might have potentially ended a war between Poseidon and Zeus, but it got so much worse. 

Enraged by what was happening around him, Zeus took his anger out on Ares who essentially caused this whole thing. If he had just returned the Symbols of Power they would not be in this mess. 

The worst part of it all was that Zeus had to pay Azrael for his Symbol of Power. Enraged, Zeus demanded Ares get his sword back and take the agreed-upon creatures with him. 


Ares was not having a good day. First of all, Kronus had pulled some shit and brainwashed him to be stupid. Athena had not let that down and shamed him for his mental weakness. Second of all, Azrael had treated him like a little boy and 'took up' his Symbol of Power. 

Third of all, Zeus had taken his anger out on him and beat him up. That was embarrassing and now here he was in Japan at the Divine Mountain of the Shinto gods, Takamagahara. 

When Ares requested an audience, Amaterasu quickly agreed to meet him. Ares was the only male Greek God aside from Apollo who was not banned from Japan. And that was because he was the brother of Artemis a close friend of Amaterasu. 

"Ares, it has been many years since we have spoken. My friend Artemis does not speak much about you during our monthly tea gatherings. Now then, what brings you to Japan?"

That was to be expected as despite the fact they were siblings, Ares and Artemis did not speak much. They only shared Zeus as their Father, but they were radically different in everything else. 

"It's quite embarrassing to say this, but Azrael took my symbol of Power. He said if I wanted it back I had to go to Grigori to pick it up."

Amaterasu began to laugh as that was certainly embarrassing. As she did that, Ares could see some similarities between Kurayami's twin sister and Amaterasu. It was frankly uncanny similar especially when she smiled. 

(Image here)

"Understandable. Now, then what is with the creatures? Quite rare creatures I do have to say so." 

At this moment he had with him a golden Nemean Lion cub the size of a small dog, a white and black eagle chick the size of a big raven, and a pitch-black horse that was trying to bite him now and then.

It lunged to bite his face, but he dodged out of the way. 

"Azrael demanded Zeus buy back the Master Bolt or he would sell it to my uncle or Odin. These are the agreed-upon price." 

The horse in question was the same breed of horse once gifted to Achilles. As for this one, it didn't like Ares and he could not do anything to it. If anything happened to it, Azrael would be pissed. Cheating Azrael would end baldly so he was forced to swallow his anger. 

Amaterasu looked at the creatures and knew they would make great familiars for whoever would get them. Creatures of Legend all of them. 

"Ares, you are permitted to enter Japan. Unlike the rest of your family, you know how to show respect to women and don't force yourself on them. On another note, don't cause trouble during your stay." 

He nodded. 

"Of course. On another note, I wanted to ask you something. I fought a Fallen Angel named Kurayami Himejima. His twin sister looked nearly identical to you. Are you related to him?"

Amaterasu had a thoughtful look on her face as she thought about it. 

"A Fallen Angel? A Himejima?"

She pondered on this before she remembered something.

"Ah, yes. I know what you mean. One of my former priestesses eloped with Baraqiel. If that is the case, then they are my descendants. The Himejima clan was sired by one of my children and blessed by me. 

If that is the case, I think I want to meet them. I am going with you."

Ares shrugged. 

"Not my place to say no. Why the fuck not?"



He rolled his eyes as Ametarasu clapped her hands. Soon another goddess walked in and bowed.

"How may I be of help my lady?"

Amaterasu looked at the goddess and spoke.

"Inari. I am going to Grigori with Ares. I need to talk to Azazel about his continued stay in Japan. I hear Azrael is back and I would like to meet him again. His wife was a devout follower of mine and I wish to see how he is doing." 

"Shall I prepare an escort?" 

"No need. Ares shall escort me." 

Ares sounded confused when he agreed. 


The Inari bowed as Amaterasu and Ares vanished in a beam of sunlight.


Even though 2 days had passed after his return, Kurayami was still in recovery from his battle with Ares. Fighting a god while not even a Cadre had pushed him to the breaking point. It had taken every fiber of his being to simply match Ares and even then Ares had held back. 

If he had entered his Divine Form, Kurayami would have lost. The sole reason he was able to walk was because Akeno and Kuroka continued to cast healing magic on him. When he returned home being supported by Baraqiel, Shuri freaked out. 

When he had left he did not have the massive burn scar running down his right eye. It was a miracle that Akeno managed to save his eye, but his vision was not 100%. It might never be so Shuri had demanded him to rest. 

It was only now that he was allowed to move around as Shuri had decided to cook a large feast to welcome them back. She also wanted to get the whole family together which included Azrael who was the direct family to Raynare. 

This included Kurayami, Kuroka, Esdeath, Raynare, Akeno, Annabeth whom Azrael took as an apprentice, and Azrael himself. were all eating at Baraqiel's and Shuri's homes. 

However now that everyone was here and gathered Shuri brought up what she had wanted to ask. 

"Son, why in the world did you fight Ares one on one? Azazel sent you 4 together for a reason. It was supposed to allow you to reduce the risks to yourselves, but you disregarded that and fought a god on your own. Why?" 

Kurayami looked at his place as he reached up for the right side of his face. The slight blurry vision as a result of having his eye melted was a price to pay for the battle of a lifetime.

"I wanted to prove something to myself and it was the honorable thing to do." 

Shuri did not understand that at all. 

"Baraqiel, are you going to say something to your son?" 

Baraqiel shook his head. 

"I am not happy he almost lost his life, but we warriors are like that for a reason. Son, I am proud of you." 

Hearing those words made him extremely happy. 

"Thank you, dad." 

Baraqiel smiled with pride. 

"Of course. It is the job of the Father to be proud of his son's accomplishments. And matching a War god as not even a Cadre certainly is an accomplishment. For now, though, here." 

He reached into his pocket and tossed Kurayami some Phoenix Tears. 

"Use them on your eye. I can tell you are not seeing all that good."


Kurayami removed the cap and looked up as he dripped the tears onto his eyes. Instantly, he closed his right eye as the healing properties removed the damage caused to his eye by Ares' flames. 

The scar remained, but when he opened his eyes his vision was back to normal. 

"Thank you. That would have been annoying to deal with for the rest of my life." 

Now that he was healed, Shuri brought up an annoying cat.

"Kuroka, get off my son's head." 

As usual, Kuroka was snoozing away on Kurayami's head. She attached herself with magic so no matter how Kurayami moved her comfort was not disturbed. However, when she heard Shuri's voice, Kuroka perked up. 

"What I miss, nya?" 

Shuri frowned. 

"You are missing the meal." 

Hearing that there was food, she jumped down into Kurayami's lap before returning to her Nekomata form. When she did that it was easy to see how small she was as despite being 17, she was only 5'2. 

Meanwhile, at 14, Kurayami was 5'11 and he still had another 6 or 8 years of growth. Kurayami did not mind her sitting on him as she was light and small. A benefit of her being part cat. 

Shuri frowned at how forward Kuroka was. 

"Can you get off him?" 

Kuroka leaned in and rubbed her cheeks on Kurayami's chest marking him with her scent like a cat. 

"Why? He is the man I love so why can't I show my love Mother In Law? He is going to give me plenty of kittens some day." 

Hearing that brought Shuri's attention to another point. 

"That reminds me, Raynare have you and Kurayami made progress at all?" 

Raynare was sitting right next to Kurayami, but unlike Kuroka she was not that forward. She blushed as the attention was on her now. 

"No. Not yet. I am giving him time." 

Shuri frowned as she looked at her son. 

"Kurayami, I don't mean to pry, but why are you holding back? I know you well enough and I can see how you look at Raynare and Esdeath. What makes Kuroka different? You allow her to be so forward, but keep them at a distance. 

Why do you treat them so differently?"

Kuroka stopped what she was doing and got off his lap. She stopped joking and smiled as she placed a hand on his shoulder. She walked off to serve herself a plate of food as Kurayami pondered on this fact. 

He looked at his plate as he stayed quite for a few minutes. The difference between them was that Raynare and Esdeath were waiting for him to make a move. Kuroka did not care about that and made the first move herself. 

He cared for them equally, but Kuroka's forwardness was something he liked. She knew what she wanted and she was going to get it. As for Raynare and Esdeath, he was worried that he could not truly love with emotions as dead as his own. 

'Can I even feel something as pure as love?' 

It was something he often asked himself and the answer evaded him. Just then Shuri leaned forward and smiled. 

"Raynare, do you love my son? Truly love him to be there when he needs you?" 

Raynare blushed as she nodded. 

"I do. I have loved him since we started to train together. He quickly filled my mind with him." 

Shuri turned to Esdeath. 

"And you? Do you love my son?" 

Esdeath giggled. 

"I do call him 'My Love' all the time. I do, he holds a special place in my heart as not only my rival but my equal." 

Shuri rolled her eyes as she turned to Kuroka. 

"You, I don't have to ask. You are obsessed with him." 

Kuroka grinned. 

"Guilty as charged, nya. I love the big buy." 

Shuri turned to Kurayami with a teasing smile as she saw his eyes glowing like light bulbs. His equivalent of a blush. 

"See that? You are quite loved so don't throw your life away over honor. But, I am proud of you for the man you are becoming."

Kurayami gave his mother a small smile. 

"Thank you, mom. I love you." 

"I love you Kurayami. But don't make me a grandmother too soon." 

Baraqiel began to imagine a grandchild and rubbed his beard with a hum. 

"True. He is only 14, but it's not like it's uncommon for that to happen. And a grandchild would be nice." 

Kuroka raised her hand. 

"I can do it. I turn 18 in 4 months after all." 

Baraqiel began to smile, but Shuri elbowed him in the ribs. 

"Wait until Kurayami is 18 at least. Sheesh." 


Everyone laughed at Kuroka, but Azrael stood up and clinked his wine glass to get attention. 

"I am quite pleased to see my grandson-in-law finally take that last step. I also want to say thank you for looking after my granddaughter. She was and is better off here than with me. I wish you a happy relationship." 

Raynare reached out and held his hand. 

"Thank you, grandpa." 

He grinned and ruffled her hair. While that was going on Shuri looked at the sword, Kurayami had leaned on the wall and the big black dog that was sitting next to Kurayami like a guard dog. 

"Now that I think about it, where did you get the sword and dog?"

"The sword belongs to Ares and the dog is a Hellhound I caught for the house. I wanted him to guard you personally. Right, Titus."


Titus looked just like a normal dog if you ignore the red glowing eyes and lava for blood. Shuri walked up to him and began to pet him. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the affection.

"You brought him for me?"

Akeno nodded with a smile. 

"Yeah. When we are gone we wanted someone besides Dad to look after you. What better than a Hellhound."

Titus suddenly began to sniff Shuri's belly and even rubbed his face against it. When Baraqiel approached Titus grabbed his hand with his teeth and pulled it to Shuri's belly.

Kurayami saw that and thought it was weird.

"Titus. What's up?"

Titus began to walk in a circle around Shuri and bark a few times. Hearing the words he was told, Kurayami did not know how to take it. 

"Mom. Dad. He says you expecting another child. I did not expect that."

Akeno rose to her feet in shock. 


He nodded. 

"Titus said it himself."

Baraqiel smiled and Shuri rubbed her belly in shock. She was not planning a pregnancy so soon. But while everyone was out of the house her and Baraqiel did get quite active. 

"Are you sure?"

Kurayami nodded.

"Titus confirmed it." 

Shuri and Baraqiel hugged each other as they looked at Kurayami and Akeno. Shuri was all smiles as she loved her children. Having more was a blessing. 

"Seems you two are going to be big siblings."

Titus howled to celebrate the news. Azrael grinned and walked away with Annabeth. 

"I wish nothing but blessings upon you. For now, I am going to Grigori. Now that I am out of my self-imposed exile I will join the cause once more. Azazel will be in charge, but consider me the last-moment guard in case something happens. Until then I am just an old man who wants to be a grandfather."

Azrael's 16 wings sprouted from his back and took off with Annabeth who had to return to the dorms Azazel built. At last, Grigori gained the equivalent of a Super Devil evening on the playing field.

Titus walked out the door and became a huge hellhound the size of an elephant and laid down like a guard dog. Shuri was worried her garden would turn into a lava pit like Tyrant. But, that was not the case as Tyrant had learned his lesson 

As for Tyrant, he was out in the front yard sleeping. Ulrik, Cain, Algor, and Elektra along with their horses were also all keeping guard. While they were here they always made sure to guard the house. 

Once the meal ended, Kurayami for once allowed Kuroka, Raynare, and Esdeath to sleep in his room. All this time he had locked himself in his room at night afraid his PTSD would make him do something dangerous. 

No such thing happened as Kuroka through out the night used her Senjutsu to calm his mind. He slept better than he had ever done. Akeno stayed in her room as she and Kurayami were not ready to admit what they felt for each other. 

Even for nonhuman beings that was a step that was much harder to take. Regardless, time solved everything. 


The next morning when they woke up, after eating they all made their way back to Grigori. The new Demigods were being drilled by their new teachers to unlock more of their godly talent. Just being the child of a god made them strong, but there was more untapped power. 

As for Kurayami, he had been allowed to return to light training. He was attempting something new with Ares' sword. During that time Shemhazai brought Sally with him as she wanted to talk to Kurayami.

When she saw him practicing with three huge swords the way they moved through the air was mesmerizing. He had Rebellion and Submission in his real hands as a 3rd hand made of holy flames emerged from his back to hold Ares' sword.

It was not perfect, but if he practiced he might be able to copy the Asuras.


He stopped and turned to her. 

"What's is it?"

"How is Percy?"

"He has been proven innocent and is still at Camp."

"Can I see him?" 

Kurayami nodded. 

"Of course. If that is what you want." 

Sally turned to Shemhazai who smiled at her. 

"Let's go now." 

The new love birds teleported back to America to visit Percy. Kurayami went back to his training after that. 


Meanwhile, Ares and Amaterasu were in a meeting with Azazel and Azrael. Ares turned to Azrael. 

"I got the animals can I have my sword back?"

"Kurayami has it. You can go get it yourself and deliver the creaturs yourself." 

Azazel began to laugh after hearing what Azrael told him. 

"Oh man, I can't belive you got brainwashed, Ares. You a War god, supposed to be resistant to that stuff." 

Ares frowned. 

"Lay off my ass. How was I supposed to resist when I never encountered something like that." 

Azazel shrugged. 

"Oh well. Now then, Lady Amaterasu. What do I owe the pleasure?"

She smiled and drank the tea in her hands.

"I have a few reasons for this visit. Most importantly, I wish to see my descendants, Kurayami and Akeno. They are Himejima after all and as such I would like to see them. I also would like to inquire about your continued stay in Japan."

He nodded and explained to her why he stuck around so long. He also knew Kurayami and Akeno couldn't stay hidden for long so he did not mind her knowing of his heir and his sister. 

"I am staying because something about this place and the number of sacred gear holders has increased in recent decades. The devils managed a town called Kuoh and being close to our enemy is a good strategy."

Amaterasu nodded.

"That is a good reason. Do you mind if I meet your Longinus users? Especially Kurayami."

Azazel nodded. 

"Of course. As for you Ares, You can give those creatures to Kurayami. He is the one the payment is for."

Ares stood up and took the creatures while being led by a female Fallen dressed like a maid. Her name was Mittelt and she was taken by Azazel as his secretary. She may be a fallen angel, but too cowardly for anything major. 

As such she had been turned into an assistant where she would not see combat. She led Ares and Amaterasu to the training field where they saw demigod training and it was far more intense than what they saw at camp.

Here, they were expected to master Mana control, tap into their divine heritage, and as Azazel wanted, break past their human limiters. Some of the more talented ones were already on the way. Clarise and her older brother Jack were such examples.

Jack himself was very close to doing just that. As such Baraqiel was paying extra attention to him and pushing him hard. 

"Jack, keep it up. You are close."


He continued to do as he was told. Baraqiel pushed them to their limits and it was working. When Ares entered the room with Amaterasu he noticed his sword on Kurayami's back.

Kurayami looked over and saw the small golden cub, the eagle, and the horse. 

"Ares, glad to see you." 

Ares sighed. 

"Likewise. Here, your familiars." 

Ares handed him the golden cub into his hands. He ran his hand down her back as he initiated a pact with her. As she was so young and his special affinity for animals his pact got accepted it easily. 

"Can I get my sword back." 

"Sure, here." 

He reached behind him and grabbed Ares' sword before handing it over. When Ares got his weapon back he smiled. 

"Finally. If that is all I am leaving." 

Azrael came up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. A thing about Azrael was that he was huge. He was 6'6 and Ares felt a mountain was on his shoulder. 

"How about you stick around? You are already here and we do need a new better trainer. A god of war must be able to do such a simple job yes?" 

Ares looked up at Azrael who was smiling at him. 

"Uhhh, sure?"

"Good. Stick around for a few short decades. 3 seems good. Any complaints?" 

"No, sir." 

"Good. Azrael laughed as he walked away. Clarise and Jack saw their dad get scared. Clarise began to laugh and Ares looked at her.


Clarrise went slack and saluted. 


She could not help it and began to laugh at the face he made when Azrael went behind him. 

Jack didn't laugh though. 

"Sorry dad. That was sad." 

Ares' glasses melted and he clapped making a big boom. Every demigod got spooked at the show of power." 

"I am Ares, who is ready to be drilled like a Spartan?"

Esdeath got excited at that. 

"Spartan training? Count me in." 

Ares grinned that she respected the spartans.

"Well then, let's get started."

Before he started, Kurayami took the eagle chick and handed it to his Dad.

"Dad. That's for you. It came from one of Zeus' divine eagles."

Baraqiel took it and looked back to his son.

"Are you sure? It would be better for one of you to have it."

Esdeath shook her head.

"I got Astor, and Raynare is not a good match for it. Akeno has a dragon already and so who better to take it than you."

He nodded and took the eagle and made a pact with it. As for the horse, Kurayami stroked its mane and it liked him while it rubbed Kurayami's face gently. seeing that pissed Ares off.


The horse snorted and Kuraymi understood it.

"He said he thinks you are ugly and a spoiled brat. He also says you are ugly." 

The horse nodded and snored again.

"You want to be my familiar as well. Sure thing." 

The horse nodded as he made a pact with it as well. Most only get one familiar, but it is because strong families are hard to tame. he makes it look easy because of his connection to animals and his unique powers.

The lion cub he thought of a name before Aurora came to mind and the horse he named Blitz. As Ares got busy, Amaterasu looked at the Kurayami and Akeno. She also glanced at Esdeath and Raynare, but she focused on her descendants. 

She could feel the distant connection as Himejima, but more importantly, she could see both of them were waking up traces of her heritage. What this would mean she did not know. 

She looked at Azazel and smiled.

"I can say Grigori will grow stronger in the future. I also want to speak more at length at a potentiol alliance. More importantly, Kurayami, Akeno can you come here for a moment?" 

Both of them walked up to her, but she instantly hugged both of them. They both were surprised, but they did not push her off. She smiled once she saw both of them growing to be strong with the name Himejima. 

"I wish you two great bountiful lives, my descendants. I also swear I will get the Himejima clan to stop pursuing your poor mother. 

Kurayami was happy to hear it. 

"Thank you."

Akeno hugged her back with a smile.

"We are grateful for this." 

She smiled at both of them as she let go.

"Think of me as a distant relative. Even a grandmother if you want that." 

At that moment she looked at Ares and glared at him.

"Unlike you Greeks who have kids and not look after them? It is sick. Look at these kids, so irresponsible."

One camper agreed. He was a son of Hermes and he never met his father.

"They just have us and as demigods monsters are attracted to us. They don't even protect us either."

Ares did not refute the kid's words, but it sucked to hear it. 

"Zeus' rules."

She hated Zeus to the core because of his rapist antics. She shook her head and bowed goodbye to Kurayami and Akeno as she swore to stop the Himejima clan from going after Shuri. She would give a verdict to no longer pursue their family and any that did would be excommunicated.

"I wish you all a farewell. I will keep in touch."

Kurayami and Akeno both waved goodbye to her as she felt like family. She left in a stream of sunlight and Kurayami thought she was quite different from the Greeks.

'She seemed calmer, less violent, and overall more understanding.'

While the Greeks seemed like spoiled children with power she seemed like a mature mother or grandmother. He shrugged and focused on his new pets. Tyrant saw them and scoffed as he was determined to become a dragon.

Dragons were supreme in his view which was not wrong at all. As for Ulrik, she respected them as the chosen of his Master. His great Master who he vied as an all-powerful god of Death and Light. He could do no wrong in his eyes.