
strange things happen one after another(1)

Riding bus after college feels not good nowadays,

when you see your classmates have their own motorcycle then you also want have that freedom but its not possible because you have your home at 50 km from college and your mum doesn't want you to ride motorcycle for college. Here a lot of your classmates lives in college hostel which has just 3 km distance from college, but lots of students have there own motorcycle for this.

Before starting of this year semester, I requested father to allow me to live in hostel, but denied. Even mother said that there in hostel you will face a lot problems like doing laundry by yourself, low quality mess food etc. so, after that argument I never said about living in hostel again in front of my parents.

Suddenly, Bus came to abrupt holt and my wondering mind came to reality. After some enquiry I got the reason behind this stop. Bus tires need to changed before it run again, so I got out from bus and started to look around. conductor said that they need at least half an hour before bus will start again, so I started to walk around the edge of road. weather is very nice right at the moment because of rain pouring down throughout the day but right now no raining is happening. after crossing some half a kilometer distance it feels that it's going to rain again so i got a cover near a road side tree. I called the driver that they will pick me on the way.

After calling the driver, I called at home and infomed my parents about the situation and then suddenly lightning strike just on the tree besides which I am standing right now...