
Chapter 1 :The beginning

300 years ago anasteroide stroke the earth radioactive particles of unknown origin to spread across the earth causing a small amount of children to possesspecial abilities so people back then started with hunting and kill any child they saw with powers but those days were long gone, Now an academy was built so that children could learn to control thier powers and use it for the greater good.

The children of xuan Academy were classes the type of magicelement water, earth wind,fire &lightning each child usually posses one of these elements they are called mage only a very few amount of children posses two of these ability they are called grand mages

A couple of 2nd year students stand in class room as their teacher walked in

Teacher - Good morning class you may have a seat (everyone sits).we will be having a transfer student today (teacher calls in the boy).

Boy - Hey my name is Ayato sekai , and I hope we can all get along

students started whispering, Isn't he the one that watched his whole family slathered by those hunters called divine purge three years ago I can't believe that those criminal still exsist

Teacher - SILENCE!! (Class stop talking) Ayato don't mind them please sit beside um rin the seat to the left.

Ayato walks towards his chair

Rin - Hi my name is rin saiya

Ayato - yea I know (Ayato gave a forced smile and went back to his care less expression)

children started to whisper "how rude" "he's a Jerk I can't believe I thought he was a nice guy" rin felt differently and didn't talk it insulting.

hours passed by and and school came to an end.

Teacher - Okay class has come to an end so see you tommorw and Ayato remember that you should pick up your stuff and get asined to a dorm tomarrow okay it's not safe to be living out of the achedmy grounds.

Ayato - Yes sir

Teacher- okay class dismissed every one go straight to your dorms and get some rest for tommorw.

(This chapter has come to an end the author hope you like it . It will be updated again very soon please leave your comments below)