
Light and Dark Magician

Reinn Vessalius was an ordinary-boy who had a dream of becoming the so-called Ascender. With the earth divided into two sides, facing invasion, mythical creatures, would he remain alive in the midst of chaos? Witness the adventure of Reinn from being ordinary into a somewhat mighty existence as he faced with many difficult enemies throughout his journey.

Avrilean_ · ファンタジー
8 Chs


A young man around age 17 was walking down the streets. With average-height, pretty normal face, the man looked ordinary except for his eyes which surprisingly brilliant grey in colour. The man finally stopped his stride in front of a two-storey house with a little terrace above. As he paused, someone suddenly greeted him, "Reinn, your little sister seems in a bad mood now."

Turning his head, Reinn spotted a bald-man wearing a tank top, showing his muscular build. His forehead was slightly covered in sweat, and faint wrinkles could be seen from a close distance.

Smiling, Reinn replied, "I think she's always like that, Uncle Steve. What about you, uncle? Did you just workout at this hour?"

It's currently at 3 p.m. Who does exercise at this hour?

Letting out a hearty laugh, Uncle Steve answered, "Haha, we must always exercise to keep our body healthy." He then scanned Reinn's body before patting his arm, "Look at your skinny arm. If you were following my suggestion, your body would be muscular as mine in no time."

Reinn's eyes twitched slightly at the mention of his skinny arm. It wasn't his fault to be skinny, okay?

"Sadly, I prefer more slender, Uncle Steve." Seeing Uncle Steve's face becomes dissatisfied and looks like about to lecture him more, Reinn quickly adding, "By the way Uncle, I'm going inside first. I don't know what mess she'll create in the kitchen if I wasn't there."

Without waiting for his reply, Reinn quickly scurried away and entered his house.

Closing the door, Reinn breathed out a relief before placing his shoes upon the shoes' rack. Although Uncle Steve is an overall kind person, his weird trait sometimes irked him. His obsession with muscles often drives him mad. He could talk about muscle matter and praised how good his body was for like an hour.

Shaking his head to brush the thought off, Reinn proceeds saunter to the living room. His vision was immediately greeted by the sight of a slender girl who was lying on the couch with her legs swaying back and fro. Her black hairs were splattered across her back.

In front of the couch was a small table made from glass with a half-consumed milkshake placed above it. Seeing the girl was so engrossed on her phone that she didn't even notice his arrival, Reinn coughed to announce his presence.

Hearing someone cough, the girl seems startled for a moment resulting in the phone she held dropped on the couch. She then turned to the voice direction warily before a smile formed on her face as she exclaimed happily, "Bro Reinn!"

Her face was pretty delicate and still had a bit of baby fat, resulting in her looks younger than most folks around her age. Her lips were a little wet with a little of milk plastered over it. Her eye's colour is surprisingly the same as Reinn, a brilliant grey colour.

Ruffling her hairs, Reinn asked, "Uncle Steve said you were in a bad mood. Did something happen, Syl?"

Puffing out her cheeks like a chipmunk, Sylvia grumpily said, "Of course I'm angry. Which woman wouldn't be angry if they were ordered to have a muscular build? Uncle Steve should check his brain on the doctor! I couldn't believe a sweet woman like Auntie Patricia would be his wife."

Scratching his forehead helplessly, "Don't take his words into your heart. You already know his weird nature, so why u keep fussing about it? Anyway, don't talk about Auntie Patricia like that. Sometimes, love can make you blind."

"Hmph! I wouldn't be like her when I fell in love. I would find myself a prince charming who would take me a ride with a beautiful white horse." Sylvia said expectantly, with her eyes glittering in excitement.

"You're watching too many fairytales." Reinn shook his head as he made his way to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" Reinn asked through the kitchen counter as he put up an apron beneath his clothes.

"Chicken's soup!"

After his father and mother suddenly disappear, Reinn had to live independently with his sister. He was 8 back then when his mother received a piece of news about his father went missing during his mission. After that, his mother went grief for a whole week before deciding to search for his father on her own. His mother said she would be back as soon as possible, but there is still no news about them until now. From then on, Reinn and Sylvia stop expecting their return and gradually accustomed themselves by living depends on each other.

Fortunately, due to the merit his father achieves in the military. The government decided to take care of both of them until they turned into an adult by sending them monthly money. If it were not for it, Reinn and Sylvia would probably have to sell the house they currently stayed in to sustain their lives.

Finishing the cooking, Reinn carried the soup pot into the dining room and placed it on the table, "The food is ready."

"Yey!!" Sylvia happily runs toward the dining room.


After they both settled done with the eating, Sylvia asked curiously, "Bro Reinn, which school do you plan to enroll? You graduated a week ago, but you still haven't told me yet about your future plan."

Reinn pondered a bit before smirking, "That's a secret. I'll tell you later."

"Stop acting like a secret agent!" Sylvia rebuked before stood up and approaching Reinn and tugged at his clothes, "Whatever your choice, I hope you're not going into Military or Ascender academies, okay?"

Seeing the way she looked at him full of concern, worry, and many other complicated emotions. Reinn minds were brought back to the departure of his mother and father. Both of them are Ascender, and due to that, our family isn't complete. Even Sylvia had to spend her entire life without a parent's affection now.

Sighing to himself, Reinn gave a vague reply, "Well, I'm going to leave it to fate."


Since Sylvia only got home after a tiring school. They only talked briefly before she went to her room to shower and rest. Watching her figure slowly disappear, Reinn stood up and straightly away walked to his father's study room.

Turning the doorknob, Reinn slowly entered the room his father left.