
Chapter 5 For your husband?_1

"That Qin Zimo, not only is he ugly, but he also has a terrible temper,"

Su Xiaoli bit her lip, growing angrier as she spoke, "It's one thing to try to take advantage of me, but to insult you, calling you a 'disabled person'!

"They think they can insult and bully you just because you're sick."

"But you became my husband yesterday."

"From now on, if someone else is mean to you, I'll help you get back at them!"

The continuous chatter of the young girl weighed slightly on Qin Mohan's heart.

From a short distance away, he narrowed his eyes as he looked toward her.

She was thin and small, her tiny face the size of a palm, and her large, black eyes were filled with earnestness.

The information Bai Cheng had gathered indicated that she was a girl who grew up in her uncle's house.

With a mother who had committed suicide and a childhood spent in other people's homes, how had Su Xiaoli managed to grow up so pure and cute, so carefree?

After dinner, Su Xiaoli took a bath and lay down beside Qin Yihan, extending her finger to gently trace the contours of his face.

"Husband, you need to get better," she sighed, her voice low, "The things your brother said to me this afternoon were really unpleasant..."

Qin Yihan's eyebrows knitted slightly.

After a moment, steady breathing filled his ears.

He turned his head to look.

A certain little woman had already fallen asleep at the side of his bed.

He sighed, stood up, and picked her up, arranging her into a more comfortable position on the bed.

But he hadn't expected that as soon as he laid her down, she would spread her legs and arms wide, sprawling across the bed in the shape of a "big" character.

In this pose, she completely commandeered the large bed.

There was suddenly no place for him on the bed.

Qin Yihan looked down at the floor mat she had already laid out for herself and resignedly sighed.


The next day when Su Xiaoli woke up, she was the only one left in the bedroom.

Qin Yihan had probably been taken away by a caregiver again, right?

She went downstairs, had a simple breakfast, and then went off to school.

As soon as class ended at noon, Su Xiaoli hurried to the courier station to collect a parcel.

Not long ago, she followed her best friend Tang Luoluo into a profitable part-time job—importing goods from overseas to sell at nightclubs.

Leaving the courier station, she found a corner, unpacked everything into her backpack, and disposed of the packaging.

After completing these tasks, she slung her backpack over her shoulder and was about to call Tang Luoluo when a black Maserati stopped in front of her.

The window rolled down to reveal Qin Zimo's assistant, Bai Cheng.

"The Second Young Master is looking for you."

Su Xiaoli, still concerned about the contents in her bag, asked, "Can I say I'm busy?"

This was their merchandise, hers and Tang Luoluo's, and she still had to deliver it to Tang Luoluo and together they would plan out the sales route for the evening.

"I'm afraid that's not possible."

Bai Cheng smiled faintly, "Don't forget, the Second Young Master still has control over the cooperation funds with the Su Family."

Su Xiaoli frowned, "But he has already signed the contract!"

Bai Cheng smiled again, "The Second Young Master says he is no gentleman; he can break the contract anytime."

Su Xiaoli: "..."

Reluctantly getting into the car, she quietly sent a message to Tang Luoluo from the back seat.

After settling the time to meet Tang Luoluo in the afternoon, she looked up and saw they had stopped outside a five-star hotel in Rongcheng.

Su Xiaoli felt a sinking feeling.

Why did Qin Zimo want to meet her in a hotel?

Bai Cheng got out of the car and gestured for her to follow.

Su Xiaoli followed Bai Cheng, her unease growing with each step.

What exactly does Qin Zimo want to do?

Although he did say yesterday that after signing the contract, she would have to agree to one of his conditions.

But... she didn't say she would agree to this kind of condition!

In the end, Bai Cheng took her to a presidential suite on the top floor.

In the room, Qin Yihan, wearing a silver mask, was elegantly leaning on the sofa looking at some documents.

His indifferent and serious demeanor didn't seem like he had any ill intentions towards her.

Su Xiaoli carefully walked in.

But unexpectedly, just as she entered, Bai Cheng "bang" shut the door behind her.

In an instant, in this enclosed suite, only she and Qin Zimo in front of her were left!

Alarm bells rang in Su Xiaoli's heart!

She remembered the words this man had said to her in the office yesterday...

Almost instinctively, she covered her chest, angrily glaring at Qin Yihan, "What do you want to do!"

"I am your sister-in-law! Once a sister-in-law... always a sister-in-law!"

"I'm warning you, don't harbor any crooked thoughts, I am Qin Yihan's wife!"

The fingers of the man looking at the documents moved slightly.

Had she misunderstood something?

The man closed the documents, his gaze cool, "Why can't I harbor crooked thoughts towards Qin Yihan's wife?"

Su Xiaoli's heart tightened fiercely, he indeed was harboring improper intentions towards her.

Seeing him coming closer and closer, she hurriedly picked up a pillow and threw it at him, "You... I'm warning you not to come closer!"

"I am your sister-in-law!"

The thrown pillows, each one was effortlessly caught by Qin Yihan.

In the end, Su Xiaoli had nothing left to throw, so she simply threw her backpack at him.

The zipper of the backpack had unknowingly opened, and when she threw it, the contents inside spilled out all over the place.

Qin Yihan frowned slightly, elegantly crouched down, and picked up a tin foil wrapped item that had fallen on his leg.

"Ultra-thin breathable, high-quality latex."

The room fell silent in an instant, the air filled with coldness.

The man narrowed his eyes, scanning the items on the ground.

Of the ones that were taken out of the packaging, there were easily fifty or sixty.

He looked at Su Xiaoli with a voice low and cold with restrained anger, "Why does a student like you have so many of these things in your bag?"

Su Xiaoli hurriedly crouched down and shoved everything on the ground back into her backpack, "It's none of your business."

After speaking, she raised her head, eyeing the one he was holding, "Give it back to me."

Qin Yihan narrowed his eyes slightly, clutching the tin foil wrapped item in his palm, and sat back down on the sofa.

The man crossed his legs elegantly, his gaze a deep and unfathomable darkness as he looked at her, "Explain."

Su Xiaoli frowned, although she didn't feel the need to explain to this man, he was after all Qin Yihan's brother.

If he wanted to make an issue out of this, it would be enough to give her a hard time.

So the woman pursed her lips, "I have this in my backpack... of course, it's for my husband's use."

After all, her husband was in a vegetative state, whatever she said wouldn't give her away.

Qin Yihan's brows lifted mockingly behind his mask, a curve forming on his lips, "For your husband?"


"Does a vegetative person need to use these things?"

Su Xiaoli gave him an impatient look, "Of course he does."

She walked over, trying to snatch the item from his hand, "He's just sick, his bodily functions are all normal!"

These things weren't cheap; missing even one meant she would earn a lot less from this trip.

Qin Yihan elegantly dodged her hand, holding the tin foil wrapped item between his index and middle fingers, his lips carrying a faint smile, "When does Mrs. Qin plan to use this thing with your husband, hm?"