
my world

I couldn't believe what was happening to me my heart was broken my boy friend just ditched me I have been crying all morning 😭😭😭

Maria pov:

hey everyone 👋 welcome to my story "life with the devil " I am an orphan I lived in a house that is about to fall on me and my besties, I forgot to tell you I have two besties name pearl and natalie my besties were extremely different natalie was an hot tempered person and was rude while pearl was kind and playful she was also polite when I got home I saw my besties playing chess


my besties were all surprised to see me 🤨🤨 because they all thought I went for a date with leonardo , natalie was the first to speak arile why are you crying 😭😭 I hugged her so tight and cried to my satisfaction she looked at me and said arile did Leo break your heart 💔 she looked unbothered and she said arile didn't I tell you I didn't trust that stupid dude with you see now see she said scoffed and walked away but pearl was bothered she told me I was going to be okay

I always wanted to write my own story and now am writing mine life with the devil

Nazrul_Khan_3264creators' thoughts