

About a life where teenage make lots of fun and mistake, and they try to solve there all problem in adulthood ............

_ASTS_ · ファンタジー
5 Chs

CHAPTER --1 The beginning part:- BIRTH TIME.......


( The year's of 1997)....

In the big city there living a small family in a big house. This home is looking so beautiful and nice because of it's well decorations with expensive products. Ther have everything what they need. They are also a famous family in this city by their business.....

There also have a women who is pregnant and she is in a lots of pain. As she is with child so her husband take her in to a hospital. It's a good hospital in the city. As she have pain so doctors said she will birth a baby to night. So they are waiting for their baby. They have no problem and they don't have to think about money because they are in a good hospital so doctor will help them if there have any problem. After some time doctors said them they have a baby and he is become a father now. Doctor says that they have a boy. Also doctor say he is strong enough his mother is also strong they don't have to think about them. They are stable now. But they thought they will have a little girl this time. But as doctor say she birth a little boy so they are feeling a little sad. But they are happy with this little boy also as it's their child. Doctor said them if they want they can go back to home tomorrow. They have no problem and they don't have to think about money so they can stay here without any trouble.....

Baby's father is so much rich. He has a business of hotel and he is the owner of this hotel. So this baby is call by the name of prince of this family. It's their family business. Before his father was the owner but now baby's father is the owner of this business. He also have a brother, he and his brother is now leading this business. They don't live together but they do business together as it is their family business...

To night is very special for them. As they have a little boy now so they are so happy also....


In the same city there living a big family in a little house. There have a pregnant women who is feeling so much pain at this night. She will birth a baby and so everyone is wishing for her. Her mothe-in-law suggest them go to hospital. But they have not much money for going to a good hospital. So they go to a normal clinic. Now she have a lot of pain and after some time she birth a baby. It just happen whaen a baby boy born in the rich house. She born same night but different time. She is little of some time from this boy. It's a little home where a baby girl born in this night. Doctor come to baby's father and said she birth a baby girl. Baby's father is so happy because he is now a father. As they have not much money but he is so happy with his child. In a sudden doctor also said that baby and her mother is so weak they need more nutrition because mother can't feed her. So baby is crying but she is not that much strong. How baby's father can buy food which is full with nutrition. They are not much stable and not more rich. When they haven't baby they could manage their daily life but now they have baby so he falling in tension. This night is so trouble some for them....

Suddenly wind is blowing so fast and thudding every where, little girl just born and she is so week and her mother also.....But they can't do anything because this baby is just born and so weak.....

This family is not so much stable for let her staying into clinic for this night. But doctors said they must stay here that night otherwise it can be danger for baby and her mother also. Now baby's father can't do anything without staying here. The father of this baby have a little restaurant but not so popular. They come to city form village for a better life. Before they come to city they was farmer and had a resturant also. Thos time his father was also stable so he did work but now he can't do work and as a single boy he can't do two work in a time. He have a brother but he is living in the city from before. As he is doing work from the beginning. So they come to city and doing their family business. But where they are living this area is not good for business but it's cheap for leaving. They are now leaving together with his brother...



whatever this two family is so happy this night, because they have little baby now. Obviously little baby is always beautiful and charming....




The little baby girl is crying a lot for food. She is so much hungry and she need food but her parents can't give her food. As her mother is so weak so she can't make food for her baby. And as her family is not that much stable so they can't buy baby food for her. But baby need food otherwise how she can survive. Baby's father also helpless because he have no extra money. His wife is so weak so she need medicine and he also have old parents and they also need medicine. But what baby's father can do now. His restaurant business is not doing well. So he need to find another job for make more money. But for now he have to manage some food for his baby. So he go to restaurant and making some delicious food. But as like the other day today's collection is also little. But he make some money and he will buy some baby food for his baby. Now he go to shop and buy some food. But it's not enough for baby. But it's enough for some day. He come back to home and give this food to his wife and talking about his job. He said to his wife.... " We need more money and if i don't find another job now our child can't stay long. So for our child i need to find another job. So i will go to city's main area and i will try to find a new job. " Her wife also know it will be good for them. So she is not stopping him. Now what they want is money.....

The next day he go to the city's main area for finding a job. Suddenly he saw some people is giving baby food by free. So he go their and take baby's food. He take it more because he need it more. After taking food he asked them why they are giving this food by free. They said.... "Their owens wife birth a baby so they are so happy and so that they are giving baby food by free..."

Now baby girl's father asked them.... "is there have any job that he can do. Because he need a job for his family... " This people show him a place and said him to go their. If there have any job then he can find from there. So he go there and asked for a job. They said wait for there manager. After some time manager also come and baby's father is talking with him. He said his all problem and he also said how important a job is now....

Manager is talking with his owner now. And he manage a job for him as owners have a good mood now so he give a job to him. Now baby's father is so happy because he have a new job now. Now he can make more money. But he is sad also for his resturant. But for baby he need more money and he have to do it. Now he is going back to his house with this food. But this is not enough for baby but it's enough for some day. He give this food to his wife and talking about his new job. His wife asked him which job he find. He tell her he find a job in a biggest hotel. About his work his wife is not telling anything because what they want is now it's money...

The next day he is going city's main area for his new job. He is working in a big hotel and it's an international hotel. He is doing a food service job. He make food and service food to the people. He is learning now how to make delicious food. As there have so many chef who know how to make delicious food they teach him. As he have a resturant also and he made food before so he is learning very quickly. He is doing well and making much money. He make a special position in owens heart in a some month. As he have a good personally and he can do good work so every body love him also...

After some day his wife get well and she can do work now. So she is working there family resturant. As his husband is workin now in a hotel so she is maintaining their business but it's not working well...


Two baby is growing well...

The parents of girl baby named her

- (zoume) -.....

In her family there have her Grandparents, Uncle and Aunt. Her uncle do job in a company. His salary is not so much, but he can carry on of his family . She also have a cousin brother. He also play with her and always stay with her. Girl baby is so buckish. Always do fun with everyone and make so shout also. Day by day she is growing well and she is gaining strength. As she is growing with love and with a good take care.. .....


One the other side the baby boy is so calm and always stay as cool. Don't make lots of shout and play along.....

His parents also named him

- (eunjo) -...

His is growing well with lots of love. In his family there have his Grandparents. His grandfather is Chairman of their family businesses but he give this business to his son's but as a responsible father he always take a look with their work. They love him vary much. Grandparents play with eunjo and he have a big brother he also love him. He is now a little prince of this family. But as he is so calm so he don't like to mess with his brother. His brother play with him and also take care of him....


(The year's of 1998)...

Now zoume is 1 year's old and this time her mother thinking their business is not doing well. There small restaurant is gona be closed now. They can't make profit from this place, because this place is not good for business. In this area there have afew people who come to their restaurant for eat or buy food. But it's not enough for their family. Now her uncle also can't help them. so painful....

So her family member decided to shift their house to a biggest place where they can make lots of profit.So they are thinking they will shift the main area where zoume's father is working now. So they are finding a good place where they will leave. They find a place where they can leave. As they are stable but not so much so zoume's father is thinking he will again start his old business. As he know now how to make delicious food so he is thinking about his old business. This place is good enough for business also. Now he is talking to his owner he will leave his job because he want to do his old business. He is very great full to them because he give him a job when he needed it more. Now his family is a little stable and they want to shift there and want to do his old job. His owner isn't forcing him. Because he know how family business is important. He is doing also a family business. So he said to him...." if you want to do job again then you can come here. I can help you again. You are such a good person. So zoume's father say goodbye to everyone and leave this place. And show how he great full to them...


Eunjo is also 1 year's old. He have an uncle and aunt who live in front of their house. Eunjo's aunt is with a baby and this baby will come to this world in this year. Today his aunt is feeling pain they go to hospital and after some time she birth a little baby. As they ar also rich so they have no problem with money. Eunjo's aunt birth a baby girl. Eunjo's mother is so happy with this baby girl because also want a baby girl but they couldn't make. But with eunjo they are happy. Now eunjo's mother can do take care of a baby girl. Baby girl's parents named her

- (suje) -....

Suje is really cute girl. She is only one child of her family. Her family is also wealthy. She is also growing like a Princess. Eunjo's mother love her very much. As a little girl eunjo's mother always take a good care of her.....

Eunjo's uncle... - ( mufu) -... and aunt...

- (anna) -..... is talking about eunjo and suje with

eunjo's father.....- ( xao-xi)-...and mother...

- (zona) -...Anna is telling "eunjo find someone who can play with him, suje will be lucky because she have a cute big brother.... " and they say together " anna you are right they will be good brother and sister. You don't have to do tension for them because i really love suje so much.....". Suje's mother says.... " i know my sister how much you love my daughter. And that's why i don't do any tension. When they will grow they can go to school and college together... " Eunjo's mother said you don't have to do worry they will do....


After one year.....

(The year's of 1999).....

When zoume is 2 year's old, her family shift a new place. This place is beautiful for leaving and good for their business. Zoume and her full family shift there. Before shifting the new place the previous one year they suffer a lot. zoume's father... - (zoulu) -.... and her mother.... - (lemu) -... start their business over again. When they new here they have to adjust first.....

But from the beginning they start making profit. Zoulu and lemu work together and they do hard work. Day by day they are doing best in their business. As zoume's father learn how to make delicious food from chef so he is doing well this time. This place is really good for their business. One decision change their luck....

But they take so much bank debt for opening their business over new. So they have to pay all the debt's money. They are so happy, because they are living well now. They always dream about leave a better life.....


When eunjo is 2 year's old, eunjo's uncle and aunt come to xao-xi's home in a vacation. In this time suje is 1 year's old. Suje and eunjo is playing together and suddenly suje fall down the ground from the cot, and she screaming mud. They though eunjo push her....

But they didn't say any bad word to eunjo because they know that eunjo is also a little child. But the reality is suje fall down by her mistake, and eunjo try to protect her but it's so late. Suje cut her forehead and immediately her parents take her to the hospital. Doctor treat her well and say " It's ok she will be fine. No need to wary " . After that they come back to the home. When eunjo's parents see this they fell vary sorry and say forgive his son. But eunjo is so little for saying that he is innocent. But he also feel sorry for her as a little boy. ....

But in the min time eunjo's big brother

.... - ( wang) -....come here who is 5 year older then him. Now he explain " actually suje fall the down by her fault. She try to take a toy from the corner of the cot and this time she fall the down by losting her control ". He explain all because when suje was playing with toy he just pass them and he saw his little brother was playing along in a corner of this room. So it's not eunjo's fault.

After that thay understand everything. Actually eunjo is vary active boy. He have a cool personality. His parents also know their boy don't like to mess around, so how he can do this...?...

Eunjo's mother was so much scared. She love suje so much but she got pain today so she also cry for her. Suje's mother can understand so she said to eunjo's mother she will be ok and don't you have to do any worry. Now eunjo's mother is talking about eunjo with his older son again that is he tell the trouth. Everyone know wang never tell lie. He is also a cool boy. The both brother have same personality.....

Their grandparents come here at that moment and said them it's normal that children will do naughty things but eunjo can't hurts anyone. Our eunjo is a vary good boy. Suje is so little so it was important you all can take a good care of her. But why you leave her alone. It's not eunjo's fault but it's all of your fault so from the next time you will take a good care of them. They are just a little baby...

Everyone listen to their older and they understands it's their fault they should have more careful about them...