
Life-type Beast Tamer System

Life-type Beast Tamer system suddenly enters your line of sight. You discover that a silver dragon fish can actually roam the seas under your enhancement! A majestic eagle can soar above the clouds under your enhancement... Then, you realize that this world is not simple. In this era where spiritual energy is gradually recovering, demons and monsters lurk in the world, bewitching and elusive...

Romop · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Chapter 1 Capturing a Big Silver Dragon Alive

"Come eat it, and I'll take you to become super god!"

Lin Tian squatted in a corner of the neighborhood, holding a black pill in his hand, looking at the alert black puppy in the corner, and said.

Woof woof!

Hearing Lin Tian's words, the black puppy hesitated for a moment and barked.

After a few breaths, under Lin Tian's gaze, the black puppy tentatively stepped forward and walked to Lin Tian's side with its head lowered.

With a slightly damp nose, it approached the black pill held between Lin Tian's fingers.

Sniff sniff!

After sniffing lightly a few times, the black puppy gently opened its mouth.

Then, the black puppy's eyes widened slightly, and its mouth suddenly opened wide.


It vomited...

Startled, Lin Tian hurriedly stepped back.


"Failed to attempt control, please find the next autonomous control target..."

"There is one hour left until the end of the novice mission!"

With the puppy vomiting, a series of messages appeared on Lin Tian's window.

"Oh my god, is this already the twelfth dog that vomited?"

Lin Tian calculated in his mind: "Hmm, there are also more than twenty cats that vomited..."

As Lin Tian looked at the black pill in his hand, he muttered, "Is this thing really so repulsive?"

Doubtful, Lin Tian once again brought the pill to his nose and sniffed hard several times but couldn't detect any odor.

"Only one more hour left... Where can I find a pet willing to eat this control pill?" Lin Tian sighed deeply in his heart.

"I've checked all five pet shops around the neighborhood, but none of them have a pet willing to eat this control pill... There's still one hour left for the task... In that case, perhaps there's still some hope if I take a taxi to the pet shops in the city center?"

With these thoughts in mind, images of the peculiar and surprised expressions of the owners of the five pet shops flashed in Lin Tian's mind because all the pets in their stores had vomited simultaneously

"Hmm? Ocean Palace?"

Just as he was about to open his phone to check the map, Lin Tian caught sight of a figure in the alley beside him.

The person was holding a tattered advertising sign!

Looking at the strange font on the sign, based on the faint traces of the words on the sign, the phrase "Ocean Palace" appeared in Lin Tian's mind.

Stopping his hand from hailing a taxi at the entrance of the neighborhood, Lin Tian dashed towards Ocean Palace.


"Young man, what do you need? Take a look around, I'll give you a discount!"

Entering the shop, Lin Tian was greeted by the smell of fish. He clenched the control pill in his hand.

"We've got newly arrived Phoenix Tails, in sapphire blue and rainbow colors. They're all pregnant, and in another three days, they'll definitely drop a hundred or two hundred fish eggs. Buying them won't be a loss!"

"And we also have kissing fish..."


As the enthusiastic pet shop owner kept introducing, Lin Tian discreetly passed by the fish tanks lined up against the wall, one by one.


As expected, as his hand holding the control pill passed by, the fish in the tanks all swam far away...

"Well, forget it. Let's just go straight to the city center. There are more pet shops there, maybe I'll have better luck!"

Seeing this situation, Lin Tian shook his head slightly.


However, just as Lin Tian turned around to leave, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

He suddenly realized that in the corner of his peripheral vision, there was a fish tank with a fish inside that didn't seem to be avoiding the control pill!

Furthermore, it seemed to be pressing against the glass of the fish tank, showing an interest in Lin Tian's hand.

This immediately piqued Lin Tian's interest!

"Yes, buddy, you heard me right. Last time, someone bought a few pairs of kissing fish from me, just like with a goddess... Hmm?"

Seeing Lin Tian stop abruptly after just preparing to leave, the pet shop owner was puzzled but then repeated himself.

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw a finger gesturing for silence in front of him.


Lin Tian signaled to the shop owner not to speak, then took a few steps forward to the last fish tank in the room.

Placing his hand on the glass of the fish tank, Lin Tian looked at the approximately twenty-centimeter-long silver dragon swimming inside, and his eyes lit up.

At this moment, the silver dragon, upon seeing Lin Tian approach, swam joyfully and occasionally bumped against the tank wall with its mouth.

As Lin Tian's hand holding the control pill moved slowly, the silver dragon in the fish tank also swam along, but its mouth never left the tank wall. It seemed like it wanted to swallow the control pill.


Suddenly, Lin Tian exclaimed softly as he stared at the silver dragon.

He noticed that this silver dragon seemed somewhat special.

Because just now, he thought he saw the silver dragon blink.

Blinking, a very ordinary and common action, wouldn't be surprising if it happened to a person or even to animals like horses, cows, sheep, dogs, or cats.

But to see it happen to a fish was simply unbelievable!

Yet just now, Lin Tian was 'unbelievably' blinked at by this silver dragon.

Seeing this situation, Lin Tian no longer hesitated and reached towards the mouth of the fish tank.


Lin Tian directly threw the control pill into the fish tank, causing a splash of water and breaking the tranquility of the Ocean Palace!


As the control pill entered the water, a silver figure flashed and swallowed it in an instant!

"What the heck, kid, what did you just throw in there?"

Seeing this, the pet shop owner, astonished and angry, shouted.

"Boss, how much for this silver dragon? I'll take it!"

With a smile on his face and his arms crossed, Lin Tian glanced at the pet shop owner and said.

At this moment, after swallowing the control pill, the silver dragon quietly sank to the bottom of the tank, motionless.

Lin Tian knew that this was the process of initiating control.


"Uh... One hundred and fifty, I'll give you a twenty percent discount, one hundred and twenty yuan, take it!"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, the pet shop owner snorted lightly.

"One hundred yuan, including this fish tank!"

Staring at the silver dragon in the fish tank, Lin Tian said without looking back.

"One hundred and one, including the fish tank and specialized food for the silver dragon!"



A few minutes later, Lin Tian excitedly walked out of the Ocean Palace, carrying the fish tank without stopping, and ran all the way home.

"I told you so, you have to be enthusiastic when doing business. If you act like a snob all day, who's going to buy your fish?"

After Lin Tian left, a woman's voice came from the back room of the Ocean Palace.

"What do you know? It's just that I said this thing could be related to 'love'..."



Running all the way back from the Ocean Palace to the neighborhood and then to his home without stopping for a moment!

Now, Lin Tian was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at the fish tank on the coffee table in front of him.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, Lin Tian realized a problem!

From the Ocean Palace to home, it's almost a distance of over two kilometers!

No flushed face? No pounding heart? Not out of breath? Climbing six flights of stairs in one go?

Looking at the silver dragon in the fish tank, Lin Tian was skeptical: and still carrying such a big fish tank...

Normally, let alone over two kilometers, just climbing six flights of stairs would leave Lin Tian gasping for breath and his legs weak...


In the midst of Lin Tian's doubt, a buzzing sound suddenly came to his ears.

In his line of sight, a fly flapped its wings slowly, flying past.

Its slow speed allowed Lin Tian to clearly see a bit of brown substance on the fly's wings!

At the same time, there was a cacophony in Lin Tian's ears.

Click click click~! Tap tap tap~! Clap clap clap~!

Unconsciously, Lin Tian followed the noise.

Lin Tian saw spiders preying in the corner, their knife-like claws inserted into a trembling mosquito's abdomen; ants carrying food residues through floor cracks; and ladybugs taking off from the window screen...

Everything happened so suddenly that, just as Lin Tian was astonished, everything suddenly disappeared.

"Huh? Just now was..."

As Lin Tian hummed lightly, he suddenly felt a sticky sensation on his forehead.

It was as if something was stuck to it.

Reaching out, Lin Tian found nothing: "Wait a minute, in this position... isn't this the mind sea?"


"Autonomous control successful! Newbie task completed..."

The sudden appearance of the message on the window made Lin Tian stunned, then overjoyed.

With a thought, information appeared in both Lin Tian's mind and on the window.

"Welcome to the Life-based Beast Tamer System..."

[Host Information]

Name: Lin Tian

Occupation: Junior Beast Tamer

Mind Sea Status: Opened

Beast Taming: Silver Dragon (Click to view details)

[Task List]

Task 1: Autonomous control of a pet (completed)

Task Reward: Newbie Gift Pack (to be received)

Task 2: Complete a beast's evolution (not received)

Lin Tian already had a general understanding of this Life-based Beast Tamer System. Looking at the host information section, Lin Tian nodded: "Indeed, it was the opening of the mind sea!"

At this moment, with the appearance of the system's panel frame information on the window, Lin Tian felt a slight warmth in his forehead position.

It was as if there were surges of heat emerging.

Just as Lin Tian had this feeling, strands of delicate threads suddenly appeared in his line of sight, like spider silk.

As these delicate threads appeared, they poured into his body, and soon Lin Tian felt a tingling sensation spreading throughout his body.

A feeling of relaxation washed over him, making Lin Tian feel exceptionally light, as if someone had given him a supreme Thai massage...

"So this is spiritual power..."

Feeling the relaxed sensation spreading throughout his body, Lin Tian gathered the spiritual threads bursting from his forehead and carefully observed them on his fingers.

Lin Tian focused again on the information window, and seeing the Silver Dragon, he directly clicked to view the detailed information.

"[Silver Dragon]

Quality: Ordinary

Beast Skill: Water Bullet

Evolution Times: 2

PS: Completing evolution times can improve the quality of the beast."

"Ordinary quality... Water Bullet skill... Evolution times to improve quality?"

Reading the virtual panel information appearing on the window, Lin Tian nodded repeatedly.

These pieces of information were not difficult for Lin Tian to understand.

"Task 2: Complete the evolution of the Silver Dragon. Task Reward: Spirit Replenishing Pill.

Materials required for the Silver Dragon's evolution: Iron Essence Sand *20 Jin, White Poplar Wood *20, Fire Rock *20, Spirit Pearl *2."

"Spirit Replenishing Pill as a task reward? It seems to be a pill for replenishing spiritual power."

Lin Tian knew that such pills were life-saving items.

Seeing the required materials for the evolution task, Lin Tian muttered, "These materials shouldn't be difficult to find."

Iron Essence Sand could be obtained by using a magnet to extract black powder from sand, which could be easily purchased online.

Fire Rock could also be purchased online.

As for White Poplar Wood, Lin Tian remembered that there were many white poplar trees planted not far from the neighborhood on the roadside.

When Lin Tian saw the last material needed for the Silver Dragon's evolution task, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Spirit Pearl? What's a Spirit Pearl? A pearl formed from spiritual energy? How do I get it!"

"This system has a search function, so I might as well try it out!"

Lin Tian whispered to himself and looked at the 'magnifying glass' at the top of the virtual framework in front of him, then gently touched it to click.

Entering the word 'Spirit Pearl', the screen quickly changed, and new information appeared on the window.

"Spirit Pearl: Obtained by killing Yin Spirits. The number of Spirit Pearls obtained varies depending on the strength of the Yin Spirits...

Yin Spirits: A type of creature that exists in the world in a spiritual form, difficult to find with the naked eye, but can not escape the detection of spiritual power..."

"Killing Yin Spirits?"

Seeing the explanation about Yin Spirits, Lin Tian raised an eyebrow slightly: "Difficult to find with the naked eye, difficult for ordinary people to see... Requires the detection of spiritual power..."

"So, does that mean I just need to gather spiritual power in my eyes?"

As he spoke, Lin Tian's thoughts moved, and the spiritual threads that had gathered on his fingers slowly attached to his eyes.

Although the process was somewhat unfamiliar, Lin Tian found it not difficult to manipulate.

The opening of the mind sea made Lin Tian naturally affinity with the spiritual power within it.

With spiritual power fully gathered in his eyes, the ants in the floor cracks, the spiders eating mosquitoes in the corners, the trembling spider webs, and even the fly stealthily touching the back of the sofa behind Lin Tian, all appeared in his sight again.

Lin Tian even noticed that within a range of about three meters, even the dust in the air was clearly visible to him.

Anything beyond this range couldn't be explored in such detail.

"Under this spiritual power detection, any Yin Spirit approaching within three meters of me will have nowhere to hide!"

In a moment, when Lin Tian felt the spiritual threads on his eyes weakening slightly, he withdrew them back into his mind sea with a thought.


As Lin Tian's voice fell, there was suddenly a splash of water coming from the fish tank on the coffee table.

The Silver Dragon in the fish tank blinked at Lin Tian and swam happily.

Seeing this, Lin Tian grinned, "From now on, you'll be with me. I haven't given you a name yet..."

"You're the first pet I've ever controlled, and you're also a Silver Dragon... In that case, let's call you Longyi!"

Resting his chin on his hand, Lin Tian pondered for a moment.


Hearing the name 'Longyi', the Silver Dragon in the fish tank blinked its eyes again and swam even more joyfully.

"Haha, alright, from now on, you'll be called Longyi!"

Lin Tian laughed.