
Life Simulation: Rage Of Gods

As many problems was happening like virus, natural disasters, and other things. Humanity started praying for god to forgive their sins, and save them from all these continue calamities. Gods took the pity on the humanity, but as they cannot directly interfere with the mortal world. They had send a incarnation of god to help the humanity in this dangerous period. But, discovering that gods can not enter the mortal world directly, the greed of humans overcame them, as they want the power of gods for them. So, humans started experimenting on him as his power was still in growing phase. This whole experimenting things were first opposed by some people, but after that all humans readily agree to do the experiments. In experiments, humans discovered some things regarding the power of gods but it killed the incarnation of gods. As the gods got to know about this they all got enraged and started to cause the mess and disasters on earth while humans used the result of the experiments to gain some powers. Which can only be possible for some people. In process of giving powers, many people died. The process of giving powers simplified, and can check who can awaken these powers. A man who had suffered due to the two faced humans all his life, died, and born as newborn angel and got system of life simulation, while he lost the almost all the memories of his human life. What will happen with this angel with human soul in this war between the fight of gods and humans? And does demons will still watching all this or will do something big? Only time will tell. Which side will this angel with human soul will choose?

Nemesis_Writer · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Fighting with the Fate, Getting to know the Author

In Country Nathepic, a third-grade hospital in Sebar City.

The crisp and clear cry of a baby sounded from the delivery room.

A baby boy was born.

He cried loudly, and it could even be said that he was full of energy, although a little frail body.

Amidst the loud cry, the baby boy's lungs breathed in the fresh air happily.

This baby boy was Genesis.

The female doctor carried the wrinkled baby and placed him into the incubator.

"Congratulations. Your baby's cries are loud and clear, and his body status is a little frail. But, if you take good care of the child for initial few months. He will definitely grow up healthily in the future."

The corner of Genesis's mother's mouth curled up with a maternal smile. But, in inside her heart, she was a little worried at what doctor said.

Father was also excited. Apart from taking care of his wife, he would also lie on the side of the incubator and make faces to entertain Genesis.

Unfortunately, Genesis was in no mood to laugh.

Sorrow lingered on his wrinkled face.

Sigh. He felt bitter in his heart.

When he was two years old, he would have a serious injury in the head, and become a mentally ill with little and low intelligence. Although, this incident can be avoided easily but there is also a hidden factor of the author of this world.

It was commonly known as being a retard.

From then on, his life's tragedy began.

If he did not reverse this tragic event that affected fate, he wouldn't be able to change the fate, and influence great part in this simulated life.

If he couldn't do it, he wouldn't be able to get the good rewards.

His life in the main world would also be filled with darkness, with the lack of memories, facing the primordial with his little power, and many more.

Genesis thought quickly. "If I want to solve the all things, including one I would encounter at 2 years old, I need to take it step by step and plan it out bit by bit."

"There are only two reasons for this major injury. One is the internal cause, and the other is the external cause."

Genesis, who had the knowledge of angel race, god race, and human racee, realized that although the knowledge from the main world was blocked, he could still access the basic knowledge from his previous life.

He could skillfully use elimination methodology.

"There are many external causes, and I can't eliminate them for now."

"As for internal causes, I'll first deduce my health condition and eliminate some of it."

As he thought about this, Genesis tried activating his angelic powers.

With a thought, the angelic powers began appearing but then angelic powers stopped at the next moment, as something is stopping the use of it.

Next moment a figure of the boy appeared in front of him, this figure of boy was like the hologram, and hologram said while smiling like he know everything," Oh, you are here, so, you are one trying to change everything, well, you can think in your mind to answer me, i will be able to listen to it, as you are a baby now, you wouldn't be able to answer me physically."

Genesis at first was very surprised at first but then remembering about the author, he guessed that this person is author.

"I am here for some reason, i can't tell you do that, but i knew that authors want their stories to be good, but your story ends with incomplete and bad ending and i can help you with that it may improvs the impression of reader of you novel." - Genesis said remembering some of the details on the authors from his past lives.

"And in turn what do you want from me." author said with the smirk.

"Well, this world is going to be riddled with viruses and many similar problems, so, i want you to allow me to use my angelic powers in this world." Genesis spoke in mind.

"You know what, if i allow you to use your angelic power, it would be completely boring, because with all powers you can just solve all problems with just a snap. So, what do you think i should do?" Author

"If that's the case, then how about just giving me permission to use the identify skill, and there is a lot of things in it for you." genesis speak with a touch of laugh in it.

Author got shocked hearing the remarks of genesis and still asked to know more," what is there for me."

"You know your real world where you live does not support the powers, otherwise would have a power but that does support the technology, and if you let me use my this sill in here this world then when i am about to go, i will pass on the all information and technology that i have invented in here to you and you can make a name for yourself both as a writer as i would improve the story by participating in the world and as a scientist by having my scientific knowledge that i would invent. Now, tell me, what so you think i should you" Genesis said while speaking last line in the sarcastic tone as to remind that author had used the same line to him but now situation have reversed.

"Okay, let's do this." Author said immedately to seal the deal.

"Is that a deal?" Genesis said teasingly.

"Yeah, that's a deal, but remember as you have come into contact with me for such a long time then you have to through the world connection, you would have to suffer some problems in your this life, and i can't help you in this, but don't worry about anyone knowing about our this conversation, no reader or any entity would know this as in this world of my creation and writing, my words are rule, and i am a ruler." Author said but with a hidden little fear that genesis would go back on his words as he mentioned facing the problems in this life, but it was destined and this contact thing was to make a reason for that, and he have no control on that.

"That's not a big deal, to have some problems, i would have to face many bigger things in the future than this." Genesis said remembering his declaration of revenge against primordial.

[ Ding! host has manage to come to a deal with the author of this world, and will be allowed to use the identify and inspect skill, but be aware of the bad things that you may face which would be even worse than the ones mentioned in the life simulation.]

Author time:- Do you little ones thinks, you can stop me from knowing all this, i am real author of everything here. ( uncontrollable laugh ).

Guys give your reviews and comments on the story, and recommend what should i add or change in the next chapter, or should i do as i am doing. Thank you for your support.

Let's meet in the next chapter.