
Life: Scetch

Scetch is a regular guy that lives his day to day life and has responsibilities just like everyone else. In a world filled with people that don't completely understand it. He spends his life doing what he wants. Trying to help some and teach other's. He meets people and makes friends througout his whole life. All until his life end's by the bullet of a gun that was held by a new recruit cop.

R4M · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Middle School

Scetch starts to leave at the sound of the bell but before he does he says that he'll see his friends later as he questions if they really are his friends. He walks at a slower tempo than he normally does to blend in as he slowly reads his schedule.

The schedule states:

{First Semester}

First Block: [Environmental Science] (Room Number: A206)

Second Block: [Algebra 1A] (Room Number: B126)

Third Block: [English 1] (Room Number: A105)

Fourth Block: [US History] (Room Number: B100)

{Second Semester}

First Block: [Physical Education]

Second Block: [E.H.] (Room Number: A15)

Third Block: [Algebra 1B] (Room Number: B126)

Fourth Block: [English 1] (Room Number: A105)

After looking at his schedule, he pays more attention to the first semester because he would always have time left over to focus on the rest. As he looks at the room numbers for his first four classes he goes to the first block with haste but not too fast. Being too hasty would draw a little more attention than wanted. So Scetch chooses to walk at a speed that's faster but not fast enough to draw attention.

He eventually finds the room number and walks into the door after having the teacher look at his schedule. He then looks at the room and pays attention to what's all in it and carefully chooses where he'll sit. He notices that a certain person seems to have a heavier atmosphere around them. He doesn't stare but after noticing it he decides to sit all the way in the back by himself. after sitting down he first listens and looks around a bit before doing anything. He notices how the other student's items are set and organized and then figures out the best way to set his stuff up on his desk. Based on what he saw there were five neat and organized students while the rest just put their stuff on the table and tried to not look messy. While a few did look messy in doing it but none of the stuff he saw was destroyed or severely damaged. So he then put his stuff on the desk in a way that he didn't care but not in a way in which his stuff seems to pour out like a mess.

He then quickly pulls out a number two pencil and puts his hands into position as if he is ready when he's just waiting for what everyone else is gonna do, especially the teacher. After observing the room for a while he quickly predicts how the class will go. It's a classroom mostly full of people that don't care about school and more than likely won't try to learn because they don't care. This leads to a low number of students that actually learn and try to make high grades. Either because of parents or because they chose to. Obviously, it's mostly because of parents because if it wasn't they wouldn't look so obedient. This only makes them look like they're supposed to do that, but that only makes them feel like they were programmed or told to do as such. But he also notices that at least two of them have added a little personality to it. So he sums up the class as boring and knows that the clowns will be the determining factor of the change in the class. There were a few that were late but those are the ones that he chose to pay less attention to.

As time passes the class eventually ends. He then quickly puts everything up and leaves the class immediately to get to the next one and only pulls out his schedule after he walks out of the room. It helps him not meet people, which helps people not know him. In his mind, he thinks that that is an easier and better way for everyone.

After seeing this the [Narrator] says "Well that's somewhat interesting. He seems more like a machine himself but his prediction might not come true. So let's keep observing to see if he's even right". The [Narrator] being filled with interest, goes back to observing him once more to see where this goes.