
Little beginning

It was sunny on 13th April 2012 the day I turned 8,my mom was busy peeling plantain to make dodo(fried plantain), my little brothers who are 6 and 4 are still fast asleep, my father was no where to be found. My family is hardly seen together, one or two members must be missing severally. "Graaceyy"! My mother shouted as if I have been missing, I didn't answer do she won't know that I've peeping through the window, I rushed and lay on the bed and pretended that I'm still fast asleep. She called and called I never answer, trust mother,s, I knew she was going to come in side and check on me as well as hit me if I was still on the bed. I jumped up immediately and met her opening the first door. You heard your name and never answered, what is always wrong with you? I hardly reply questions or words hence it was coming from my mother, because she might misunderstand and eventually hit my lips or whip me. Your brothers are still in there snoring because that is what they learnt from their Sister, you should be very carefully with me until this school vacation is over, unless you want to explain to the school teachers and friends the reason you got scars during the vacation... Nonsense!

Mom! Good morning, I greeted. I expected to end the tongue lashing "but No"

What is good and this morning from other mornings, I can never stay peacefully in this house with you around, always shouting and correcting your mistakes, are you not matured enough to control the affairs of this home, you we're sleeping when your dad left this morning without dropping any dime." Is this her provocation this early morning? My birthday morning? I then choose to remain silent to avoid bruises and getting hurt... This was how I lived daily with my own family.

Go out there and wash the frying pan and arrange the kitchen. Please keep my food one side, I don't want Mama Patience trouble. "I forgot to say that we lived at face me I face you apartment where two families share one kitchen, and two bathrooms that has toilet bowl in it".

Mama Patience is our troublesome neighbor that can't live without daily nuisance.

I left to the kitchen.......