
Life of the Royalties

Aonaran Aureolus Savellano is the hidden princess of the kingdom Sezchin. She is living her life with a bliss. With her spoiled brat attitude, a lot of people hate her but no one dares to mess up with her. Not until that guy came back, her childhood sweetheart. Destroyed all her plans and messed up with her. At the same time, her fiance, a prince from the kingdom of Salturesa also arrive on their country, pretending as one of her bodyguards. Problems after problems, Aonaran's has been messed up and totally not peaceful anymore.

Indolent_Baby · 若者
17 Chs

Chapter 12: Don't cross the line.

Chapter 12: Don't cross the line.

"Are you afraid of me?" He coldly asks and stops on his track and grabs a cigarette from his pocket.

I frowned as he lit up his cigarette but I did not say anything and just look away.

When did he start smoking? He said he don't want to smoke since I don't like the smell of it and my body is weak and it might worsen my condition.

"Is there anything to be scared of you?" I said and glared at him when he blew the smokes towards me.

I grab my handkerchief from my bag and covered my nose. "Jerk!" I angrily said and move away.

He looks shocked at my reaction but after that, he smirks and he throws away the cigarette, and grabs a V-fresh in his pocket.

He's still into V-fresh, huh?

I sneered and look away.

So what? It's not like I care!

"Why are you here?" He asked me coldly, back to his cold and serious aura.

"None of your business." I dismissively said and glared at him again.

His jaw clenched. I saw how he slowly clenched his fist and put it in his pocket.


My grip on my sling bag slowly tightened as I bit my lower lip.

Why isn't he shouting at me? Why is he not asking anything? Didn't he say before that if he'll saw me at a bar without him and he didn't know then he'll bring me home and scold me to death?

Then why is he acting like he doesn't care?

My heart ached so much seeing him like that. He really does not care about me anymore.

I look away and look at the cars in front of me. I slap my forehead when I realized that I swayed for a moment!

I just freaking think about the past and let my feelings devour me! That is just insane!

I shook my head and stared at cars in front of me for a minute but when I realized that one of our cars has been parked in the parking lot, I frowned.

It's not the one that we usually use. That car is exclusively for my grandparents, some visitors that are connected to the royal family that chooses to stay hidden, and me, who are purposely hidden. But I never want to use that car and besides my father agreed too that I should not use it since it would be obvious that I'm part of the royal family.

Who could be using it?

Could it be the Prince?

"Domenicus, where are the others?" I asked and glanced at him who is smoking, I glance at the floor and frowned.

That's his third cigarette.

"Cars." I got excited as my suspicion grow more.

The prince could be here!

But my mood instantly went down when I realize that it could be really one of them! 

"Ask them to come here!" I commanded him but I only heard his footsteps getting closer.

I sneered but did not say anything and waited for him. I scratched my nose and look away as I smell his perfume slowly claiming my sense of smell.

"I need them right now. Why aren't they doing their job?!" I pretend not to mind his presence and deliberately scolded his friends.

I gulped harshly as I could feel his presence at my back.

"What are yo-" My eyes widened in shock. His arms are wrapped around my waist. I could feel my cheeks burning when I felt his hot breath on my neck. His body is so warm that it feels like it's transferring to my body making me feel hot all over my body.

But my mind instinctively reminded me that the ma hugging me is a jerk.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted as I tried to struggle away from him.

"Stay still." He softly said and caress my exposed tummy. His breath embrace my neck again and it almost made me stumble, luckily he is hugging me.

"I'm warning you, Domenicus!" He chuckled and turned me around and held my chin tightly.

His eyes are staring at me coldly. "No Aonaran, I'm warning you." His hands on my chin slowly traveled softly until they landed on my lips.

"This mouth..." He is caressing it softly as his eyes are slowly showing a burning light that I've known for a long time.

I gulped harshly as my heart is beating like a drum beating crazily.

I'm so freaking right now that I could feel my cheeks burning like a fire.

This could not continue.

I need to stop this! I need to do something before I'll step on his trap again.

He then again, brush my lips softly yet harshly. It was as if he wants to devour it yet he is stop himself.

I took that opportunity and bite his finger hard. So hard that I could feel the blood coming from my lips.

"Are you crazy?!" He looks pissed and blows his finger while looking at me like I've grown another hand.

I wipe my lips and look at him.

"If I'm crazy then you are crazier." I blow some strands of my hair on my face. 

"Don't cross the line, Legaspi." I strongly said while staring at him angrily.

I purposely wipe my lips again and spit on the ground.

"Disgusting," I mumbled and decided to hail a taxi.

Butler Warren is totally with Domenicus's side! Since he arrived, he has always gone against my decisions especially when it comes to him.

Every time I tried to take revenge on him, he always indirectly stop me by telling me the consequence and making trouble, that old Riana will punish me. And after that, I'll just see him laughing his heart out with them like it was the end of the world.

I sneered and entered the taxi.

I know Syl is safe with them but I could not help but be worried.

I grab my phone and texted her.

"Syl, I'm going home and I'll never go out with you in any bar anymore."

Minutes later, I received a message from her and it said that its a picture.

I blink rapidly when I saw it. I even made sure that it is Syl who send it by checking her name many times and turning it on and off my phone.

But the result never changed.

It is still James smiling happily on the camera with a lollipop on his mouth while Syl is sleeping on the bed with her mouth open.

My eyes widened and called Syl's phone. The moment it was answered I instantly bombarded him with a question.

"Why are you with her? Did you do anything to her? What happened, huh? Do you want me to castrate you?! Answer me! Why aren't you saying anything?! Tell me where you are, I'm coming over there!" I ended the call, breathing heavily. 

After receiving the text, I instructed the driver to go there.

So, instead of going home, I went to the hotel, which is our own hotel, The AonaAuro.

"Did you find your boyfriend cheating on you?" The driver suddenly ask which made me think for a moment.

Why would he think that way?

"No." He glance at me and nodded.

But then, I realized that he must have thought that I have a boyfriend and I caught him cheating. And hearing me going to the hotel just proved his speculation.

He probably witnesses a lot of this that is totally normal for him.

When we reached the hotel, I paid him and opened the door but when I was about to go out, the driver said something.

"Miss, you should not assume things so fast. Maybe you are wrong. Think everything through and find the truth instead of only the things you'll see today." I blinked rapidly before nodding absent-mindedly and closing the door.

Do I really look like someone that easily cheated?

Yes, Aonaran.

You are.

My mood is totally ruined.

I've been constantly reminded tonight about what happened before. I know I'm stupid too stupid to trust them before, I should have known that they are up to no good.  

Well, there's no use in regretting now. It already happened.

I went straight into the room with a key in my hand. I insert the key and was about to open it when someone from the other side did it.

My hands were left hanging, head looking down. My handshake a little when I saw two familiar shoes saying hi in front of me.

Why does this kind of thing keep happening to me?!

I cleared my throat, retreated my hands, and adjusted my posture. "You're here too?" I asked and pushed him so I could enter.

"James called me. He is scared that you might really castrate him." I sneered and look away.

It was just a joke.

There's no way I'll touch him over there! That's disgusting.

I look around and saw that they are complete, seating casually on the sofa while watching a movie.

"You all can leave," I said and opened the door again, and gestured them to go out.

They all just glance at me for a second before they turned their eyes back on the television.

I frowned and closed the door loudly making them flinch.

"What the heck?!" Lloyd.

"Bro, that's not cool!" Von.

"What a temper." Biejay.

"I'm going out!" James.

I ignored them and seat on the sofa across them.

"Ok. You don't want to leave? Sure. No turning back." I smiled softly at them and twirl my hair.