
Betrayal.....Or So I Thought

I am a single mother that served the ruler of Xandaq as a Dark Crow.The Dark Crows are a group of 10 most talented in their own devision tasked to protect the kingdom from whatever harm even if it means killing our of family.However,we were kept in the dark.I was the Mother of Grim.I assasinate threats and train assasins to do the same.I was the most powerful out of the ten.I have two children,one boy and one girl.The boy's name was Trandia and he was the little brother while his elder sister's name was Qansia.She was taught by the most elites of the Dark Crows and and grew up to be the 7th most deadliest woman in the kingdom as her combat skills are superb.She is now the leader of the Sacred Hearts sworn to protect the kingdom.The Dark Crows often used them as a cover up whenever something large scale happened.

One day,a unruly prince took the throne of Xandaq and discovered our existence and decided to reveal the truth to the kingdom.Exposing our existence was okay as we were tired of being in the dark and agreed with the king to only expose our identities but keep our own strength to ourselves.When the kingdom relised that we were in the dark the whole time and the Sacred Hearts was just a bunch of frauds they were beyond mad and demanded the Sacred Hearts to be hanged and staked until their bones are seen.And so I in advance decided to hide my daugher as the news that she was my daugher wasn't exposed.I brought her to my headquarters as a maid and hid her there.While I made Trandia look like my only child to the public as he was only 1 month old.The burning continued and rumours were spread that Qansia had buried herself since they couldnt find her anywhere since being buried was better than to be naked and hanged.Years went by,Trandia became a sacred royal knight and his oath was viewed by the whole kingdom.The king was dying,apparently someone decided to poison him.And his days were numbered.A few days ago he decided to choose a heir to the throne and organised a competition among the sacred royal knights and my son won as the strongest of all.As he was crowned prince of Xandaq.Yesterday the King died and he inherited the throne.The crowning ceremony had just ended and everyone but Trandia and the Dark Crows were present on the throne room.He raised his hand and said "Kneel before your King"in a demanding voice as everyone walked towards the four of us and restrained four of the Dark Crows including me."What is the meaning of this?!?!" I said fighting back."Zor,Wan,Tar,Ra,Qar,Lar.Stop this Foolishness"said Sha before being restrained and beheaded by Zor."Stop...PLEASE STOP.NO!!"said Vra before being beheaded too.....