
Chapter 1: Centuries Later

Satoshi woke up in the woods wondering what happened, the last thing he remembered was being destroyed by the Demon Lord, so why was he still alive and why was he the only one to still be alive, Satoshi thought this to himself in a sad tone, without anything alse to do he stood up and searched for people to ask where he is, however there was no person visible anywhere so he walked in one direction waiting for a person to apear.

An hour passed and Satoshi finally saw a town up ahead, a smile formed in Satoshi's face filling him with joy, "Finally a village, I hope there are villagers there" Satoshi continued to walk to the village and upon reaching the village a guard found him and asked" shouldn't you be at school right now?" when Satoshi was asked this question he thought to himself "Isn't school for children in a royal family so why did he casually asked me to go to school I don't even look like a noble? And also do I look like a child, i mean I look young but don't compare me to a child, in any case I could still learn something about this place if I go to school" while Satoshi was in thought the guard pulled on Satoshi's arm and sent him to school.

When Satoshi got to school he immediately saw that the students were almost the same age as him so he again thought to himself "Wait is school for people in their early 20 aswell?" Satoshi was confused, but he didn't ask anyone so he just went with the flow, while Satoshi was thinking to himself a young female who was the teacher asked Satoshi "Who are you young man? obviously you don't study here since you don't know how to greet your teacher, I am Shiori it's a pleasure to meet you" Satoshi immediately bowed his head saying "I am Satoshi it's pleasure to meet you too" the teacher pointed to one of the empty seats telling him to seat down and Satoshi followed.

After sitting down, class started and Shiori instantly asked "Satoshi what types of magic can you use?" after being asked this Satoshi was confused once again and replied with "Can't everyone use all types of magic?" after hearing this everyone in class stared at Satoshi "No one can use all types of magic, at most people can use three types and that is cosidered rare" Shiori sighed as she spoke "um is there guilds and quests here?" Satoshi said this once he realized that this wasn't like the world he came from, everyone's mouth began to open, has this guy been living under a rock? everyone thought to themselves, Shiori was so shocked that she couldn't answer properly "U-um of course there is... Th-that the reason your here in the first place... to get you a lisence... to join a guild that is" "great could you please tell me where one is I'd like to go there as soon as I can" Satoshi said excitedlly "well I can take you there after class if you want" Shiori responded without thinking, so Satoshi accepted her offer.

After class Satoshi Went to a guild along with Shiori, on the guild they saw plenty of people looking for quest, eating and drinking, picking up girl and failing, and some were even partying, immediately after entering a woman called out to them saying "Hello fellow adventurers welcome to the Sunlight Guild if you want to eat just find a seat and order, and if you want to find a quest just turn right you'll find all sorts of quest waiting to be completed" after hearing this Satoshi went to find a quest, Shiori was shock to see Satoshi looking for a quest, initially she thought his parents was here or maybe he wanted to try one of the dishes here, but he was acually was looking for a quest. A few minutes pass and Satoshi found a guild that he wanted to do so he took the flier and gave it to the counter saying "I'd like to do this quest please" and the lady in the counter asked "do you have a lisence?" Satoshi then reached for his pocket and handed over his lisence, Shiori was shocked after seeing Satoshi's lisence, she then asked Satoshi "do you think I can join you in this quest?, even though I have a lisence I've never acually done a quest before" "sure, I can use the help" Satoshi happily accepted Shiori's request, she then handed over her lisence to the lady in the counter, after handing over their lisence the lady said "Um sir, when did you get this lisence?" "A few year ago, the year 597" the lady and Shiori was shocked at what Satoshi said at first they thought that it was a joke but after seeing his serious face they realized that he wasn't joking "Um Satoshi tody is the year 997" Satoshi laugh when he heard this, but they didn't laugh along, so Satoshi's laugh slowly became quieter and quieter until it completely stopped "I can give you a temporary lisence until we re new your old one" Satoshi agreed with the lady, after he was given a temporary lisence he left the guild along with Shiori to go to the forest which the where the quest took place.

In the forest Satoshi and Shiori was walking to the center of the forest not saying a word to each other, Shiori took the initiative to break the ice and said "So what was the quest about?" "Oh sorry, the quest is about hunting a monster, an elemental to be exact, by the way you said you guys can't use all types of magic, so what types of magic can you use?" Shiori pridefully responded with "Remember when I said that at most people can use three types of magic, I can acually use three magic myself, fire, air, and healing magic, how about you, what magic can you use?" "Well I am strongest with dark magic second is light, but the rest I'm average" "So you can use all types of magic?" Shiori said this with a sad tone, it was like her prideful self disappeared "But your fire, water, and healing magic are probably stronger than mine so cheer up" Shiori's face was filled with joy and her mouth formed a smile "Thanks, Satoshi" just as their conversation was about to end, the land they were standing at shook and a rock creature apeared "it seems this is it, the creature we have to destroy is an earth elemental" Shiori was frightend after seeing the earth elemental that she hid behind Satoshi "Can we beat it?" "probably, if my magic work then yeah, but if it doesn't, I'm not so sure"

Satoshi held his sword and started running towards the earth elemental.