Our lives are based on lies. Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? Source: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/ARvRowAG7vHGdKNLTkxiJYLui3lx-dzTzeITNFVhXA-XA46gUs4Z1S8/
Andy's steps came to a halt as Shi Yi's voice reached his ears. His brow furrowed as he turned to see that she had stopped her training and was standing near the tree, her gaze fixed on him. Her fists were clenched, and a drop of sweat ran down her brow.
Andy said nothing, but his blue eyes were fixed on her.
Shi Yi took a deep breath. "I know that you don't fancy me. But why did you ma.."
Andy cut her off in the middle of her sentence, "What was it that I did to you? Right?"
Shi Yi gave a slight nod, her black eyes fixed on the masked figure in front of her. She bit her lower lip unconsciously.
Andy smirked. "Because I wanted to do it. That's all."
He paused for a moment before he continued, "You should be grateful that you are serving her. Otherwise, I planned a different place for you."
Shi Yi was stunned for a moment as her body shook, her voice cracked, "Why? I did nothing to you."