
Life of a soldier

Please forgive me I’m not good at writing and this is my first go at it.

Raven_Nightwind · 軍事
2 Chs

Leading up to basic

"I'm just a kid fresh out of High School what the hell am I going to do with my life?" Raven thought to himself while driving around town.

*Raven plugs up the AUX cord up to his phone then stomps the brakes* "fuck that was close."

Raven thanks about his buddy Emmitt and gives him a call. Emmitt picks up the phone "what's up buddy." "Man I don't know what to do with my life! I mean really what the hell can I do with my life?"

"Look man we just graduated high school what do you mean? You got your parents to look out for you until you get a job right?" Emmitt asks with a little bit of worry in his voice. "Bro, Right now I'm living out of my truck I barely have gas and I'm running love of money. They cleared me out of my money and then when I out lived my usefulness they threw me out I got no where to go right now." Raven said with a dead tone to his voice.

"Hell no, come to the house and we will talk ok buddy." Emmitt said. "Ok bro I'm on my way I'm coming from Lesseville I'll be there in a few." Raven says before hanging up. fourth-five minutes later Raven pulls his '86 GMC Serra in to Emmitt's yard. "Hey Emmitt I'm here but I'm not going anywhere till I get some gas." Raven states as he walks in the camper that Emmitt stays in. "Man grab a seat cold beer in the cooler by the door." Emmitt says while sitting in front of the T.V. watching No Game, No Life.

Raven grabs a beer out of the cooler while taking a seat "man I need something stronger then beer right now" Raven states to Emmitt. With a smile Emmitt pulls out a old dusty jar. "Take a swig of this if you have the balls." Raven gives him a blank look "man I'm already dead on the inside what makes you thank i give a fuck?" As he takes the jar and takes the lid off a strong corn smell hits him hard. "Bro how old is this jar?" Emmitt smiles and says nothing but "bottoms up pussy." So Raven did what no one else would he turned the jar upside down and polished off the whole jar. "See I'm no bitch" Raven states before cracking open the beer "man how old was that jar of shine?" Raven asked. "Let's just say it's older then 80 years old." Emmitt said. "How you feel now buddy?" Emmitt asked. "Like shit still bro, I don't know what to do with my life I can't get any jobs around here, like what am I to do?" Raven said with sadness in his voice.

Emmitt looks at raven and says "have you thought of joining the Army?" With a blank look on his face Raven reply's "Does it look like I can make it through basic?"